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Miyara's pov:
this chapter contains some mature scenes, you've been warned.

Three weeks earlier:

I hesitated for a moment, looking at the spirit tree and wondering if it was so smart to go here by myself, but I had to get adjusted to being alone, I already had a vision in which I saw Neteyam die.. zin which I saw an avatar shoot him in the chest and he bled out crying that he wanted to go home.. It terrified me but now I at least knew how to save him.
Who knew what I would see now, I just had to make sure that it wasn't Aonung that could die. Anyone but him. I turned around to check if I was truely alone as I attached my queue to the spirit tree, my pupils dilating as Eywa showed me something else.

"She's done it again! I am not taking the blame any longer," a boy of around the age of fourteen exclaimed to me as he held his hands up in defeat. I realised that this was the same boy from my other vision but older, the boy that looked a lot like me, the boy that was arguing with a girl.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop bullying your cousins?" Aonung said as he pushed a girl from around the age of twelve in, Aonung looked much taller than he already was, around 9'4 (286 cm) as he was also much broader and muscular, he had tattoos all over his body and he wore more of his own curly hair loose beneath his bun. The girl however was almost an exact picture of Aonung when he was that age, especially when a mischievious smirk appeard on her face like she didn't even care what he said.
"I can't help it, dad," the girl grinned, looking up at her father, "they look so weird."
"They are your cousins and you will apologise to them at once or else no more hunting for a month, do you understand me young lady?" Aonung asked his eldest daughter. The girl groaned annoyed as her ears lowered and she stomped out of the pod, Aonung's stern eyes landing on the older boy.
"You've been taking the blame for her all this time? I've been punishung you for what your sister's done? Get here you skxawng," Aonung told the boy as he pulled him in for a hug, the boy quickly sunk into his father's embrace.
"Mom, why is she always so mean to Naeyi and Emra'o?" A little girl around the age of six asked me, I soon realised this was the babygirl I held in my arms in the last vision, it must be.
"I don't know, sweetie, but I'll talk to her when she comes back," I said and the little girl nodded as she ran over to her older brother and jumped up into his arms before Aonung made his way over to me, groaning annoyed.
"I don't understand where she got that from," he said seriously as he looked down at me, I quickly realised that when Aonung has grown so much taller I myself didn't, I was probably around 8'2 (251 cm). I snorted at that comment as he quirked a curious brow at me.
"From you obviously," I chuckled, "you used to bully Lo'ak and look now your eldest daughter is following in your footsteps by bullying his children. Like father, like daughter."
"Oh, is that so?" Aonung laughed as he pulled me closer to him by my waist, "come over here."
I chuckled as he kissed me followed by a loud "bleh!" from the younger daughter who was playing with her oldest brother.


I startled awake as I dreamed of what I had seen in the spirit tree, I tried to sit up in my bed only to come to the realisation that two strong arms were wrapped around me, I frowned as I looked around in the dark and realised that I was in Aonung's bedroom.
"Did you have a bad dream, my love?" Aonung asked me in a low voice, clearly I had awoken him from his sleep. I frowned as I remembered that Ronal had told me to stay with them for another two days.. I remembered how Aonung suggested he'd sleep on the floor so I could have the bed, I remembered how I told him he was a skxawng and he should come to bed, I remember how we talked all night about everything before we fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me like a cage.
I turned around in his hold so I could face him, our faces only inches apart as he slowly opened his eyes and looked down at me through his lashes, my hands were plastered to his chest as he wrapped his arms around me tighter, pulling me that much closer to him.
"No, it was a really good one," I softly chuckled as I watched a halfsmile appear on his sleepy face, "I never told you this but Eywa showed me our future."
"She did?" Aonung asked, "I'm listening."
"I saw our kids, and you.. but taller and stronger," I said as I looked up at him, "I can't wait for that to happen."
"Kids, huh," Aonung chuckled softly, "please don't tell me we have seven."
"Not that I saw," I laughed, "you were however scolding our daughter for bullying.. then you wondered where she got it from and I told you that she got it from you.. she looked a lot like you too."
"We have a daughter?" He asked me curiously.
"I saw two daughters actually," I chuckled, "and the oldest is a boy, he looks like me."
"Two daughters? Looks like I'll be fighting off boys in the future for trying to get their hands on our daughters," Aonung said and I chuckled but them I realised he was dead serious, "our daughters with your beauty, boys will be lining up.. I'll probably have to make some new rules as the next Olo'eyktan, like touch my daughters and lose a hand."
"You'll be a great father," I said as I pecked a kiss om his lips, "but please don't start cutting off people's hands."
"I might have to," Aonung said as he smiled after I kissed him, "you'll be the best mother, thank you for sharing that with me."
"Of course," I said softly as I adored the sleepy look on his face, "it wasn't the first vision Eywa showed me."
"Let me guess, when you told me that you had a hunch your first child would be a boy it was because Eywa had already shown you?" He asked me and I nodded.
"Yes," I said, "in that vision the oldest two were arguing over something as I was holding a baby girl in my arms and there was a little boy who was playing with Zuaia I think.. then you came to break the oldest two apart because it went too far.. for a long time the face of the father was blurry until Eywa showed me the other vision, then everything fell into place."
"So.. two boys and two girls? I thought we agreed on three kids," Aonung chuckled as I recalled our previous conversation about kids, when I told him I wanted seven and he almost had a heart attack because of it.
"Well, I saw four," I softly giggled as Aonung rested his forehead against mine, his loose, curly hair tickling my face.
"Perhaps I'll pay a visit to Eywa as well," he said softly, "I'd like to see our future children too."
"Perhaps I'll join you," I said in a low voice as I was getting tired again, "we should get some more sleep."
"Or we could touch each other," he said huskily and I gasped, "I had this sexy dream of you sucking on my dick."
"Aonung," I hissed at him followed by a throathy laugh from him as he trailed his hands along my body, sending shivers down my spine and he looked at me through his lashes, even despite me laying on his other arm he could still move all around my body.
"Hm?" He said smirking as he trailed his finger past the band of my loincloth, "I think we're wearing too many clothes."
"You're so fucking horny," I chuckled as I turned back around to sleep again but I could feel his boner against my ass, making my eyes widen as he leaned over to whisper in my ear.
"Only for you," he said, my ears perking up in response as he started to kiss my jawline before slowly trailing down kisses to my shoulder, finding a sweet spot along my collarbone as a breathy gasp escaped my lips when he kissed me there. I could feel him smirk against my skin when he realised that he had discovered a sweet spot. Aonung moved his hand from the waistband of my loincloth to the edge of my top before sliding it underneath and caressed my breast, his fingers playing with my already hardened nipple as he continued to suck on the sweet spot on my collarbone making soft moans escape my lips. His other hand from the arm I was laying on was still on my stomach and it slowly made it's way down before sliding his hand down my loincloth, I gasped once more as he sunk his middlefinger inside me and used his thumb to rub my clit. As he was bobbing his finger in and out of me I tried to muffle my moans by placing my hands over my mouth, Aonung noticed how much I enjoyed him touching me like that as he pressed his hard cock even more against my ass, grinding against me.
"You're so fucking wet," he whispered as he placed soft bites along my neck as he pulled his middle finger out of me and and sunk both his middlefinger as his indexfinger inside of me, a loud, desperate moan escaping from my lips as I tried my best to muffle more it with my hands, his chest pressed against my back and his cock continued to grow bigger because of how I moaned his name as he pushed my ass even harder against it. He moved his other hand away from my breast as he suddenly removed my hands from my mouth, grabbing onto my right hand and pressing it against his hard cock.
"Aonung," I moaned softly as I closed my eyes for a slim second, enjoying the way he touched me.
"This is what you do to me," he whispered in my ear as he continued to finger me, "the amount of times I had to pleasure myself and imagine it was you doing all sorts of dirty things to me.. feel it, feel what happens to me because of you!"
I softly squeezed his hard cock as he grunted when I did so, with his free hand he moved mine to the band of his loincloth before pushing my hand underneath and making me take a hold of his big, hard dick as his face was in the nape of my neck. I softly started moving my hand up and down his shaft, pleasuring him as he continued to rub his thumb along my clit and pushing his index and middle finger in and out of me. Aonung moaned as I continued to give him a hand job, he let go of my hand which I was pleasuring him with and suddenly stuck his index and middle finger in my mouth, I gasped as he did so, my saliva covered his fingers as he used them to push my tongue down, it surprised me but I had to admit that I liked it. I closed my lips around his fingers and started to suck on them as we were both getting sloppy in pleasuring each other, both of us now close to hitting our climax.
"Oh, Miya," Aonung moaned in my ear as I sucked on his fingers and caressed his dick with my hand. I myself had some throathy moans as well as he pushed his fingers even deeper inside of my vagina, making me groan in response, I could feel him smirk against my skin once more as he loved the way he controlled me now.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna-" he said and before I knew it I could feel a wet spot against my ass, for some reason knowing that I made him cum made me reach my climax as well as he pulled his fingers out of my mouth and placed his hand over them to muffle the load moan that I couldn't hold back now that I had reached my climax, it was like something exploded inside of me as Aonung pulled his fingers out of my wetness and drew patterns along my lower stomach.
"Oh fuck, that was hot," he whispered in my ear as I turned my head toward him and tried to catch my breath, "you're so fucking hot."
"I could get used to this," I whispered as I trailed my hand through his long, loose hair, absolutely adoring the way he looked with his hair down as I still tried to catch my breath.
I smiled as he leaned down and placed a kiss upon my lips, I gladly returned the kiss and after I watched him get up and crawl over me.
"What are you-" I asked but before I could finish he dropped his loincloth and smirked when he saw my eyes widen as they were fixated on his dick.
"What? It's nothing you haven't seen before," Aonung chuckled as he casually started to search his room, naked, before finding a clean loincloth and pulling it back on and then he looked at me, "you should probably change as well, I made you pretty wet."
"You're so dirty," I softly laughed as I got up and searched through the clothes my brother had brought for me, I could feel Aonung hovering over me from behind me as he tried to see what I'd pick out. I placed the clothes down infront of me as I tried to reach the strings of my top on my back but despite my shoulder being nearly healed thanks to Ronal it was still too stiff to bend that way as I struggled to reach the strings.
"Let me, darling," Aonung said softly as he undid the strings and for some reason threw my top across the room, making me turn around and look at him in disbelief. It was when I saw the smirk that formed on his lips as his eyes trailed down to my bare chest when I realised that he threw it away so I would turn around to face him.
"That was unnecessary," I said as I crossed my arms and covered my breasts from his gaze.
"No, it was totally necessary," Aonung scoffed as he pushed my arms down, twirled me around and pressed my back against his chest as he hugged me from behind. Aonung chuckled when he saw the flabbergasted look on my face and grabbed onto both my breasts with his hands before placing a kiss on my cheek.
"I love your boobs," he whispered, "I wish I could look at them all day."
"Stop it," I softly giggled, "I should get dressed, it's almost moring and I should probably clean up our loincloths if we don't want your mother to find your sperm stain."
"Who cares, wouldn't be the first one she finds," Aonung laughed as his fingers played with my nippels, "what? I've been jerking off for years."
"That's disturbing," I said as I pushed his hands away and pushed my loincloth down, unintentionally bending over as I reached for the clean one and after I put it on I turned around because Aonung was suddenly very quiet. I frowned when I saw him stare at me with wide open eyes as he held his hand over his nose, he was blushing so hard that his face was almost entirely red and so were his ears.
"What are you doing?" I asked as I saw a bit of blood dripping down to his chin, "oh my Eywa! You have a bloody nose, how did that happen?"
"Yeah, that's what happens when you bend over to display your lady parts to me, woman!" He said a little too loudly as he tilted his head backwards. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him all nervous like that as I pulled my clean top on.
"Can you at least tie my top?" I asked him and he nodded as he let go of his nose, a bit of blood dripping out of it as he tied my top for me, "thank you, you hot mess."
"Anytime," he softly chuckled as I leaned down to grab our dirty clothes, "I'll help you with that."
"Don't worry, I'll be done before you know it," I chuckled as I snuck out of his bedroom to clean out dirty clothes from the heated moment we just had.

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