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Warning: mention of mature things (This is a very chaotic and girls night/ boys night chapter, you can kind of view this like one of those Skins episodes, the next one will be Aonung's birthday and in that one will be actual spice, anyway ENJOY)

Aonung's pov:

"So, tomorrow you're officially eighteen," Yrritsyo said as he had managed to drag me away from Miyara to go to that stupid bachelor party, whatever it even meant, "how does it feel?"
"Like you robbed one of the last nights I have with my girlfriend," I groaned annoyed, I didn't understand why Miyara agreed to these bachelor party things, I just wanted a simple night with Miyara in our cave since tomorrow it would be the celebration of my birthday and also the three month separation of me and Miyara.
"Yeah, Lo'ak and Tsireya said that you were pretty upset about that," Yrritsyo said and he smirked at me, "so Lo'ak changed the plans."
"Does that mean I can return to my girlfriend?" I asked the talk boy and my eyes landed on the tattoo on his other shoulder, "you got a tattoo?"
"It was long overdue, I've been eighteen for a few months but yes I finally got a tattoo," Yrritsyo said, "and no, you can't return to Miya."
"Then this night already sucks," I said as we approached the other guys, I saw Lo'ak had decided our 'men's night party' as he called it would be held in the rock where I practiced the dancing ritual with Miyara, also where she gave me a blowjob for the first time, I still smirked everytime I remembered that night.
"So, Mo'iki made us pod!" Lo'ak exclaimed as he held up the pipe he smoked from and I could tell by his red eyes that he was already stoned, "and Teung made the alcohol, like always."
"Can you believe that fucker's going to be mated in three months?" Rotxo laughed as he looked at me.
"So, how's Kiri?" I asked him and his eyes widened, despite dating the girl for two months now he was still afraid of her brothers.
"She's fine," Lo'ak answered however, not catching onto what I was trying to do, "another Sully falling for a fishlip!"
"Bro," Yrritsyo said and shrugged, it was true what Lo'ak said, he and Tsireya were mated for a few months now, Neteyam first had a crush on Miyara and was now in a relationship with Seyza and Rotxo and Kiri started dating as well, it looked like our clan would have a lot of Omtikaya and Metkayina mixed babies in the future, especially since my sister was planning on getting pregnant as soon as Miyara was.
"I think we should give Aonung some advice on what to do on his mating night," Neteyam joked and I could tell he was stoned as well.
"Have you even fucked yet?" I asked the eldest Sully sibling since he wanted to give me advice.
"Yeah, I fucked," Neteyam said and smirked, "don't worry, it wasn't your girlfriend, I fucked my own girlfriend."
"I don't think I've ever seen you so.. sharing," Yrritsyo snorted as he handed me the pipe, I sighed as I remembered Miyara's instructions and smoked the pod.
"I might've started as soon as Mo'iki handed me the pod," Neteyam snorted as he handed me a bowl of Teungyi's specialty, "I need to be drunk and high enough before Lo'ak's party continues."
"Why? What do you have planned?" I asked Lo'ak concerned and he simply smirked.
"It's a surprise," he said, "first, we get high and drunk and give you tips on how to make your girlfriend cum."
"I know how to make my girlfriend cum," I said and smirked, just saying it made me think of her cute moans.
"So you admit that you've fucked Miyara already then?" Lo'ak asked and smirked when I nodded, "did Teungyi ever tell you about all the positions Miyara was intrested in?"
"Don't start on Teungyi and positions," Yrritsyo said and smiled, "she could start her own class on that matter."
"Woah! What kind of freaky things do you two do then?" Neteyam asked Yrritsyo who simply shrugged.
"Teungyi was already freaky before she became my girlfriend," Yrritsyo said, "I'm not her first."
"Yeah, I know," I said and Yrritsyo raised his brows.
"How the fuck do you know?" Yrritsyo asked me confused
"Miyara told me," I said and smirked, "she tells me quite a lot after sex."
"Oh, does she now?" Lo'ak laughed, "Reya can do amazing things with her tongue."
"That's my sister, I don't want to know what you two do with each other," I said cringing at the thought of it as Lo'ak simply chuckled.
"Isn't it bad to talk about what your girlfriends do during and after sex?" Rotxo asked us innocently.
"Why? Have you done something to our sister?" Neteyam asked him and Rotxo's eyes widened but Neteyam simply laughed at how easy he could frighten the boy, "Seyza makes squeeky sounds, it's adorable."
"Squeeky sounds, hm?" I repeated as I chuckled.
"Yeah, like 'ieh ieh' you know," Neteyam said as he imitated the squeeky sounds, making us laugh.
"Teungyi chokes me," Yrritsyo simply said, almost making me choke on my drink, "she's a top so that's why."
"You do strike me as a bottom," Lo'ak simply said and Yrritsyo frowned at him.
"So do you," Yrritsyo said as Lo'ak scoffed.
"Only when my lady asks me to," Lo'ak said as he held his hands up in defeat.
"Oh please," I grunted not wanting to hear it.
"Oh yeah, what are you then hm?" Lo'ak scoffed, "don't you ask your girl to change positions?"
"No, I just fucking move her," I exclaimed, I knew Miyara liked it more when I didn't ask her to move positions, I just grabbed her and moved her to whatever position I liked and if she didn't like it she'd tell me but so far she always liked what we were doing.
"Yeah, me too," Neteyam said and Lo'ak looked at his brother confused, "what? Seyza told me that girls liked to be thrown around the bed, to not have to ask everything the entire time and so I just move her position when I want to change positions."
"Really?" Lo'ak asked as the three of us nodded in unison, Rotxo simply stared at us, "I always thought it was polite to ask, I should've asked Miya about that."
"Woah, you have sex talks with my girlfriend?" I asked Lo'ak as the others softly chuckled.
"She's my best friend, of course we have sex talks," Lo'ak said rolling his eyes like I should've known, "that's also how I know that you whimper everythime you cum."
"You whimper?!" Yrritsyo laughed out loud, my ears lowering ashamed.
"Is that a bad thing?" Rotxo asked as the Sully brothers shot him a glare, "oh no, I'm a virgin but I was just curious if that's bad."
"You're lucky that I refuse to listen when Reya and Miya are talking about you," I told Lo'ak and he smirked.
"They included Seyza in their weekly sex talks so I might know a few things or not," Neteyam said and he smirked.
"You're my brother, you're supposed to be on my side," Lo'ak said as his smirk vanished.
"I thought Payakan was your brother? with your whole 'he's my brother, I'm going' speech," Neteyam said smug as Lo'ak's ears lowered, Neteyam turned to me, "Lo'ak likes to dirty talk, isn't that right Big Guy?"
I laughed as Lo'ak stared at his older brother, not expecting to be exposed like that.
"Fuck you," Lo'ak grunted annoyed.
"Are we gonna talk about sex all night?" Yrritsyo laughed as Lo'ak sat down looking embarresed.
"I'd rather be having sex all night but instead I'm stuck here with you," I sighed as the boys chuckled at my comment.
"Tomorrow's your birthday," Lo'ak said and smirked, "you can ask Miya to blow your candle then."
"And I will," I said determined as the other guys snickered at my forwardness.
"What would the girls be talking about right now?" Rotxo questioned after a long silence.
"Probably comparing our dick sizes with each other," Yrritsyo simply answered. I raised my brows as I eyed the others curiously, everybody was now intrested in what the girls might be saying.
"We have to meet them soon anyway, how about we sneak in a little earlier and do a little spy work?" Lo'ak suggested and I nodded in agreement.
"Why would we invade their privacy like that?" Rotxo asked, he was so innocent.
"Because, Rotxo," Lo'ak began explaining, "girls tell each other everything and I want to know what my wife thinks is a proper fuck."
"For the sake of their future.. pleasureness.. it is most important that we eavesdrop on their conversations, for educational purposes," I said as I got up to my feet, Lo'ak patted me on my back, signaling that he agreed with my statement.
"For our education," Neteyam said as he also got up but Rotxo still hesitated.
"These guys aren't gonna tell you, so I will," Yrritsyo said as he turned to Rotxo, "that also means that your girlfriend will be talking about sex stuff, meaning that you can figure out what she might be into before you two do the dirty some day."
"You better be good to her or else," Lo'ak said as he pointed a finger at Rotxo.
"Don't frighten him, bro," Neteyam added as he placed his hands on Lo'ak's shoulder, "dad's already doing that, he don't need us to frighten him too."
"I'm watching you," Lo'ak said as he pointed his pinky and his index finger from his eyes to Rotxo's who was too stunned to even answer.
"Come on, we might be missing important stuff," Yrritsyo said as he waved us over.

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