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Warning: this chapter contains mature scenes

Miyara's pov:

"I'm assuming Aonung's teaching Spider and that bitch together with my husband?" Seyza asked me as we were weaving some materinity clothes for Tsireya, my eyes shooting up from my work to Seyza as I quirked a curious brow.
"He is... I think she's a bitch but why do you?" I asked Seyza as I let the top fall into my lap, I knew Seyza was talking about Fninrey but I was wondering why she thought that girl was a bitch as well.
Fninrey was trying her hardest to make Aonung like her as Spider would be running off and try to steal Kiri from Rotxo, so far without any luck but it was obvious that Rotxo was feeling down because of it since he was insecure about himself.
"She made a move on Neteyam," Seyza said, "she knew that I am his mate and she seriously asked him if he would be intrested in a quickie in the forest when they were talking about his grandmother. His grandmother."
"Something's seriously wrong with that girl," I sighed, "if she really is that bad she will make a move on Yrritsyo soon and then we can watch Teungyi beat her ass."
"I'd actually sit in the front row to watch that," Seyza sighed as she looked at my baby bump, "why do you hate her?"
"She's been trying to get with my husband as well and I can tell you that with these pregancy hormones I might actually snap one day," I said and Seyza chuckled. Seyza was aware of my past with Neteyam, it was before she came into the picture but I was glad that she never held a grudge against me and wasn't jealous or anything when Neteyam and I were near each other, Seyza actually became a very good and close friend of mine.
"I'll hold Aonung back when that day comes so you can beat that slut's ass," Seyza spat out, "sorry, I'm just really pissed off."
"I'm not even sure if you'd need to hold him back," I chuckled, "he's returned to insulting them as 'forest freaks' again, like he used to do with the Sully's."
"What are you two ladies chatting about?" Lo'ak asked as he walked into Seyza's pod.
"Girl talk," Seyza shrugged at her brother-in-law as she looked down at the loincloth she nearly finished.
"Hey, I can be a girl," Lo'ak stated as he dramatically whipped his hair backwards, swung his hips as he walked towards us and blinked an enormous amount of times so he could flutter his lashes as he put on the most horrible girl voice I had ever heard, "so, bitch, what's the tea? Did you see that girl in that outfit? Girl, my grandmother's brother's pet akula looked better in it's grave than she did in that outfit.. Say what?!"
I narrowed my eyes at Lo'ak as he sat down next to Seyza and us with a proud smile upon his face, Seyza sighed and rolled her eyes making Lo'ak chuckle as he seemed quite proud of himself.
"I'm going to pretend you never said that until I'll see your wife and tell her about that," I said and Lo'ak's smile vanished, "but we were talking about your friend, Fninrey."
"Oh, she's not my friend," Lo'ak shrugged, drawing both mine and Seyza's attention, "she was Neteyam's friend."
"What?" Seyza asked with gritted teeth as her anger was visible.
"He had a small crush on her back in the forest, before he met Miya of course," Lo'ak said, "he forgot about Fninrey when Miya came into the picture and then Miya fell out of the picture and he finally fell in love with you; my very angry looking sister-in-law. You were aware of Miya and Neteyam right?"
"I'm aware but that doesn't bother me, I know Miyara and Neteyam are done and they have been for almost a year now, I don't hold any grudges towards Miyara, she and I are good friends," Seyza explained to Lo'ak, warming my heart as she did so, "I do have an issue with that cocksucker because she keeps making moves on my husband and also on Miya's husband."
"That's odd, she made a move on me too, and she knows that I've always disliked her," Lo'ak sighed, "maybe finding a fuckbuddy is her way of coping with the loss of her family?"
"If she wants a fuckbuddy she can fuck Spider but not make a move on my husband," Seyza said stern.
"No, Spider wants to steal Kiri from Rotxo," I said as their eyes widened in shock.
"He what?" Seyza repeated, "Lo'ak close your ears.."
"No," Lo'ak shrugged as they looked at me with shock.
"Fine," Seyza grunted defeated, "they have been here for a week and they're already stirring up problems, can you still send them away?"
"My mother-in-law would love that actually, as would my husband," I said, "but, no, I can't. They are here to stay."
"Bummer," Seyza sighed as she huffed some of her hair out of her face.
"Why wasn't Fninrey your friend?" I asked Lo'ak as he took a deep breath, ready to tell us the story of why he and Fninrey were never friends.
"She was always in the center of attention because she made herself the center of attention," Lo'ak explained, "sometimes we'd be chilling with other kids our age and she would draw all the attention to herself, she also had no problem with making Kiri feel more insecure about herself, that's why Kiri hasn't even visited her once.. Fninrey was what sky people call 'a pick me' girl. Neteyam simply had a small crush on her because she's good with a bow but then he saw the way she treated me and Kiri, mainly Kiri because I had no problem with shutting her up, and that crush slowly faded, then we had to move here and as soon as Neteyam layed eyes on Miya he had erased Fninrey from his mind."
"She sounds awful," Seyza scoffed, "if someone's insecure you should never make them feel worse about themselves especially someone as sweet as Kiri."
"Agreed," I said and frowned, "let's pretend Aonung was always a sweetheart too so I actually get to say that I agree without sounding like a hypocrite."
"Your husband almost got me killed," Lo'ak said and grinned, "and I still liked him more than Fninrey."
"I think we should bring our husbands some lunch," Seyza said determined, making me smirk, "you know, because they work so hard on teaching those brainless fuckers and I don't think it's that easy, so we should be good wives and make sure that our husbands are taken care of and that they also know they'll never be able to function without us if they let that skank touch them because I will make sure they lose all their limbs, how does that sound?"
"Like I've never seen you, the sweet and caring dancing teacher, this scary before in my life," I said and smiled, "let's do it."
"Have fun, I'll be returning to my own wife," Lo'ak said, "she kicked me out because I wasn't behaving according to her."
"What'd you do?" Seyza and I asked in unison.
"What makes you think I did anything? Maybe it was her," Lo'ak started but Seyza and I both quirked a brow at him, signaling that we didn't believe it for one bit, "fine I was teaching the baby sky people swear words and she didn't like it."
"You do know that the baby is still the size of my thumb?" I asked him as I pointed my thumb up.
"Yeah, I wanted to get there early but my wife says I'm not allowed," Lo'ak sighed as he got up, "anyway, good luck on your murder plans, shout three times if you need me to send Teungyi."
"Don't worry, we will be fine," Seyza said.

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