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Miyara's pov:

"Morning, father," I said as I sat down besides him and for the first time he smiled at me when I did so. Not a forced smile, but a genuine smile. Like he was actually happy to see me.
"Good morning," he said, "Aonung brought you home last night I saw, am I to presume something's going on between you two now?"
"He's my boyfriend now, if that's what you mean," I said as I began to prepare a simple breakfast for myself, "he's going to pick me up after breakfast."
"That's good," my father said and he actually seemed proud, "I'm happy you came to your senses, daughter."
"Came to my senses?" I asked confused.
"Your brother told me you've been spending time with that Sully boy," he said and I frowned confused, my brother would never snitch on me like that, he had never done so before and that was even when he despised me, besides my father spoke only once a month to my brother but only if he had to, "you shouldn't hang out with that boy anymore, Miyara. It'll stain your reputation to be seen with him."
"You mean Neteyam?" I asked in disbelief, "the son of Toruk Makto? You're making a joke, right?"
"I'm not joking and I mean him yes," my father said and I scoffed in disbelief, "you were watching your brother's daughter and the boy's sister together."
"Mo'iki didn't tell you that," I said, "he didn't even know Neteyam was there. Why are you lying?"
"I'm only trying to protect you, you wouldn't want to turn out like your brother now. Would you?" My father asked, "he's outcast, his daughter has no friends besides you."
"That's your granddaughter," I said, "and my niece. And besides I don't see how me talking to Neteyam will make me look bad to the clan."
"You won't see him again privately, understood?" My father asked with a stern look on his face. I sighed and nodded, he turned back to his own breakfast and I glared at him. If I wanted to see Neteyam I would, he was my friend and I enjoyed spending time with him. He was one of the sweetest boys I had ever met and I really felt a connection with him, my father simply wanted me to only speak with Aonung and no other male, but he couldn't ask that of me. However I wouldn't test him by telling him that, I remembered vividly how he treated Mo'iki when he did that when we were younger. I did not test my father's temper, so I finished my own breakfast in silence.
"Morning," Aonung's voice sounded suddenly as he stepped into our pod, some of his friends waiting outside for some reason and unfortunenately Rotxo wasn't one of them, I sighed since I didn't like his other friends. They were bullies and I strongly believed a cold rock had more personality than those three. I waved him over to follow me to my room in the pod, he frowned as he stepped forward.
"Morning Aonung," my father said, "wonderful to see you again."
Aonung politely nodded at him before following after me with a confused look on his face.
"Listen," he said as he took a look around my room, "I'd love to spend time with you in your bedroom but my friends are waiting for us."
"That's what I wanted to talk about, not about being in my bedroom," I said as I rolled my eyes, "why are they here?"
"We're going hunting, remember?" He asked but I simply stared at him, "I was going to teach you how to use a crosbow?"
"I know how to use a crosbow," I scoffed annoyed.
"You know the Miyara way of using a crosbow," Aonung grinned as he stepped closer to me, "I'll teach you the right way."
"That's fine but why are they here?" I asked and he frowned at me confused.
"You don't like my friends?" He asked me as he brushed a strand of my curly hair behind my ears.
"Not really," I answered honestly and he sighed.
"Look, I sat with your friends last night, it's only fair you come with mine," he said softly as he pecked a soft kiss on my forehead. And so I caved, because he was right even though my friends were also his friends but this was something I should do for him, because I cared about him. Even is his friends were the weirdest people on the planet.
"If they make fun of me," I said sternly pointing a finger at Aonung.
"They'd be fools if they made fun of my girlfriend," he said and smirked as he moved my finger out of his face, "I'd hurt them if they did and they know that. The only person you'll have to worry about making fun of you, is me."
"Aonung," I scoffed as he leaned down to hug me and I gladly returned the hug, "I just wished you brought Rotxo."
"I wanted to but he was away with Kiri," Aonung said softly, "I guess he has a thing for her."
"They would be cute together," I grinned, "come on, let's go to your pets."
"Miya, please try to be nice to them," Aonung said softly as he took my hand into his and I sighed defeated.
"Fine, let's go to your friends," I said as I softly squeezed in his hand, leading the way out of my bedroom, "I'll see you at dinner father."
"Have fun together," my father said and I softly smiled at him.
Outside of my pod his three annoying friends were waiting, Aonung took a deep breath and he let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders with a proud look in his eyes. His friends grinned at me which caused my to bite my tongue to stop myself from insulting them, I really wanted to insult them for it but I promised Aonung I'd be nice.
"You remember Miyara, don't you?" Aonung asked as we began to walk to the beaches, "she's my girlfriend now, hurt her and I'll make you regret the day you were born."
"And then you have to nerve to tell me to play nice," I whispered under my breath followed by a soft chuckle from Aonung as I wrapped my arm around his waist and he pulled me closer for a side hug.
His friends were weird, they had an enormous ego for a bunch of weirdo's, they had been calling the Sully's freaks but clearly had never seen their own reflection in the water. They bullied everyone that looked at them the wrong way, they used to bully Teungyi a lot for being taller and even for being skinnier than the most of us were. She's not that tall anymore but for a long time she was the tallest kid on the island.
"So, are we going beyond the reef, bro?" Oimliän asked, the one with long, wavy hair and his hair half up in a bun. He creeped me out, just like the other two.
"Hm, not sure if that's wise," Aonung said softly, "Miyara doesn't know how to use a crosbow."
"Yes, I do," I said once more but my boyfriend simply quirked a brow at me which already told me he didn't believe me, "you know what, we are going beyond the reef."
"Have you ever been beyond the reef?" Oimliän asked and I could feel Aonung's stare at me, because despite five year old me trying to get beyond the roots I had never been beyond the reef, my father never allowed me. The only weapon he allowed me to use was a spear so I could do a little hunting inside the reef, I used to steal my brothers weapons and sneak out to hunt in the middle of the night. For some strange reason my father thought girls shouldn't do the hunting.
"Yes," I lied and Aonung snickered at me, so I poked him with my fingers just below his ribs.
"Ow! Liar!" He grunted, "I'm not taking you beyond the reef, it's too dangerous."
"Ugh, party pooper!" I groaned as his friends chuckled along with me, which surprised me.
"Come on, bro," one of his other friends said, I don't remember his name, "just take her, we'll all be there."
"Not sure if I'll feel safe in your hands," I told his friends, before turning my gaze to Aonung, "but still let's go beyond the reef!"
"You're so stubborn," Aonung said as he rolled his eyes, "fine, we'll go beyond the reef, but you won't be riding your own Ilu there."
"Why not?" I asked confused as his friends snickered from behind us, already getting on my last nerve.
"Because you've never been there, you know nothing of the water out there," he said stern, "the water's more wild. You're riding with me."
"Yes, bossman," I whispered under my breath as Aonung chuckled and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

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