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Neteyam's pov:

It had been a month, maybe two since the battle, since Miyara chose Aonung over me. I still watched her leave her brother's pod nearly every morning for Tsahik training, unless she was already staying with Aonung, and she hardly ever bothered to turn around and see if I was in my own pod. I must admit that I thought I was over her, I was convinced that I was since I did so well without her but still I found myself being drawn to her again but this time it was certain that she wasn't even slightly drawn to me like she once was. Aonung had her in his grasp and it showed, the look of love in her eyes only deepened when she looked at him, her pupils would dilate widely when she layed her eyes on Aonung and he always made her smile. Despite us having a special bond it would never be as special as theirs, it was like they were already mated, like they could already sense each others emotions and thoughts but I had to remind myself that they had known each other since they were six.. Miyara was after all Aonung's childhood's love, he's always loved her and I was just an obstacle that came in between them for a short while. The only one that could draw my mind off Miyara was Seyza, Tuk's dancing teacher and Awa'atlu's best dancer.. the first time I saw Seyza was when Miyara and Aonung had their dancing ritual on Miyara's birthday, Seyza was one of her background dancers and despite me being torn up over Miyara dancing with Aonung infront of the entire village I couldn't draw my eyes off Seyza as she swiftly and elegantly moved to the rythm of the music. Seyza was beautiful, she had curly hair like most Metkayina, her eyes were more gray than light blue and her skintone was slightly darker, she was around 7'1 (236 cm) and her personality was quite different compared to Miyara.. Seyza was calm and collected, she didn't speak unless spoken to and she came of as more mature to me, she was also around the same age as me, almost turning eighteen like me. Spending time with Seyza was easy and it confused me since I was always so nervous around Miyara and it made me question my feelings for Seyza..
"MIYA!" Teungyi's voice ringed through my ears, not only startling me but also the rest of my family as we all saw Teungyi sprinting past our pod, waving her arms like a maniac.
"Teung, what the fuck?" Miyara asked Teungyi as she stepped out of her brother's pod with an annoyed look on her face.
"It's Ronal! She's pooping out a baby!" Teungyi said and my ears perked up as I looked at my mother, "she's at the birthingplace!"
"Quick Teung, grab my supplies from my brother I have to hurry!" Miyara shouted as she suddenly ran past our pod and vanishing within a second, followed by Teungyi who ran after Miyara with her supplies in her arms, bottles rambling against each other in the little basket.
"Was anybody going to tell me my mother is giving birth?" Aonung suddenly called as he also walked out of Mo'iki's pod, but he seemed more calm than the two girls.
"YOU'RE NOT FUCKING DEAF ARE YOU SKXAWNG?!" Teungyi shouted back at the top of her lungs, making Lo'ak snort next to me since he decided to eat lunch with us instead of with Tsireya in their own pod.
Aonung grunted annoyed at Teungyi as he followed after the two girls, mumbling words to himself as he ignored our existance and finally vanished from our sight. I frowned as I looked over at my parents, my mother seemed happy about the birth of Ronal's baby since the two had gotten to know each other a little better.
"Shouldn't you go find your mate and tell her that your mother-in-law is giving birth?" Kiri asked Lo'ak who frowned confused, like he suddenly forgot he had a mate and that her mother was Ronal.
"Oh, I should," Lo'ak gasped as he got up and ran out, searching for Tsireya.
"Doesn't Miyara need more training to deliver a baby?" I asked my mother confused, remembering that Kiri wasn't allowed to deliver babies just yet back in the forest.
"Miyara actually delivered Zuaia and Re'ylä since Avaroa was an outcast," my mother answered, "nobody cared to tell the Tsahik about Avaroa's birth, which is why she only gave birth in their pod.. the Metkayina have a special birthing place near the East side of the island so the babies that are born can connect to the sea right away... Outcasts are not allowed to birth there."
"That's awful," Kiri said as I looked at my little sister and sighed. Despite Miyara not having any Tsahik training when Zuaia and Re'ylä were born she still delivered those babies without any other help, it made me realise how remarkable Miyara actually was.
Miyara would always hold a special place in my heart, she was my first love after all, but I was not hers and I had to move on. Perhaps soon I would talk to my parents about Seyza, I enjoyed spending time with Seyza and I was with her a lot but seeing as they were two entirely different feelings I had no idea what to follow. I guess this is what Miyara must've felt like when she was torn inbetween me and Aonung.. but to her it had always been Aonung, it was clear to me since the trial, when it was revealed what he had done for her, I could tell by the look in her eyes she'd never yearn for me like she'd yearn for him and and I forced myself to move on and I thought I had moved on, but I thought wrong.

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