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This chapter contains mature scenes

Miyara's pov:

It had been getting harder to move around by myself sometimes, or at least to get up from my seat, how Ronal had done it when she was pregnant with Yukrì was a mystery to me and I was far more dependant on Aonung than I ever was before.
"It's your first pregnancy, Miyara," Ronal explained as she came to check on me, "I was very dependant on Tonowari when I was pregnant with Aonung, it's always a little harder when it's your first pregnancy."
"Did Aonung love to kick your blatter too?" I asked her and she chuckled.
"No, Aonung was a surprisingly calm baby in the womb, but Tsireya was always kicking," Ronal said, "every baby is different, Aonung was a crybaby when he was born however."
"Oh, he still is sometimes," I joked as I saw my husband shot a glare at me from the other room, which he was preparing for the baby since I was now nearly seven months pregnant.
"I know, I raised him," Ronal chuckled and I smiled at her joke.
"I'm right here, mother," Aonung said and sighed as Ronal simply shot me a 'I don't care that you are' look.
"I know, dear," she simply said before turning to me, "the baby will be here around Aonung's nineteenth birthday and you're both healthy."
I smiled warmheartidly as my eyes landed on Aonung, who was trying to hang something to the woven ceiling, his muscles tensing up as he did so, for some strange reason the last month everything my husband did was arrousing to me, I was horny all the fucking time and as much as I tried to hide it my face would sometimes let some hints slip.
"..women in their sixth month tend to be more sexually frustrated," Ronal spoke to me, my eyes widening and Aonung dropped the dreamcatcher on his face when he heard what his mother said, "it's healthy to keep having sex during the pregancy, is my son still satisfying you enough?"
"W-what?" I stammered as Aonung grunted in pain from the dreamcatcher that had landed on his face before he looked just as flabbergasted as me from the very forward question of his mother.
"Have you two still been having sex on a regular base?" Ronal asked us both like it was a totally normal conversation to have with us.
"I don't want to talk about that," I said softly, still shocked from the question she asked just because she clearly saw the arroused look on my face, which I had a hard time hiding now sometimes.
"Tonowari and I made sure we had sex at least one time a week when I was pregnant with Aonung," Ronal said and I could see Aonung's jaw drop from the corner of my eye as he squinted his eyes shut and cringed.
"I.. don't know what to say to that," I stuttered as Aonung groaned on the background.
"It's good for you and the baby's health to have a normal amount of sex with Aonung a week, I do suggest you go on top because your belly might be getting in the way a bit, I was on top of Tonowari for months," Ronal said nonchalant.
"Mother, please, I don't want to know about how you fucked father when you were pregnant with me," Aonung cringed as I stared at Ronal in disbelief, at a loss for words, "we will not be discussing our sex life with you."
"So for years I'd have to listen to you wank yourself off, moaning her name as you touched yourself in your bedroom, thinking nobody could hear you but talking about your sex life with her to your mother is beyond your limit," Ronal said but my intrest lingered on the wank part.
"He what?" I asked.
"NO!" Aonung said loudly as he shook his head no, "we're not talking about that, that never happened, mother please leave."
"No, I want to know," I said as I tried to take a hold of Ronal's hand whilst Aonung tried to get her out of the pod.
Aonung managed to get his mother pushed out of the pod before Ronal could tell me embarrising stories about Aonung, after Aonung made sure she was gone he dusted his hands off and looked quite smitten with himself, until his eyes landed on me.
"I already told you that I touch myself thinking of you," he sighed.
"Yeah, but I thought that was just when we got together, how long have you been jerking yourself off thinking of me?" I asked him as his ears lowered shamefully.
"Since I was thirteen," he said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and looked away from me, "have you.."
"Have I?" I repeated as he didn't have the guts to look at me.
"Have you ever touched.. yourself.. before we?" He questioned and I smiled at the way he so nervously asked me.
"Maybe," I said softly as I watched his ears perk up and a smile curving on his lips.
"When?" He asked me.
"When.. I was fifteen, just before my sixteenth birthday," I answered and he smirked now that he knew that around the time Yrritsyo was asking me to be his girlfriend I was already pleasuring myself sometimes with the thought of Aonung.
"You did? You naughty girl," he said in a low voice and I closed my eyes when he called me that, feeling the arrousal returning.
"Aonung, don't," I groaned, "I'm feeling extremely.."
"..Sexually frustrated?" He finished for me as he eyed me curiously and smirked at me.
"Get over here and fuck me, you skxawng," I groaned annoyed, Aonung's ears curiously perked up and without any hesitation he walked over to me, placed one hand behind my neck and the other on my waist as he pulled me in for a hungry kiss.
Aonung smirked against my lips when he let his fingers slowly slide down into my loincloth and I could feel his breath hitch when he noticed how wet I already was.
"You need me that badly, hm?" He whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine as he started to place kisses along my jawline all the way down to my collarbone, it was clear he was teasing me to see how horny I really was as he found my sweetspot and sucked harshly on my skin, making a whiny, frustrated and high pitched moan escape from my lips as I allowed my head to fall back.
I could hear him softly chuckle against my skin, it was obvious that he liked it when I was in such a needy state of mind, not even being able to control my own body as he softly ran his middle finger along my clit, I closed my eyes as I continued to softly moan at his touch but he used his other hand to place his fingers under my chin and his thumb on my lower lip, making me open my eyes as I curiously looked at him.
"If you want me to fuck you, I need you to keep looking at me, darling," he said in a low and lustful voice as I nodded quickly and maintained my gaze on Aonung, making him smirk, "good girl."
Aonung quickly untied my top and tossed it aside, I saw his pupils that had dilated when he looked at my breasts, taking in how much bigger they'd gotten since I got pregnant and smirking at the sight of it, gently squeezing them as he let his fingers run along my nipples, and after that moved onto taking my loincloth off.
"Do you still like sex, now that I'm pregnant?" I asked him as he dropped my loincloth to the ground, leaving me naked before his eyes as he frowned at my question.
"Miya, if I could fuck you every second of everyday I would because that's how much I like having sex with you," Aomung said as he towered over me and placed a kiss on top of my head as I started to untie his loincloth, "pregnant or not, you always turn me on."
"I do?" I asked him and he nodded as he moved my right hand to his already hardened cock with a smug look on his face as he did so.
"Yeah, you do, sexy mama," he chuckled in a low tone as he leaned in and kissed me, his tongue skimmed over my lower lip, asking for entry as I parted my lips for his tongue to collide with mine.I softly caressed his cock, making him harder than he already was. Aonung took this as an oppertunity to surprise me as he slid his middle finger inside of me, making me gasp as he did since I wasn't expecting it, with a smug look on his face he slowly started to move his finger inside of me with a steady rythm making me squirm from all of the sexual frustration my pregnancy had been making me feel, we still had sex on a regular base but for some reason my pregnancy made me that much more needy for sex with him than usual.
After that he gently guided me down to the floor and layed me down on my back, I simply thought he wanted to do the missionary until he grabbed onto my legs and threw them over his shoulders, holding onto my thighs as he positioned me infront of him. It seemed like we were perfectly in sync as we both took our queue's and connected them, our pupils dilating as the amount of pleasure was overwhelming.
"You're always so pretty when I fuck you," he said huskily as he slid his cock inside of me, making my jaw drop as I loudly moaned, my legs around his neck as his nails dug into my thighs, keeping me still as he fucked me.
I instinctively arched my back to give him more acces as I placed my hands over my mouth, trying to muffle my loud and desperate moans as I squeezed my eyes shut but suddenly Aonung stopped. I opened my eyes frustrated and looked at him as he quirked a challenging brow at me, I wondered why he decided to stop as he was still inside of me.
"Keep going," I whined and he shook his head.
"You'll be looking at me and moaning every little thing that comes out of that pretty mouth of yours aloud if you want me to keep going," he said stern, letting his hands softly slide along my thighs, "understood?"
"I understand," I said as I looked at him, moving my hands away from my mouth but not knowing what to do with them now.
"Go on, darling," he said softly as he started to thrust himself inside of me again, "touch yourself for me."
"W-where do you - ah..- want me to touch m-myself?" I asked him whiny and he slightly tilted his head, observing my body below him.
"I can't reach those fine tits of yours from here," he whispered as a smile formed on his lips, "caress them for me."
I nodded as I moved my hands down to my breasts and started to massage them, watching Aonung lick his lower lip as he began to sound more frustrated in his own moans, loudly groaning when I began to gently squeeze my nipples for him, he grabbed onto my thighs even harder making a more squeeky moan escape from my lips when he did, his ears perking up in pleasure and his tail swaying behind him as I did so.
"Ah, you're such a good girl," he groaned as he thrusted himself harder inside of me, making my eyes roll back into my head as I continued to caress my breasts. Aonung slapped me on my ass when I had allowed my eyes to roll back as he used his index finger to point at his eyes.
"Eyes on me, darling," he said and I nodded as I could feel my walls getting tighter around his cock, clearly I was nearly there to reach my climax.
"Ao... I'm gonna cum," I whined as I looked at him as his own dick grew bigger inside of me, like we were perfectly crafted for each other.
"Ah, me too," he groaned, "it's okay, love, you can cum."
I moaned loudly when I hit my climax, my walls clenching around his big cock, letting my hands fall down to my sides as I panted heavily, feeling Aonung's warm cum fill my insides as he himself was also panting before pulling out of me and crawling to my side, placing his head just above my left breast and listening to my rapid heartbeat.
"I wouldn't mind fucking you more than we do already," Aonung panted, "for the sake of your health and the baby's."
"Let me catch my breath before we move onto round two, Ma'Nung," I panted as I ran my hand through my hair.
"Round two, hm?" He smirked as he looked up at me with a teasing look in his eyes. I was about to open my mouth and respond to my husband when I heard someone call to us from outside of our pod.
"Good job, son!" Ronal encouraged us, "keep her happy and healthy!"
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MOTHER?!" Aonung shouted loudly, startling me as I could feel the blood drain from my face from embarrasment, Aonung however turning as red as fire, "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE?"
"What do you mean? I never left," Ronal simply said, "I care about the health of my grandchild."
"THAT IS NO REASON TO LISTEN TO US FUCK!" Aonung shouted a little too loudly and with that probably making all of our neighbours hear him.
"Aonung.." I whispered hoping he'd calm down but he didn't.
"I had to make sure you took my advice," Ronal said and sighed.
"YOU DID NOT," Aonung groaned as he shamefully burried his face in between my breasts and groaned, I sorry chuckled as I ran my hand through his hair.
"Can I come back in now?" Ronal asked.
"NO!" Aonung and I quickly said in unison as Ronal groaned.
"It's nothing I haven't seen before," Ronal debated however, "I used to wash your sperm stains out of your sleeping mat."
"Mother, you've given me enough reasons to feed myself to the akula, please get me some seasoning so he will kill me faster," Aonung groaned as he let his head fall down on my shoulder and placed his hand over my baby bump.
"Don't be so dramatic," Ronal scoffed, "but fine, I'll be leaving if you don't want me around."
I sighed as Ronal finally left, even though we thought she was gone already, I looked down at Aonung who was more embarresed than I was, it was his mother that listened after all.
".. that was somthing," I said as I rested my hand on his cheek and made him look at me, "don't worry about it."
"I'm not worried, I just want to crawl under a rock and die," he whined as I placed a kiss on top of his head and he softened in my embrace.
"You can't, I need you to raise this baby with me," I said as a smile curved on his lips.
"I know, I'll never leave you two," he whispered as he slowly leaned in to kiss me, "you're my everything."

Sooo that was something... what did you think? And what do you think will happen in the following chapters? Let me know in the comments

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