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Neteyam's pov:

"So, you vanished from the party last night," I said the next day as Teungyi and I both sat on our Ilu's chilling in the water.
"Yeah, I know," Teungyi chuckled, "sorry but it was a good thing that Miyara made me tell Yrritsyo how I feel about him."
"I heard," I grinned as she rolled her eyes, "I'm happy for you."
"Thanks," she said, "what about you? What's your deal with the ladies?"
"I don't think so," I chuckled, she didn't need to know about my feelings for Miyara because it could never happen between us. However the way she danced with me last night was a memory that I would replay in my head all day long.
"What is she doing?" I heard the cackle of one of Aonung's friends in the distance.
"She's looking at the sand," Aonung laughed, but I ignored it since I was talking to Teungyi.
"Neteyam, we should get over there," Teungyi said as her smile vanished, "they're talking about Kiri."
I turned my head around so quickly my neck almost snapped as I saw Aonung and his friends insulting Kiri.
"Are you some kind of freak?" Aonung asked Kiri as he watched her get up from the water and walk away. But they wouldn't let her. I waited before doing anything about it, I knew Kiri was though.
"He asked if you are a freak," his friend Niokä, who looking a little like the deformed version of Rotxo, repeated for Aonung as they all stared at Kiri.
"No," Kiri said as she tried to walk away once more.
"Are you sure? You're not even real Na'vi," Aonung snickered as he grabbed her hand, "look at those hands."
I grunted as I got off my Ilu ready to get over there.
"See," Aonung said as he showed Kiri's hand to his friends, followed by a loud laughter.
"You should stay here, Teung," I said, "I'll take care of this."
"No way, this is my chance to beat them up with a good explination," Teungyi said as she followed after me, "I'm coming."
"Hey!" Lo'ak shouted as he walked towards the group harassing Kiri, "back off, fishlips!"
"Ahh," Aonung smirked as he took a step backwards when Lo'ak walked towards him, "another four-fingered freak."
"Ah, look at his baby tail!" Niokä laughed as he grabbed onto Lo'ak's tail, "baby tail!"
"Leave us alone!" Kiri said as the boys had decided for Lo'ak to be their next victim.
Aonung tried to grab onto Lo'ak's tail but I pushed him away before he could, his smirk immediatly vanishing once he realised it was me who pushed him. Aonung glared at me but I didn't care.
"You heard what she said," I said pointing my index finger at him, "leave them alone."
"Ah, big brother coming to-" Oimliän began but Aonung pushed him back with his right arm to make him stop as his eyes remained fixated on me.
"Back off," I said with gritted teeth, "now."
I saw in his eyes he was debating wether or not to let it go as he took a quick glance at Lo'ak and Kiri before holding his hands up in defeat and taking a step backwards.
"Smart choice," I said as I looked at his other friends, "and from now on I need you to respect my sister."
I turned around to my siblings as I saw Teungyi comforting Kiri, I took Kiri's arm as I tried to lead them away from Aonung and his friends.
"They're all freaks," Aonung snickered to his friends, "the whole family."
I saw Lo'ak vanishing from my side and walk back to Aonung and his friends, my eyes widened as I turned around and hissed at him to come with us, but he didn't listen.
"My hand is weird, look, I'm a freak, an alien," Lo'ak said as he held his hand up for Aonung and his friends, peaking their intrest, "but it can do something really cool. First I ball it up real tight like this and then.." he punched Aonung right on his nose, followed by two more, leaving him stunned, "it's called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again!"
Kiri was just as flabbergasted as I was whilst Teungyi bursted out into laughter, supporting every move Lo'ak made against them and before I could even jump in to help she already leaped forward and punched Oimliän straight in his face. I scratched the back of my head and sighed before helping my brother and one of our new friends, who had grown to care about Kiri and just really wanted a chance to punch these guys.
"Stop! This is so stupid!" Kiri shouted as the three of us fought with the four of them but even she ended up laughing about it.

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