Facts & Extra

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Fact: I originally planned for Miyara to end up with Neteyam but I discovered that I had much more difficulty writing their relationship than I had with Miyara and Aonung's relationship and therefor I decided on having her end up with Aonung because not only did their relationship come much easier to me, I also felt like they had more chemistry and in the end I thought Seyza's calm demeanor was much better suited for Neteyam than Miyara's upbeat attitude was.

Fact: Yrritsyo was originally supposed to be Miyara's first boyfriend that got carved open by Aonung and that would've been Miyara's final push to end things with Aonung and get with Neteyam, I however decided that the whole 'who really cut Yrritsyo's face open' fiasco would not only suit the story better but it would allow Aonung to have a redemption arc

Fact: the girl on Aonung's seventeenth birthday that comes to congratulate him before Miyara comes with her mom and dad is actually Leykuzi who already had her eyes on Aonung, which is why she told Neteyam to back off Miyara because she'd expected him to continue his secret relationship with Miyara so she could have Aonung, but obviously her plan failed

Fact: before I wrote about Seyza I actually planned on having Neteyam leave Awa'atlu because he couldn't bear to see Miyara and Aonung so deeply in love with each other but I felt it was very our of character for Neteyam to just leave like that so I created Seyza.

Fact: I actually planned on making Lo'ak hate Miyara after she chose Aonung but since there was no bad blood between Neteyam and Miyara it felt like it was unnecessary to ruin their relationship

Fact: I was doubting on writing a second version in which Miyara ends up with Neteyam instead of Aonung but I'm still very much doubting if I'll do that or not since I had such a difficulty with writing their relationship.

Fact: in my early drafts I had Miyara roughly sketched out as a bully as well but felt like she would never be able to attract Neteyam if she was and therefor I wrote her more as caring and maternal.

Fact: Tsireya & Teungyi might be Miyara's best friends but Yrritsyo is het oldest friend, they met when she was four years old and she didn't meet Tsireya until she was six and really befriended Teungyi around the time she was nine years old.

Fact: I originally planned for Aonung and Miyara to have three boys and two girls but I liked the idea of Aonung being a girls dad whilst the boys would be clingy to their mother.

Fact: Yrritsyo and Teungyi were supposed to break up but I liked their dynamic of extrovert and introvert so I kept them together.

Fact: I mainly write at night because I'm more of a night owl, I don't function well in mornings.

Fact: I actually had Spider killed off in the early drafts but decided against that since I quite like his character.

Fact: I originally planned on having Miyara lose her virginity to Neteyam instead of Aonung.


Create your own 'Not So Perfect' life:

Your name & clan based of the month you were born:

January: Zelmira - Omatikaya
February: Maela - Metkayina
March: Yilaena - Metkayina
April: Alizee - Omatikaya
May: Kaiolohia - Metkayina
June: Caj'sa - Omatikaya
July: Saaru - Omatikaya
August: Bisera - Omatikaya
September: Na'ida - Metkayina
October: Fionnuala - Metkayina
November: L'ashay - Omatikaya
December: Danaë - Metkayina

January: Xanth - Metkayina
February: Ye'omra - Metkayina
March: Khrysa'or - Omatikaya
April: Sorin - Omatikaya
May: Ayan - Metkayina
June: Koda - Omatikaya
July: Einrì - Metkayina
August: Ivaylo - Omatikaya
September: Axlan - Omatikaya
October: Del'ro - Metkayina
November: Reolu - Metkayina
December: Mohan - Omatikaya

Who's your boyfriend/girlfriend based on the day you were born?
1-5: Lo'ak/Seyza
6-10: Yrritsyo/Kiri
11-15: Rotxo/Teunyi
16-20: Mo'iki/Tsireya
21-25: Neteyam/Miyara
26-31: Aonung/Fninrey

Who's your best friend based on your zodiac sign?
Capricorn: Yrritsyo
Aquarius: Mo'iki
Pisces: Neteyam
Aries: Teungyi
Taurus: Kiri
Gemini: Miyara
Cancer: Tsireya
Leo: Aonung
Virgo: Neteyam
Libra: Rotxo
Scorpio: Fninrey
Sagittarius: Seyza

Who is your enemy based on the first letter of your name?
A-E: Miyara
F-J: Teungyi
K-P: Aonung
Q-U: Neteyam
V-Z: Yrritsyo

Who do you end up with based on your favorite color?
Purple: Teungyi/Yrritsyo
Pink: Seyza/Neteyam
Orange: Tsireya/Lo'ak
Yellow: Kiri/Rotxo
Blue: Fninrey/Spider
Red: Miyara/Aonung
Green: Avaroa/Mo'iki

Let me know what you had in the comments!
I had Alizee from the Omatikaya clan, Aonung's my boyfriend, my best friend is Kiri, Miyara is my enemy and I end up with Neteyam. So that's this story in reverse or something.

Get to know the author

Name: Desteny
Age: 20 (since april 29 2023)
Place of origin: the Netherlands
Dream job: Tattoo artist or writer
Siblings: 1 (a little brother named Djesley)
First Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Second Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Zodiac Big Three:
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Aries
Rising: Sagittarius

Now that you know a little more about me, why don't you tell me something about yourself in the comments if you'd like, I'd love to get to know you better!

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