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Aonung's pov:

"Aonung! Aonung!" Miyara practically shouted, "wake up!"
"I'm up, what's wrong? Who died?" I asked as I shot up and looked at my wife, who layed on her back with a big smile on her face and her hands on her belly.
"Who died?" She repeated confused, "nobody?"
"You sounded distressed," I sighed as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
"I'm not distressed, I'm happy," she said, tapping me on my arm, "the baby's kicking for the first time!"
"W-what?" I stammered as my eyes widened and I looked down at her belly in disbelief, instinctively I placed my hands on her baby bump and I could feel some twitches and pulses, not really kicking but the baby's movements could still be felt.
"That's our child!" Miyara sniffled and I looked up from her belly to see tears of joy fall down her chin, I chuckled as I leaned down and placed my ear on her bump, hearing the way the baby moved around and I myself began to cry too. I squinted my eyes shut as Miyara placed her hand on my shoulder, I never thought I could feel such happiness as I did now.
I knew I was about to become a father but up until now I barely even realised what that meant, now I could actually feel our child move around in Miyara's womb, it really just hit me that we truely were creating a new life. I had never given much thought to what would come after Miyara's pregnancy, I was now more curious than ever to meet our baby, to see if it was a boy or a girl, to see what the baby would look like, how much the baby would resemble Miyara and myself.
I felt at peace as I felt the baby move against my cheek, listening quietly with my eyes shut before opening them and looking at my overjoyed wife. I so desperately wanted to talk to the baby and I smiled even wider as soon as the thought came to mind.
"Hey there, little one," I said softly as Miyara's eyes widened for a slim second and her ears perked up, "it's me, your daddy. I see you like to keep your mommy up at night, hm? Looks like you take after me, I kept her up all night too when we mated."
"Don't say that," Miyara gasped and I chuckled at the flustered look on her face, I gently pressed my finger on her belly, not really expecting much from it and suddenly a much more forceful kick happened from the baby just below my finger, responding to me. My eyes widened in shock as I sat upright in disbelief and saw how Miyara's jaw dropped as well as soon as she felt it.
"Did you feel that?" I asked her, "the baby responded to me."
"I felt that, do it again," Miyara said, "but no dirty stuff anymore!"
"I would never," I smirked as I was about to lean back on her belly but stopped myself halfway and pointed at her loincloth, "fun fact, the baby and I have both been in there. Everybody in this room has been inside of you at some point."
"Aonung!" Miyara gasped as she slapped me on my arm, making me laugh before she stubbornly looked away from me with a bright blush on her face.
"I'll stop, I promise, darling," I chuckled as I placed my finger under her chin and made her look at me before gently placing a kiss on her lips, "I'm just teasing my pretty wife."
"Aw, you still think I look pretty?" She asked me as he looked at me with her ocean eyes.
"I will always find you pretty, even when you're mad at me and that family-forehead-vein pops up," I joked as I pointed at her forehead and she dropped her jaw with an offended look on her face, "one that our child will inherit from you I think,"
Miyara probably never noticed that the forehead vein ran in her family, I had seen it on her dad, her brother and her niece and of course on Miyara herself, whenever any of them would be angry that vein would pop up.
"As long as the baby doesn't get your big nose it's fine," she said offended and I smirked at her.
"You know what they say," I shrugged, "big nose means big dick."
"Oh my Eywa," Miyara sighed as she rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms, "I'm going to sleep now."
"No, no, no, no, I'm not done talking to our child," I said and I could tell that she was trying to hide the little smile that curved on her lips as I layed my head back down, maintaining eye contact with Miyara as I started to talk to our baby again, "daddy's back and he's here to tell you that mommy's mad at him and might send him to Eywa before you're born."
"Aonung!" She hissed at me and I laughed as I placed a kiss on her belly and watched her gaze soften, I smiled with my eyes feeling so incredibly in love with her and our baby.
"I love you, little one," I whispered as I could feel the baby kick again and I squinted my eyes shut as soon as I felt them get watery again, "I can't wait to meet you. Mommy and daddy love you."
I opened my eyes once I felt the touch of Miyara's hand on my face, seeing a soft smile adorning her face as her eyes were dwelled with tears, I smiled as I leaned in, hovering above her and slowly moved my forehead against hers, our lips only inches apart as I felt her steady breaths on my lips.
"I love you," I whispered, "I love you both."
"I love you too, even when you annoy me," she chuckled as she leaned in and placed a gentle and loving kiss upon my lips, cupping my face as she pulled me closer to her.

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