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Aonung's pov:

One month later

"Yeah, you didn't decorate this," Lo'ak chuckled as he looked around our pod, it was true, the decorating of our home was much more important to Miyara than it was to me so unless she needed me for heavy lifting or my opinion on something I just simply let her do her thing as she would be wandering to the forest, picking flowers or making decorations from seashells, weaving curtains with pretty patterns, Miyara was always busy and if it wasn't with decorating our own marui pod she would be off with my mother doing Tsahik things and gossiping together, my mother and Miyara got closer by the day and soon learned that they had a dislike for the same people they almost became best friends.
"I just let her do her thing," I sighed, our home did look cozy thanks to my lovely wife, we still had about four other rooms that were empty because we had no need for them yet, I didn't even understand why we had so many rooms, I only wanted three kids.
"Look how lovely your aunt has made it," Mo'iki said as he also entered our pod and five year old Zuaia ran over to her aunt, as Mo'iki decided to let one year old Re'ylä crawl around.
"Auntie Miya!" Zuaia exclaimed, drawing Miyara's attention away from Tsireya as the two girls were talking about the flower combinations and how to take care of them.. something about the roots, I don't even know.
"Hi, pretty girl," Miyara said as she picked Zuaia up and puffed our some air, "you are getting heavy."
"I brought you a gift for your home," Zuaia said as she extended her hand to her father, who carried the special gift she had made, "it's a dream catcher made of the white pearls you like and with seastars!"
"Oh, and you made that for me?" Miyara asked as her ears lowered and I could already feel where this was heading.
"For you and uncle Nungie!" Zuaia said, my ears perking up when she so suddenly called me her uncle, I wasn't expecting that she wanted to call me her uncle, mating with Miyara did make me her uncle but if she didn't view me as such I wouldn't ask it of her.
"Uncle Nungie?" Miyara gasped as she turned around to face me, "did you hear her? She called you her uncle."
"I heard," I said, my heart skipping a beat, never having known this kind of affection before, "you don't have to call me that if you don't want to, you know that Zua?"
"But.. have you not always been my uncle then?" Zuaia asked me confused looking back at her father who was watching the scene unfold before him, "you're in the love with my aunt."
"Aonung has mated with your auntie Miya, meaning that he officially became your uncle a month ago," Mo'iki explained to his daughter and she frowned confused, Tsireya covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes smiled as she looked at the five year old girl.
"Were you mot my uncle already when you taught me to ride an Ilu?" Zuaia asked me confused.
"You already thought of me as your uncle back then?" I asked, stunned from her honesty.
"Were you not?" Zuaia questioned, "I want you to be my uncle, do you want to be my uncle?"
"I would be honored to be your uncle," I said and smiled, my heart fluttering as she viewed me as a part of her family before I even officially was, I never would've asked her to call me her uncle, if she wanted go call me that she could and now I learned that she already thought of me as her uncle when Miyara and I just got together and that meant a lot to me.
"Miya.. are you crying?" Lo'ak asked as she put Zuaia down and she ran over to me, jumping up into my arms and hugging me.
"No, don't be silly," Miyara sobbed, "my eyes are just sweaty."
"They've been sweaty all week, love," I said as Zuaia tugged on my queue, making me grunt in pain.
"Zua, you know you can't do that," Mo'iki said as he handed Zuaia's gift to Miyara and picked up his youngest daughter. Miyara looked at the gift and cried even more, making us all frown confused.
"It's so beautiful, Zua," Miyara cried, wiping away tears, "I'll hang it in our bedroom."
"Let me," Lo'ak said as he took the gift, probably wanting to escape the overly emotional Miyara for a second.
"You'd do that for me?" Miyara asked and Lo'ak nodded and so Miyara cried once more, "you're so sweet."
"Is it that time of the month or something?" Mo'iki joked but regretted saying it as soon as Miyara's sadness turned into pure rage.
"What's that supposed to mean?! Are you implying something, brother?" Miyara asked outragious, Mo'iki's ears lowering as he looked around the room for help.
"No, I'm not implying anything," he said carefully, "just worried about you."
"I'm perfectly fine," Miyara grunted and she crossed her arms, Zuaia leaned closer as she wanted to whisper in my ear.
"What's wrong with auntie Miya?" Zuaia asked me and I softly chuckled.
"She's just tired from all the hard work she's been doing in this pod," I explained, turning Miyara's rage towards me.
"Tired?! Do I look tired? Perhaps that's because I've been doing all this by myself with no help from you!" Miyara grunted annoyed.
"You're right darling, but you've made our home beautiful, and I'm grateful for you," I said as Tsireya frowned at me, Miyara's been moody all week long so I has learned what to say and what not.
"You really think so?" She asked me as her anger vanished like that and I allowed Zuaia to slide back down to her feet as she ran over to Mo'iki who was too confused with his sister's behaviour.
"I really think so," I said as Miyara suddenly hugged me and softly sobbed against my chest, Lo'ak came out of our bedroom and shot a confused look at Tsireya who was eyeing Miyara's behaviour closely.
How long has she been like this? Tsireya signed to me as Miyara burried her face into my chest.
All week, I mouthed not being able to sign back since I was comforting Miyara for Eywa knows what.
I could tell that Tsireya had formed a thought in her head, an explination for Miyara's behaviour but she wasn't going to tell me just yet.
"I feel a little dizzy," Miyara whispered to me as she placed her hand on her head but before I could open my mouth to say something Teungyi walked in with a big roasted fish that she had caught for us, the scent of the fish entering my nostrils.
"Look at that! After all that hard work I thought you deserved a good and big fish, and this one is only here for a few months before it migrates to another ocean," Teungyi said as her smile vanished when she saw Miyara get paler.
"Miya?" Teungyi asked, Miyara walked over to take the fish from Teungyi and thank her but as soon as she took a sniff from the scented fish she gagged and ran over to the opening in the floor, vomiting into the water below our pod.
"Miya," I said worried as I hurried to her side and moved her hair out of her face, gently rubbing my hand over her back as she vomited.
"I think I ate something bad," Miyara said as soon as she was done, "the fish must've triggered it."
"Just in case I'll send my mother over to check on you," Tsireya said as Lo'ak was forcing Teungyi out with the fish, waving his hands around our pod to make the scent of the roasted fish vanish.
"No, I've finished my Tsahik training, I can do it myself," Miyara said stubbornly.
"We know you can, but just let my mother check on you so we can rule out anything bad, okay?" I asked her and she nodded, she had been moody, tired and light in her head all week, I simply assumed she was a little ill but now she so suddenly vomited I was worried about my wife.
"I'll go get her," Tsireya said with a happy smile on her face, I was confused why seeing her sister-in-law vomit made her smile but my sister was an odd one. Tsireya quickly left with Lo'ak who just waved at us as he followed after my sister,
"We'll be heading back too, Miya," Mo'iki said and smiled, "get well soon."
"I will, don't worry, I probably ate something bad," Miyara said and shrugged as Zuaia waved at us.
"Bye auntie Miya," Zuaia called as she took her father's hand, "bye uncle Nungie."
"Bye!" I smiled as I waved at the little girl as she walked out with her father, who was holding his other daughter in his arm, Miyara tried to wave at Zuaia but before she could lift her head she vomited again.
"Teungyi with her stupid rare fish," Miyara said as she blinked away the tears in her eyes.
"My mother will get you something for the nausea," I said as I comforted her and she nodded, clearly still feeling bad.
"I'm so sorry," she suddenly cried again, "I ruined the housewarming party."
"You didn't ruin anything, our friends will understand," I said as I saw my mother enter our pod, taking a quick glance around our now finished marui pod and smiling before looking to me.
"Tsireya said you needed me," my mother spoke and I nodded at Miyara who was sitting down on the woven floor with her head resting on her hands as she coughed and tried not to vomit again, "what is wrong?"
"She's been moody, tired and lightheaded all week and Teunyi came with one of the rare roasted fish and she just started vomiting as soon as she smelled the fish," I explained as my mother's eyes widened, looking at Miyara who was too busy with her own changing mood to even bother.
"And all my tops are shrinking," Miyara cried like it was relevant to our  problem as she cried over the tops she could no longer fit in, "this was one of the last that fit."
"And I told you that they weren't shrinking, your boobs are bigger," I grunted annoyed as my mother quirked a brow at me, "what? They are."
"I see," my mother said as she went through Miyara's Tsahik supplies, "please stand for me Miyara."
"Okay," she said softly as she grabbed onto my arm to pull herself up, almost yanking me down from the unexpected tug on my arm. Miyara wiped away her tears as her sad mood seemed to vanish and looked at my mother who was looking at every part of her body, looking at her fingers, her ankles, even her boobs.
"Mother, she clearly ate something wrong you should be checking her stomach," I said annoyed as my mother ignored me, grabbing onto a violet colored leaf from her pouch and handing it to Miyara.
"Eat it," my mother said stern and Miyara sighed before eating the violet leaf, swallowing it and cringing, "tasteless or salty?"
"Salty, too salty," Miyara said and I frowned confused.. I didn't understand how any of that would help Miyara.
"She's vomiting, giving her something to eat won't fix that mother," I groaned annoyed as my mother looked up to me and shot me a glare.
"Who is Tsahik?" She asked me stern as Miyara also shot me a confused look, fully trusting my mother.
"You are," I sighed and my ears lowered, "what does the leaf do?"
"Taste it," my mother said as she handed me another violet colored leaf from her pouch and closely watched me eat the leaf, it didn't taste like anything to me.
"Salty right?" Miyara asked me and smiled, her bad mood having vanished again luckily.
"I don't taste anything," I said confused as I swallowed the tasteless leaf and turned to my mother, "how come it's tasteless to me? Is it because she's sick and I'm not?"
"No, actually," my mother started as she suddenly started to smile, which was very strange since she was always a serious Tsahik, "a woman's taste changes when she's with child."
Miyara's ears perked up and her eyes widened in shock as she covered her mouth with her hands and began to cry. Again. I was getting seriously annoyed with my mother, what does a pregnant woman have to do with this issue?!
"Great story, mother, but it's not helping," I said as I crossed my arms and my mother stared at me in disbelief as she placed a hand on Miyara's shoulder, who was crying.
"This leaf helps me to tell when a woman is with child, women who aren't with child or men who eat this leaf will taste nothing but a woman with child will find it taste salty," my mother explained very slowly to me, "do you need me to spell it out for you, son?"
"I understand that a pregnant woman tastes salt but how does that..." I began before I stopped myself, realising what my mother was saying but not having the nerve to believe it, "are you saying..?
"Yes, that's what I'm saying," my mother said with a proud smile as she looked back at Miyara who was clearly waiting for me to catch on, "Miyara's with child, you two are going to be parents."
"She.. child.. oh," I stammered as the words entered my mind, taking a time to process, "OH!"
"That took you long enough," my mother whispered under her breath as I now saw that Miyara was crying happy tears.
I just couldn't believe it, I ran over to Miyara and picked her up, lifting her up in the air as she giggled and leaned in to kiss me. I had a hard time controlling my own emotions as tears started to dwell in my eyes, we were going to have a baby, the girl I had loved for as long as I can remember was carrying our child, our bundle of happiness and a token of our love, hopefully a little mini version of her. Now I understood why she had all these mood swings, the tired feeling and dizzyness all week, her hormones were just all over the place.
"I'm going to be a father," I softly sobbed as I let Miyara slide down to her feet, looking up to me with sympathetic eyes as she saw me cry, I had never felt this happy before.
"You're going to be an amazing father, I know it," she whispered as she wiped a tear away from my cheek, "we're going to have a baby, Ma'Aonung.. A little combination of us."
"You've made me so happy," I said, forgetting that my mother was watching the both of us as I got lost in this moment with my wife, "I love you."
"I love you too," Miyara said and smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug, I squeezed my eyes shut as I hugged her back, soaking in this moment with her until she broke away and looked at my mother. Snapping me back to the reality in which my mother was trying her hardest not to cry.
"Come here, Ronal," Miyara softly chuckled, "you're going to be a grandma."
"I promised myself I wouldn't cry," my mother said as she tried not to cry but failed as she came to join our hug, "oh, forget it. My first grandchild."
"I heard Miyara was sick so I came to check on my daughter-in-law, is everything allright?" My father asked as he walked into our pod and quirked a brow when he saw the three of us hugging and crying, "is it that bad?"
"Thank you for your concern, Tonowari," Miyara chuckled as she looked up to me, her eyed locking with mine, "he's your father, tell him the good news."
"What good news?" My father asked as he shot me a confused look and I let out a breathy chuckle.
"Miyara's with child," I said as my father casually nodded, clearly the words I spoke didn't enter his mind.
"That's good news," my father spoke and looked at Miyara, "congratulations."
"Tonowari!" My mother hissed at him as she was too high in her own emotions, "that means we will be grandparents."
"Of course, I kn-" my father started but his eyes widened in shock as he finally realised what it meant, "I'll have a grandbaby?"
"We're assuming it's a baby but it might be something else, I'll tell you in nine to ten months," I said as Miyara softly slapped me on my arm, "ow! Yes, father.. you will have a grandbaby."
"I'm going to be a pop-pop!" My father exclaimed and with a big laugh he trapped the three of us into a bear hug and picked us up, "I'm going to be a pop-pop!"
"Not again with that fucking nickname," I hissed under my breath as I was shocked from the strength my father had.
"You're not going to call yourself a pop-pop," my mother told my father as she tapped him on his shoulder, demanding to put us back down as I walked over to Miyara and placed my hand on her belly, she softly smiled and placed her hand over mine.
"Thank you, mother," I sighed, "at least someone agrees with me on the nickname."
"I think it's cute," Miyara said with a cute chuckle as she softly squeezed my hand.
"We should celebrate," my fater spoke as he waved us over, "call the rest of the village, we will have a bonfire tonight."
"Where did you leave Yukrì, Tonowari?" My mother asked my father.
"He's with Tsireya and Lo'ak, I had to check on my daughter-in-law," my father said as my mother sighed, clearly annoyed with her mate, "come on, we have to get a celebration ready to announce my grandbaby."
"Our grandbaby!" My mother hissed as my father simply waved her off and they bickered as they left us alone in our pod.
I softly chuckled and turned around to Miyara only to find her already looking at me with her big, dreamy eyes. I smiled as I leaned in to kiss her, she giggled against my lips as the both of us were overjoyed. After I pulled away I slid down to my knees as I held into my mate's waist, looking at her still flat belly knowing it will grow in the coming months. Miyara's fingers traced along my shoulders as I pecked a kiss on her belly and letting my head rest against her belly, listening to the sounds her body made.
"I can't wait to meet you, little one," I whispered as I started to tear up.
"Come here," Miyara whispered as she placed her indexfinger under my chin and made me look up to her with tears in my eyes, I had never felt this happy before and it was all because of her, she was the reason for my happiness.
She offered me a kind smile and prompted me to get back up to my feet so she could wrap her arms around my neck and hug me tightly against her body, I burried my face in the nape of her neck softly crying as I could hear her cry as well, pulling her even closer against me. We were going to be parents.

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