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Warning: this chapter contains mature scenes

Miyara's pov:

Several weeks had passed, Kiri stopped showing up to our group, making Rotxo more sad then ever since he became to enjoy her company more each day and every day he'd ask her where she was only to be told she didn't want to come. In the end after a week of sulking I forgave Aonung for what he did to Lo'ak. He became a lot nicer to everyone after that and actually began to befriend Lo'ak, so I was glad he was trying to change into a better person.
I still remembered how beaten up he was when I refused to talk to him for a week;

"You wanted to talk to me?" Aonung asked me after leading me somewhere more privately, I saw how hurt he was that I hadn't spoken to him all week and ignored him everytime he tried to reach out. I felt guilty for being so headstrong on not forgiving him, especially since the others had.
"I did," I said softly.
"I'm really sorry, Miya," he said with a lump in his throat and before I knew it he began to cry, "I'd take it back if I could, I was stupid and careless and I deserve your anger towards me."
"I've been angry with you for too long, it's not fair to you," I said softly, feeling myself beginning to tear up from the sight of his tears seeing as I couldn't handle other people crying, "I forgive you and I'm sorry for taking so long."
"No, you don't have to apologize, it was all my fault," he said as he grabbed my hands, "I was afraid I was going to lose you. I can't lose you."
"You were never going to lose me, Aonung," I said, "I was just upset with you because you fell back into your old routine of bullying and I never liked that side of you, when you changed a few months ago that's when I started to fall for you. You are so much more than a bully, I see that, why don't you?"
Aonung wiped away his tears and pulled me in for a long lasting kiss.

But now I was sneaking out every night for archery lessons with Neteyam and I was starting to enjoy spending time with him more each day, I was starting to feel conflicted now that I got to know Neteyam on another level. He became less shy around me, he made jokes and teased me, he'd tell me stories of his time in the forest or when Lo'ak would make Tuk swear infront of their parents and get scolded for it. He had a radiant and musical laugh and I noticed how dramatically his hair moved along with his movements, his eyes would sparkle everytime he'd talk about something he loved and soon he had a nickname for me that made my heart skip a beat everytime he called me by that name.
"You're doing it wrong again, skxawng," he laughed as he softly kicked against my leg to signal that I had the wrong position, "you can do better than that."
"I am only as good as my teacher," I shrugged as I saw him look at me in disbelief.
"Are you sure that's me? Because you keep following the Miyara steps instead of mine, Dimples," he grinned. There it was again, that nickname.
"I'm not!" I said and with a cheeky chuckle he came to stand behind me, placed his hands on my arms as he corrected my position.
"Don't miss this time," he whispered in my ear as he took a few steps backwards, I aimed at the coconut that Neteyam had placed for me to practice with and just as I was about to let the arrow loose he poked me in my side making me lose focus and missing the target.
"You did that on purpose!" I said offended as I dropped the bow to the ground. I heard him laugh behind me, being annoyed with him I wanted to turn around to face him, but I turned too quickly and stumbled over a rock I had not seen, stumbling forward in the process. I lost my balance and fell onto Neteyam, dragging him down with me and landing right on top of him, my head knocking against his.
I groaned in pain as I reached for my head but when I opened my eyes I realised I was still laying on top of him, yet I didn't move. It was almost like I was paralyzed, his hands on my waist from trying to catch me from my fall. My eyes met with his and now that I was so close to him I could see the true beauty of those bright, yellow eyes of his. I was mesmorised by him, forgetting about the world and my worries for a little while. I noticed I was leaning in, my body moving itself before my brain could give the command but I remembered.; Aonung.
I stopped myself just before my nose could touch his and jumped up from him, realising how foolish I was acting.
I could tell by the look on his face that he noticed it too, I helped him back up to his feet and he took this as an oppertunity to keep a hold on my hand.
"Are you allright?" He asked me.
"Yes, I'm fine, sorry about that," I stuttered, "are you okay?"
"I'm doing allright," he said and let go of my hand, "you didn't hurt yourself right?"
"No, I really didn't," I said nervously, "I actually have to go, because.. uh.. I just remembered I have to get up early in the morning to go on a date, with my boyfriend. Aonung."
"I know who your boyfriend is," Neteyam grinned as he scratched the back of his head.
"Great, me too," I said and frowned once I heard what I said, "thanks for tonight, I'll see you."
"Okay," Neteyam said as I nervously walked away, feeling ashamed for how I had acted, I didn't even know why I lied about my date with Aonung.

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