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Warning: this chapter contains mature scenes
You are all gonna love this one, I did at least

Miyara's pov:

Four years earlier

I didn't know what it was the last month but for some strange reason I started to crush on the asshole I'm betrothed to but I wouldn't admit it to him. I was weaving the last of his birthday gift as I watched him and his friends appraoch me, I sighed as I continued to weave the blue shells in the dreamcatcher that I was making for him. Tonight there would be a celebration like there was every year for the birthdays of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik's children and so obviously Aonung's ego was worse than it was on normal days.
"Miya, what are you making?" Aonung asked as he towered over me, I shot him a glare as I could feel my heartbeat pick up by looking at him, oh Eywa why was I suddenly acting so strange around him?
"None of your business," I spat out as I tried my hardest to sound repulsed by his presence.
"It is my birthday," Aonung said as he eyed me curiously, his weird friends behind him giggling like six year old girls.
"Happy birthday," I said dryly but he continued to stare at me, "what do you want?"
"I want you to kiss me," he said as I dropped the dreamcatcher into my lap and looked up at him with widened eyes, shocked from his forwardness, "as a birthday present."
"I'm not going to kiss you," I said and I rolled my eyes, I wasn't going to allow myself to catch more feelings for this prick, even if deep down a small part of me wanted to kiss him.
"If you won't kiss him you can always kiss me," Oimliän said from behind Aonung, followed by a smack from Aonung.
"I'd rather be eaten alive slowly by the akula than kiss you," I sneered at Oimliän, making Aonung smirk at me.
"Where do you find those blue shells?" Kìeytxar suddenly asked me, the least annoying one of Aonung's friends.
"That's my little secret," I simply told him as it fell silent again, "are you four going to watch me weave all day or what?"
"Leave us," Aonung told his friends as he kept his gaze on me, I quirked up a brow as Oimliän, Niokä and Kìeytxar left me and Aonung alone, patting him on the back like he was the coolest dude on the planet.
"That's beautiful," he said as he sat down infront of me, his light, blue eyes piercing into my bright colored ones.
"Thank you," I said softly as I could feel a heat rise in my cheeks and I prayed to Eywa that he didn't notice, "it's almost finished."
"What is it?" Aonung asked me as he placed a hand on my knee, making me look at his hand with a questioning look on my face, "sorry, I just can't help it."
"Sure you can, just don't touch me," I scoffed, no matter how much I insulted him he only got more intrested, "it's decorative, like a dream catcher."
"I'm sure it'll look nice in your pod," he said as he moved his hand from my knee and I hated myself for wishing that he hadn't taken his hand away.
"It's not for me," I sighed, hoping it would calm my rapid heartbeat down.
"It's not?" Aonung asked me curiously as he watched me finish the last pieces and hold it up in the air infront of me, "who's it for then?"
"It's for you," I said as I turned to him and saw how his ears perked up and his eyes widen, "it's a birthday gift."
"F-for me?" He stuttered, making me smirk in response.
"Oh, did I just make you stutter?" I snickered as he rolled his eyes and took the dreamcatcher from my hands, his fingers briefly touching the skin on my hands, sending a shiver down my spine as our eyes locked with one another.
"I just can't believe that you made this for me," he said as he admired my work, making me smile, "you always rant on how much you hate me."
"I don't hate you," I said as his eyes shot up to me, "I hate that you always act like a total dickhead."
"Not to you," he said and smirked, making me roll my eyes.
"Skxawng," I said but I couldn't help myself from smiling at him and he noticed. I sighed as I leaned in and pecked a quick kiss on his cheek, his eyes widened and he traced the place where I had kissed him with his fingers as he stared at me in shock.
"Happy birthday, Aonung," I said as I got up, "I'll see you tonight."

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