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Miyara's pov:

"Can you do my hair?" Aonung asked as he walked into his bedroom after I dressed myself up, "my parents and sister left already."
"Sure, sit down," I chuckled as he sat down infront of me, I smiled as I started to braid his hair for him, humming the song of our dance ceremony as I did so.
"Reya seemed pretty upset this morning," Aonung said, "you helped Lo'ak with that date of theirs last night, right?"
"I did, I made them this pretty hut in the woods with all kinds of flowers and shells and a few tiny torches, I even cooked them dinner," I said softly, "Reya seemed pretty happy when she came home last night, she forgave me for not telling her about Neteyam and told me every detail of their date."
"So why would she be so sad?" Aonung asked me and I shrugged. Tsireya acted like she was angry with me for not telling her about Neteyam but after we spoke she said that she understood my reasoning for not telling her and that she was happy I came to my senses about her brother. She also told me that the sky people friends of Jake had brought a little hut for Spider where he could live with his own oxygen and a new mask for him so they could drop the one Quaritch gave him somewhere far away from here, purposely turning the tracker back on when they were far away from the Metkayina and the Omatikaya clan. Tsireya catched me up on what I had missed in the last month that I was away soul searching and she also told me that she and Lo'ak had finally kissed after they were flirting for almost six months since the Sully's arrived. Tsireya also told me that Neteyam had moved on from me like I had moved on from him, he was now talking to Seyza, who was one of my background dancers at the ceremony of Aonung and I. Things were starting to look up again but I sighed when I realised that I would have to leave for my brother's pod again after having two lovely nights in Aonung's bed, not that his parents knew we slept in the same bed.. they thought he slept on the floor because they told him to out of respect for me.
"Maybe Lo'ak did something stupid again," I said followed by a chuckle from Aonung, "he's got an act for it."
"You're probably right," Aomung laughed as Tsireya suddenly stormed in and angrily paced around the room.
"I hate our parents!" She said as Aonung and I shot her a confused look, "remember how we always thought that I was free to choose whoever I want? I am not! I just got betrothed to Rayelfe! How great is that? I have a boyfriend I don't need to be betrothed to someone who's five years older than me just because he's one of the greatest warriors."
"But I thought since you were just the spiritual guide of the clan you were free to choose because your mate wouldn't lead like mine will," Aonung said confused as I saw tears dwelling in my best friends eyes.
"I thought so too, turns out that I have to mate with someone our parents pick out," she groaned, "why couldn't they just pick Lo'ak?"
"Because he's not a part of the clan until he masters a skimwing?" Aonung questioned unsympathetically which made me tug on his hair, "ow! Miya!"
"You're not helping," I told him as I looked back up to my friend, "is there no way they can change their mind?"
"No, if I mate with someone else they'll strip me off ever becoming Tsahik," Tsireya groaned and looked at her brother, "can I talk to Miya for a moment, brother?"
"She's braiding my hair, so no," he grunted at his little sister as he stubbornly stayed put.
"I'll finish it later, Aonung," I said and Aonung scoffed, "just wait outside, please."
"Fine," he scoffed as he got up with his hair half braided and half loose and left his bedroom.
Tsireya sat down infront of me and I hugged her tightly as she cried into my shoulder now that she was betrothed to someone she never even spoke a word to. Someone she didn't want.
"I need to ask you for a favor," she said suddenly and I nodded, "if something were to happen and you would have to stand up and take over for me, would you do it?"
"Depends on what you mean, I'm not going to steal your titles away from you," I said as I watched Tsireya tear up.
"But what if I wanted you to? What if I needed you to?" She asked, "I need you to promise me that no matter what you will step up for me should I need you to, you owe me for betraying my brother and me.. you owe me."
"I thought you forgave me for that," I said in disbelief.
"I did, but I'm still a little mad at you even if you love my brother more than anything else in the world," Tsireya said, "promise me, Miya."
"I promise," I said as I saw her sigh relieved, "I'd do anything for you."
"Thank you," she said as she got up, "I love you."
"I love you too, but don't do anything stupid!" I said as she ran out of Aonung's room. I heard Aonung call after her but she clearly left the pod in a hurry. Aonung frowned as he walked back into his room and looked at me with a questioning look on his face, I sighed as I looked at him.
"What was that about?" He asked me.
"I don't know but I don't think it's good," I said as I got up, "we should go after her."
"What about my hair?" Aonung asked me and I rolled my eyes.
"I think your sister is on her way to mate with Lo'ak, I think we have bigger concerns than your hair," I said as I watched his eyes widen.
"SHE'S WHAT?!" He shouted enraged, "she's fifteen!"
"In two days she'll be sixteen, and Lo'ak's seventeen in two months," I said and rolled my eyes as Aonung grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as we searched for Tsrireya.
"I don't care if she's almost sixteen! She's too young and she'll lose everything she worked for!" Aonung grunted as we searched for Tsireya.
"Bro, what the fuck happened to your hair?" Teungyi laughed as we walked past her, her eyes landing on me since I hadn't seen her in a while, not having seen her on the day of the battle either.
"Have you seen my sister?" Aonung asked Teungyi.
"She went to the Sully's pod, why?" Teungyi asked but Aonung stormed away, pulling me along with him and left Teungyi flabbergasted.
"Sorry Teung! We should catch up soon!" I said as my friend nodded still confused.
"Where's my sister?" Aonung asked angry as he stepped into the Sully's pod, all of them looking at us confused.
"What he means is, 'have you seen Tsireya, we are looking for her?" I asked as I awkwardly looked at Neteyam who must've told his family by now we didn't work out together as all of them eyed me.
"She left with Lo'ak," Kiri answered and Aonung grunted irritated as he stormed out, leaving me in the pod confused.
"Have you seen where they went?" I asked Kiri who shook her head.
"We haven't.. are they in some sort of trouble?" Neteyam asked me and I frowned at how easily we could talk like normal friends like none of the things between us had happened before.
"Only if I'm right," I awkwardly chuckled as Aonung walked back in, grabbed my hand and pulled me away, "see you later!"
We ended up searching everywhere for Lo'ak and Tsireya but they were nowhere to be found, I groaned annoyed as we had gone everywhere we could think of, even the hut I made for their date.. Tsireya somehow outsmarted us because it was like they had vanished into thin air.
"Let's go back to my pod, my mother needs to look at your shoulder," Aonung grunted annoyed, "we can't find them anyway."
"I hope they didn't do it," I sighed, "for their own sakes."
"I don't hope so either, the Sully's could get kicked out for it," Aonung said as he led the way back to his pod, "and Tsireya and Lo'ak will be seen like outcasts and Tsireya will most likely lose her place as future Tsahik... how can she be so stupid?!"
"She's just in love," I said but it didn't calm him down, "maybe she changed her mind, maybe she's at home waiting for us to return and comfort her."
But I was wrong because I suddenly heard Tonowari and Ronal roar with anger at their daughter as we stepped inside the pod, Lo'ak and Tsireya holding hands as the Sully's looked disappointed in their second son.
"Tsireya, how could you have mated with him, daughter?! You know what will happen!" Tonowari said enraged as Tsireya lowered her ears.
"I can't mate with Rayelfe, I don't know him and I don't love him," Tsireya said for the first time talking back to her father, "I love Lo'ak, dad. I want to be with him."
"I'm sorry, sir," Lo'ak said looking at Tonowari and then his own father, "but it is done, we are mated for life."
I shot a worried glance at Aonung who was just staring at the scene with his jaw dropped and his eyes widened, almost like he was in some sort of trance.
"Thanks to you we have lost our future Tsahik," Ronal told Lo'ak angered, "she can no longer be our Tsahik now, you and your family must leave!"
"No, it won't matter because I have already mated with Lo'ak," Tsireya said as she looked at me over her shoulder with pleading eyes before looking back at her parents, "you can send him away but I will follow."
"Unless a new Tsahik is provided the Sully's will be banished and you with them if that's what you want," Ronal spat at her daughter, "we will never be able to find another Tsahik like this."
"I can do it," I said before I could even think about it, suddenly all eyes landed on me and I squeezed Aonung's hand for support, "I'll be Aonung's mate, so I can become the Tsahik in Tsireya's place."
I looked at Tsireya who offered me a thankful smile, I scoffed.. she had planned this whole thing out, she knew what her parents would say all she needed was my promise to go through with it on the same day she found out she was to be betrothed to another.
"You would do that for her?" Ronal asked me as she eyed me curiously, "you'll have a lot to catch up on, Miyara, we'll be training day and night, are you sure you would tire yourself so much because Tsireya couldn't follow orders?"
"She loves him," I said, "and I love her.. of course I would do it for her so she can be with whom she loves."
Ronal looked at me with a stern look in her eyes before turning her glance to her mate, waiting for his approval.
"Looks like your friend just saved you and your mate's family," Tonowari told Tsireya, "Miyara will be our Tsahik then."
"We will start at first light," Ronal told me, "it'll be a long day and we will train everyday, you can't follow skimwing lessons then."
"I'm ready," I said nervously as I saw Tsireya mouthing 'thank you' at me for doing what I had promised to do for her.. so there it was, I was now not only to be Aonung's mate, I would also become the next Tsahik of our clan. I nervously looked up to Aonung who offered me a proud smile and kissed me on top of my head. I watched as Jake dragged Lo'ak away by his arm so he may have a word with his son. Tonowari spoke of a free marui pod for the now mated couple and that besides me, everyone would help them get it ready for Tsireya and Lo'ak.
Tonowari was still disappointed in his daughter but still wanted her to have her own home.
"Who would've thought they'd mate before us?" Aonung whispered in my ear as Ronal talked to Tsireya.
"Not me," I chuckled, "they are cute."
"No, they're not.. he had his hands all over my sister," he said, "I should cut them off."
"You can't cut off every man's hands in case they come near your sister, me or your future daughters," I said rolling my eyes and Aonung simply scoffed.
"I can and I will," he simply said, "can't wait for us to have our own home so I can fuck you everyday."
"I did not want to hear that," Kiri spoke from behind us as I yelped and saw Neteyam and Kiri stand behind us, Aonung simply smirked as he waited for a jealous response from Neteyam, but it never came. It was clear that the feelings we might've had towards each other were in the past.
"Just to be clear, you're not still in love with my girl now, are you?" Aonung asked Neteyam and I rolled my eyes when he did.
"I am not," Neteyam said casually, "but that doesn't mean I want to hear you talk about fucking her all day long."
"I'm going to stab myself in my ears," I said as I let go of Aonung's hand.
"Me too," Kiri said as the girl followed after me as I walked out of the pod, "can I talk to you?"
"Sure," I said as I halted, "I'm sorry about everything that happened with me and your brother and Aonung..."
"I was rooting for you guys but not everything works out," Kiri shrugged, "I'm just glad you figured it out before you and Neteyam could get too seriously, I have no hard feelings towards you.. none of us do, you're the reason we still have Neteyam with us."
"I wouldn't say that I am the reason," I said but Kiri disagreed.
"That bullet in your shoulder was meant for Neteyam, it would've hit him in his heart had he been standing where you stood, you got him out of the way," Kiri said, "so you are the reason he's still with us and you helped save Spider."
"Aonung calls him your pet," I said and Kiri rolled her eyes, "I tried to make him stop but.. just be prepared for the next time we all hang out together."
"I think that'll be on Tsireya's birthday, I think we should make it extra special now," Kiri said and sighed, "will you help me?"
"Of course I'll help," I said as I looked over my shoulder and saw Aonung and Neteyam talk with each other like normal people, "we should get Teungyi to join as well."
"Great idea," Kiri said softly, "would you mind if Neteyam brought Seyza? Tuk's following dancing lessons with her now and Seyza and Netty clicked when they met."
"Why would I mind?" I asked Kiri confused as she rolled her eyes.
"Because despite your history not being much you still had a history together," Kiri said, "I just wanted to know if you'd be okay with that."
"Sure, I don't mind," I shrugged because I honestly couldn't care less, I just wanted him to be happy and Seyza was a great girl who could make him happy, "would you mind if I bring my awfully offensive boyfriend?"
"So all those times you purposely didn't ask and just brought him along?" Kiri laughed, "just make sure he doesn't call Spider our pet."
"I'll try my best," I said and Kiri smirked at me.
"Just suck his dick if that's what it takes," Kiri smirked but I too could play that came.
"I will," I said as I watched Kiri gasp in response.
"He's already rubbing off on you," Kiri said as she tried to fight off her laughter, but failed. I chuckled and shrugged before walking back to Aonung now that the Sully's were leaving.

Two updates in one day? Today must be your lucky day.. what did you think of the last two chapters? And is there something you'd like to see happening?
Let me know in the comments.

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