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Neteyam's pov:

It was the day after Aonung's birthday and yet another ceremonial bonfire was about to be held, the entire village would be feasting all day long for the birth of Aonung and Miyara's son. My mother told me that their celebrations of an important birth were quite similair to the ones we had back at the Omatikaya clan, we would all gather around in a circle as Aonung would present their baby and announce his name to the entire village.
Everybody was now waiting for them to arrive but Miyara and the baby needed their rest, when Seyza and I walked past their pod I caught a quick glance of Aonung who held his sleeping son in his arms as Miyara had fallen asleep with her head on his lap, they painted such a pretty picture together and I couldn't wait for Seyza and I to look like that either.
"I wanna bet he looks like Aonung," I overhead Teungyi to Kiri who shook her head.
"Nope, firstborn sons always look like their mother," Kiri said defensively, "look at Neteyam, or even Aonung.. Or Mo'iki.. Or your own brother."
"Nah, this child has a title to uphold, you know? His father's menace title, so he'll look like Aonung," Teungyi said and I heard Seyza sigh from besides me, clearly finding Teungyi's reasoning just as stupid as I did.
"Teungyi, that makes no sense," Rotxo said when Kiri simply groaned annoyed, "but I'll take you on that bet."
"Great, if I win you'll be bringing my breakfast, lunch and dinner to me for an entire month," Teungyi said confidently.
"And if I win you, my friend, will be walking around with one of your boyfriends loincloths on your head for the rest of the day and making funny dances," Rotxo said and I snorted.
"Deal," Teungyi said and the two shook hands, "looks like I'll be getting myself a server soon."
"No, you'll be getting a loincloth on your head soon," Kiri said as she took ahold of Rotxo's hand.
"I can already see all our children pull the same stupid shit later," Seyza whispered to me and I snorted.
"Not ours, we're already too smart for that," I said, making Seyza chuckle, "Lo'ak, Aonung and Teungyi's children however."
"Depending on who they take after, if they take after Tsireya they'll barely get in trouble, same with Miya and Yrritsyo," Seyza said, "but with their luck their children will take after the troublemaker parent."
"Probably," I chuckled as I leaned down and kissed my pretty wife, "I really fucking love you."
"And I really fucking love you too," Seyza sighed as she pecked a quick kiss on my lips, "Tonowari and Ronal are coming."
"Okay?" I questioned, "and they're not allowed to see us kiss?"
"That means that it's almost time, skxawng," Seyza said and she rolled her eyes at me.
"It's not nice to call your husband a skxawng," I said as I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.
"Than perhaps my husband should stop acting like a skxawng," she chuckled as she rested her head on my shoulder.
Ronal and Tonowari made everybody stand in circles around a platform on which Aonung would be presenting their son. I was in the second circle, across from Ronal and Tonowari who were in the first circle and awaited for Miyara to join.
Miyara walked past us with a bright and radiant smile upon her face, her belly flattened again but still a little bloathed from giving birth, she wore a bright colored top with feathers as she walked over to Ronal and Tonowari, taking her place in between them since that was tradition for the Metkayina.
Everybody stayed silent for a while, waiting for Aonung to come and as soon as his footsteps could be heard in the sand everybody turned into his direction. In his arms layed a little Metkayina baby who had black hair as his little tail swayed, making grabby hands to his father who couldn't take his eyes off him.
Aonung wore something that looked similair to his father's Olo'eyktan clothing, the same bright colored feathers could be seen throughout his outfit but my eyes landed on the blue shells that was woven into a braid beneath his bun, making me realise that Miyara had done that.
Aonung shielded his son from everyone's looks as he made his way over to the platform, it was obvious that everybody was trying to get a peek on what he looked like. My eyes landed on Miyara, who's pupils dilated when she saw her husband and son make their way over to the platform, tears dwelling in the corners of her eyes and she smiled so brightly. So proudly.
Aonung shot her a quick smile before he got onto the platform and adressed the village, who were silently waiting for Aonung to speak.
"This is our son," Aonung spoke loudly and proudly, taking a quick look at Miyara before holding his son up for all of us to see, "Araoukai!"
"Araoukai!" The entire village cheered as the little boy giggled from all the happy cries. Araoukai was almost an exact picture of Miyara, he might have Aonung's nose and hair but it was so obvious that he mainly took after his mother. My eyes landed on Miyara who had covered her smile with her hand, tears streaming down her face as she proudly looked up to her son. The entire village cheered as Aonung took his son back into his arms and quickly pulled Miyara onto the platform with him, making her yelp as she hadn't expected him to do that. He placed their son in her arms and leaned down to kiss her passionately, making the entire village cheer that much louder for not only their son but also their love for one another.
Ronal had fallen into Tonowari's arms, both of them feeling overjoyed for the birth of their first grandson, I also spotted Mo'iki wiping away a tear as Zuaia was trying to get onto the platform to greet her cousin, Re'ylä was still too young to even understand what was going on.
Zuaia managed to wiggle herself loose from her father's hold and in an instant she climbed onto the platform, wrapping her arms around Miyara's legs and hugging her tightly so Mo'iki couldn't get her off, Miyara nearly fell because of that but luckily Aonung was quick and stopped her before that could happen. Aonung quickly took Araoukai back into his arms as Miyara turned around to Zuaia and leaned down to pick her up but instantly regretting it since Zuaia was getting bigger.
Zuaia eyed her cousin curiously and chuckled as she leaned on Aonung's arms as Miyara held her up, they looked like a happy family together.

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