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Aonung's pov:
Warning: mention of 'weed', alcohol, seggsy things and dirty dancing..

My parents decided to keep Lo'ak and Tsireya mating a secret for a little while so they could still celebrate Tsireya's sixteenth birthday without the elders viewing her as a disgrace.
My parents were much more forgiving over Tsireya since Miyara stepped in to take her place, I didn't even know the two girls discussed it until Miyara told me about it afterwards, not that she had much to say about it since Tsireya went out of her way to make it happen. I hardly saw Miyara the last two days, she was either away with my mother for Tsahik training or planning Tsireya's party saying it would be a blast. Tonight was finally the night and neither Tsireya or me had seen our friends all day, we had no idea what they were planning and we were patiently waiting to go to the village.
My father returned to our pod from setting everything up because he wanted to help his 'future daughter-in-law' with the preparations but when he arrived he laughed childishly, peaking my intrest as he looked at me with an approving nod.
"You made a fine choice with Miyara, son," he chuckled as he walked up to my mother and leaned down to kiss her.
I frowned, I knew I did but why did he think so? I knew the two got along because Miyara's been coming over here since she was six but still, why the sudden show of approval?
"She's very hard working," my mother said as she rubbed her bloathed belly, "she'll make a fine Tsahik."
"You should see what party she planned out in just two days," my father said and I looked at Tsireya who had a broad smile on her face, "we will have great parties in our future with her as Tsahik."
My father laughed for a long while causing both me, Tsireya and our mother look at each other in confusion, it was almost like he was on something.
"Father, are you allright?" I asked him confused as he continued to laugh like a little child.
"I'm fine, I just talked with your friends," he said before looking sternly at my sister, "you're not allowed to do what they're doing."
"Why? What are they doing?" Tsireya asked our father confused as he giggled like a little girl once more.
My mother groaned annoyed as she grabbed onto her mate's face and looked at his eyes, before letting out an irritated sigh of realisation.
"You're stoned," she said in disbelief, "you, the Olo'eyktan, got stoned with your future daughter-in-law and her friends?"
"It was Teungyi that passed the pod around," my father defended himself by blaming Teungyi for him being stoned, "I was just there to chat with my future daughter-in-law.. Aonung, she's amazing, wouldn't stop talking about you."
"She wouldn't?" I asked as my eyes lit up and a wide smile appeared upon my face but then I frowned, "is Miya stoned as well?"
"You should keep an eye on her, she's also drinking," my father laughed and turned to my mother, "I felt young again! Remember when we.."
"Shut your mouth, Tonowari," my mother said disapproving, "you are supposed to be an example to your children!"
"You're right, don't do this kids," my father said and laughed, "that was funny."
"Is the party almost ready?" Tsireya asked our father carefully.
"Oh, right! That's why I came back," our father exclaimed, "my daughter-in-law told me to get you, they're ready.. the entire village is already there."


I walked after my sister as everyone congratulated her on her sixteenth birthday, I however searched for my stoned girlfriend and my ears perked up as I watched Miyara climb up on a high rock, everyone of the clan being able to watch her, my jaw dropping at the sight of her as she shamelessly adressed the entire village.
"Who's ready for a party!?" She exclaimed, I could see her red, dilated eyes from where I was standing and my eyes widened in response as she held a horn of alcohol in her hand started pouring it to the people below the rock to drink from it, actually showering a bunch of people in alcohol since they didn't see it coming.
"Come on Miya!" Lo'ak exclaimed, just as stoned as my girlfriend, "bottoms up!"
Miyara laughed loudly as she pulled Lo'ak onto the rock, both of their horns getting filled to the edge with alcohol by Teungyi who had provided the entire village with her specialty drink and the entire village was drunk.
"Three! Two! One!" Kiri shouted, "DRINK!"
I shot a worried look at Tsireya as I watched my girlfriend and my sister's mate down an entire horn of alcohol as the entire village cheered them on to see who would finish their drinks first, turning it into a contest. Miyara tilted her head backwards as she finished the last of her drink before Lo'ak could, leaving the boy in shock as she jumped up and down.
"I win!" She exclaimed as she gave her horn to Teungyi once more who without second thought filled it again, "what's my prize?"
"Aonung's dick!" Lo'ak said as he was irritated that he lost to Miyara, wiping his lips dry with the back of his hand.
"I'll take it!" She said as a few villagers looked at me and grinned, even Tsireya had to hold back her laughter as my girlfriend excitedly exclaimed infront of the entire village that she wouldn't mind having my dick as her prize for winning in tugging and entire horn of alcohol.. and those horns were pretty, darn big. Usually we used bowls to drink from but Miyara had clearly outdone herself by gathering horns from the forest and cleaning them up.. she had put in a lot of effort for Tsireya's party.
"You're disgusting, bro," Lo'ak laughed as he wrapped his arm around Miyara, "I think you might just be my best friend. I fucking love you."
"Aw, you're so sweet," Miyara said as she placed her arm around Lo'ak as well, "and you're my best friend, bro. I love you too."
"Hello? I'm right here," Teungyi said as she got the pipe of pod from Yrritsyo and inhaled it before passing it onto the next.
"You're all my best friends," Miyara said as Tsireya and I approached our stoned and drunk friends, clearly they started smoking and drinking before the party even started. Even Neteyam was drunk as he was dancing with Seyza, stuck in their own world together. I recalled seeing them together a few times in the month that Miyara was away but I never realised that Seyza might just be the reason Neteyam fell out of love with Miya.
"Reya!" Miyara exclaimed excited as she jumped from the rock and slipped, falling flat on her back, "ow!"
Lo'ak took that oppertunity to walk up to his mate before Miyara could, the two couldn't kiss since they were a secret but they had a long lasting hug as Lo'ak gave her a woven top that was decorated with blue shells, I soon realised that Miyara probably helped him with that too since she was the only one that knew where those blue shells were hidden.
I leaned over Miyara as she was loudly laughing on the ground before her eyes met mine, a broad smile appearing on her face when she saw me.
"Ma'Aonung," she said my heart skipping a beat as she did so, never having called me that before, "you came!"
"We almost didn't because you got my father stoned and he almost forgot to tell us," I said as I pretended to be angry with her but I couldn't help but laugh too as a throathy laugh escaped her lips, she had such a contagious laugh, especially her drunk laugh.
"And he said he wasn't stoned," Miyara laughed as I pulled her back up to her feet.
Miyara stood on her tiptoes as she placed her hands on the back of my neck and pulled me down to her, smirking at me as she did so, my heart fluttering in response.
"Hey, you," she said as she kissed me, I could taste the alcohol on her tongue, she also reeked of the alcohol that she spilled over herself as she fell down to the ground just now. I couldn't help but smile as she was so affectionate with me in public. After that she started searching for something and I frowned in response, I had seen Miyara drunk before but now it was like she was on her own Miyara planet.
"Where is it?" She asked in general and Kìeytxar walked up to her, handing her a blue, seashell necklace, "thank you, Kìeyt.. K.. Arrrr... I forgot the rest of your name, sorry."
"Kìeytxar," he said and laughed as Miyara shrugged it off and walked to my sister with a wide smile upon her face.
"Move!" She told Rotxo as she pushed him away from Tsireya and hugged her best friend, "happy birthday, girl!"
"Ow! Miya!" Rotxo said as he rubbed over the place on his arm she had pushed him out of her way.
"Thank you so much!" Tsireya said as she accepted the necklace and smirked at my girlfriend, "where's the pipe?"
"Hahaha! That's my girl," Miyara exclaimed as she searched for the pipe which was in Neteyam's hands, she scoffed and ripped it out of his hands without a warning, "the birthday girl wants some, sorry."
But instead of giving it to Tsireya she placed the pipe on her lips and inhaled it herself, but then she realised that the pod wasn't burning anymore.
"Yrri! Give me fire!" Miya said as the tall boy chuckled and lit up the plant again so she could smoke it. She inhaled deeply, gave the pipe to Tsireya, tilted her head back and exhaled, blowing a circle with the smoke. Something about watching her smoke like that was a big turn on for me as she looked back down at me and smirked, clearly being able to tell that I enjoyed the way she looked as she did.
"Pass it to your brother when you're finished," Miyara told Tsireya as she kept her gaze fixated on me, "he's waaaaay too sober."
"Perhaps I shouldn't so I can keep an eye on you," I said as I poked her in her side with my finger, a childish giggle escaping from her lips as I did so.
"I'll be fine, this isn't the first time I've been stoned," Miyara said and both Tsireya and me frowned at her confused.
"I've never seen you stoned before," Tsireya said as she passed the pipe to me.
"I have," Teungyi laughed as she wrapped an arm around Miyara, having the same red, dilated eyes as Miyara, "I think we were both stoned when we kissed the first time."
"Wait, so that time when you two kissed for practice it wasn't your first time?" Tsireya asked as I recalled my sister exposing Teungyi and Miyara for kissing each other to the entire group a while ago when Miyara and I had just gotten together, now we learned that it wasn't just a one time kiss.
"Why do you have to expose us like that?" Miyara asked Teungyi, "no, Reya, we've kissed like three times.. two times we were stoned, one time it was on girls night and we were drunk."
"Why was I not a part of it?" Tsireya asked offended as she saw me akwardly stand there with the pipe in my hands, I had never done this before and I didn't want to look like a fool.
"A part of our kiss or a part of our stone?" Miyara asked and laughed when she realised what she said, "that made no sense."
"I thought it made sense," Teungyi laughed. Miyara looked at me and smiled as she shrugged Teungyi off and placed the pipe against my lips, she then stole the small torch from Yrritsyo and lit the pod up again.
"Inhale deeply, let it stay there for a few seconds and then exhale," Miyara explained to me and I nodded. Who would've thought that I would have to teach my girlfriend how to hunt with a crosbow and she would teach me to smoke pod.
I did as she told but as soon as I inhaled it I began coughing, as Miyara stood besides me and patted me on my back with a sympathetic look in her stoned eyes.
"It's allright, everyone does it on the first time," Miyara said and snickered, "except your sister then."
"Bro, didn't we prepare a dance for Reya's birthday?" Teungyi asked Miyara as she helped me inhale again, this time I was able to do it.
"Fuck yeah," she laughed as she took the pipe from me and passed it back to Neteyam, "Seyza, you ready to dance?"
"Are you sure that's wise?" Seyza asked seeing as Miyara and Teungyi were another level of stoned and drunk.
"I happen to be very wise, I am the wisest there ever was," Teungyi said pointing a finger at Seyza, "and I say it is time to dance for our buddy, because it's wisser."
"Wisser?" Seyza repeated and decided that Miyara and Teungyi probably shouldn't perform tonight.
"Where is our buddy?" Miyara asked as she twirled around looking for Tsireya who has vanished from my side, and so had Lo'ak. I groaned annoyed as I already knew what they were up to, he was defiling my sister.
"She be doing dirty things," Teungyi laughed, "just like you and Aonung."
"What are you even talking about?" I asked Teungyi since I wasn't sure what Miyara had told Teungyi about our sexual life together, we hadn't had sex yet, we would've had sex on Miyara's birthday but she broke up with me before and now we never discussed if we wanted to. I was also afraid to suggest it to Miyara, since she nearly got raped and I wasn't sure if she was ready to have sex with me.. so I simply waited for her to tell me that she was, even though the thought of her moans everytime we pleasured each other turned me on all the time.
"Miyara was very specific with me today in what positions she'd like to fu-" Teungyi began but Miyara smacked her across the face, "Ow! You bitch."
"You are supposed to keep that a secret!" My girlfriend said and she crossed her arms but my intrest was officialy peaked. In the meantime the pipe was passed around to me several times more and I could feel myself getting stoned as well, enjoying the calm feeling that came with it.
"Nah, Teung, you're my buddy too," I said as I pulled Teungyi away from Miyara, smirking at the sight of my girlfriend getting extremely nervous, "tell me what you were about to say."
"You know what, since she smacked me, I will tell you," Teungyi said and Miyara gasped in disbelief.
"No, you won't!" Miyara said as she walked over to the both of us but I wrapped both my arms around her to keep her restrained as Teungyi smirked and decided to tell me what Miyara had told her today.
"Your girlfriend was telling me about what sexual positions she thinks are hot and how she soon wants to try them out with you," Teungyi said, my heart skipping a beat as the thought of me fucking Miyara senseless entered my mind, "she also told me that last night... when she was supposed to be asleep.. she felt a bit.. horny..-"
"Shut up, Teungyi, I'm literally going to kill you!" Miyara said but I moved my hand over her mouth being desperate to hear what my girlfriend had told her best friend about me.
"Let's just say that she was sad you weren't around to do it for her," Teungyi said and Miyara groaned ashamed into my hand, I couldn't help but smile and even my tail began to wag a little from it.
"Nah, Teung, I need details," I said as Miyara tried to wiggle herself loose from my hold but was unable to, "spill."
Teungyi grinned and leaned up to whisper in my ear: "she told me she was fingering herself thinking of you, imagining it was you doing all kinds of dirty to her."
"I hate you," Miyara shouted against my hand as her ears lowered, despite me wanting to know what Miyara had told Teungyi the thought of Miyara pleasuring herself thinking of me made me hard, and Miyara could tell as she gasped when she felt my boner against her ass.
"You asked for it when you slapped me!" Teungyi said and I lowered my hand from Miyara's mouth.
"Oh yeah? Exposing me to my boyfriend like that, real classy," Miyara scoffed, "what would you do if I told Yrritsyo about the threesome you had?"
"You had a threesome?" I asked Teungyi in disbelief as the girl's ears lowered, "I knew you were wild Teung, but damn."
"Hey, I can be wild too," Miyara whispered with an innocent voice as she looked up to me with big eyes.
"I know," I said as I leaned down to kiss her, "I mean you are pleasuring yourself thinking of me so.."
"Ugh, I hate you too," Miyara grunted annoyed as I still held her against me, her hot body pressed up against me, "hey, Teung, thanks to your story my boyfriend can't let go of me.. you know why?"
"Because he's hard?" Teungyi chuckled and I grunted annoyed, I could've expected that since I teased her but what Teungyi responded almost made my heart drop, "so why don't you take him into the woods and show him all the posistions you find hot?"
"Ugh," Miyara groaned and turned around to hide her face in my chest as I laughed loudly at what Teungyi said who then returned to her boyfriend, Miyara had clearly not anticipated for that one to backfire on her.
"She's gone now, darling," I said as I kissed the top of her head, feeling my boner vanishing slowly, "you can turn around again."
"Can't believe she did that," Miyara groaned ashamed.
"I can, it's Teungyi.. but I need to know," I said as I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "how many times have you touched yourself thinking of me?"
"I'm not going to answer that," she said as she tried to wiggle herself loose again, "let me get you a drink so you can forget this entire conversation."
"Oh, I don't think so, love," I chuckled as I kissed her on her cheek, "I'm dying to know what positions you want to try out."
"You will soon find out," she said as she smirked at me, "very soon."
"W-what?" I stuttered as I expected her to respond more shy but she confidently admitted to wanting to fuck me.
"What's wrong, baby?" She asked as she slid her hand past her ass and squeezed my dick, making me gasp, "did I leave you speechless?"
"You call me horny but you're quite the naughty girl yourself, Miya," I smirked as she placed a quick kiss on my lips.
"That's why you love me," she chuckled as she finally wiggled herself loose.
"I have plenty more reasons for why I love you but I'm afraid I don't have an eternity," I said and she frowned curiously, "because that's how long it would take me to finish that list."
Miyara smiled as she leaned in and kissed me again, making my heart flutter.
"I swear to Eywa I can't love you more than I already do and yet every morning I wake up and I love you more than I did the day before," Miyara said as she leaned in to kiss me but heard the drums change their rythm to a song she loved and so she gasped as she looked at me with wide eyes, "I love this song! Come on, Ma'Nung, we're dancing!"
Without a second warning she grabbed my hands and with all of her might she pulled me to where Teungyi and Yrritsyo were dancing as Neteyam and Seyza stood not too far away. I saw Miyara shoot a stern look at Rotxo as she nodded towards Kiri who was talking to Spider, I curiously looked over at my friend who didn't have the nerve to ask Kiri to dance even though he clearly wanted to. Miyara sighed and rolled her eyes as she nodded at me to get Rotxo on the dancefloor before she went to pull Kiri away from her pet. I did as my girlfriend told me and easily pulled Rotxo to the dancefloor as Miyara managed to get a very confused Kiri to dancefloor as well.
"Her brothers will kill me," Rotxo whispered under his breath.
"Oh please, one of them is dancing with his situationship and the other one is fucking your best friend's sister and you don't see him beating up Lo'ak now," Miyara said as I could feel the hairs in my neck stand upright as she mentioned my sister having sex with Lo'ak right now.
Miyara pushed Kiri into Rotxo's arms and pretended it was an accident as she fake stumbled and made me catch her.
"I'm so sorry," she acted, "I tripped and I didn't want to pull you down with me, luckily Rotxo caught you just in time.. now that you're both here, come and join us.. we were about to dance."
"I.. eh," Kiri stuttered as she looked at Rotxo, "sure, let's dance."
"Smooth," I whispered in Miyara's ears before I twirled her around, making her long, thick, curly hair swiftly twirl around with her, a loud chuckle escaping from her lips as I pulled her against me, placing my hand on her waist as I held her hand with my other hand.
"I know right, I'm goood," she chuckled watching Rotxo and Kiri started to dance with eachother, as Spider and Kìeytxar were both glaring at Rotxo for dancing with the girl they liked, both of them jealous.
"Can you believe she pulled three guys without even trying? I'm so proud of her," Miyara said happily and I frowned.
"So did you, darling," I said as I watched her wonder who I meant, "Yrritsyo, Neteyam and me."
"Oh, right," she said and laughed as she suddenly turned her back to me and placed my hands on her waist, keeping her own hands over mine as she pressed her ass against me.
"Miya, what are you- AH-" I stuttered as she began to whine her hips against me, making smooth movements as she moved my hands to her abdonem, moving her ass that much more against my cock as now everyone could see the flabbergasted look on my face, my jaw dropped, my eyes widened and a blush so bright it reached my now lowered ears.
She continued to gyrate against me as I slowly began to feel the rythm as well and started to move my hips against her as well, looking down at the way she was moving against me I couldn't stop myself from getting hard and I knew she felt my cock pressing against her. Miyara moved her back against my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her face as we continued to bounce against each other.
"We're in public, Miya," I whispered as I hid my face in the nape of her neck, not being able to hide how turned on I was right now but my girlfriend simply scoffed.
"I don't care, I wanted to dance like this with you," she said as she forced me to look at her before pressing her lips against mine, she whined against me a little harder making me gasp and she took it as an oppertunity to slip her tongue into my mouth. This girl never seizes to amaze me, I saw our friends looking at us but the more Miyara moved her hips against my hardened cock the less I cared because I knew we looked fucking hot. I stopped caring that the village was now also watching us as Miyara moved her hands away from my neck to accept the pipe that was passed along again, I watched as she held it up for me above her head to smoke from, I smirked as I placed my lips against the pipe and inhaled, after that Miyara did the same, blowing out circles again and impressing me that much more.
"How do you do that?" I asked her as she mischieviously laughed at me.
"Wasn't allowed to fight so I had to be good at something," she said looking up to me with those bright eyes of hers, "so I'm good at blowing smoke circles and making your dick hard."
"I heard that," Rotxo said as he blushed and Kiri covered her mouth with one of her hands trying to muffle her stoned laughs, her other hand interwined with Rotxo's as they danced, "I did not want to hear that and I did not want to know that Aonung's hard right now.. this is too much information."
"It's a party, stop bitching and smoke the pod," Miyara said as she gave the pipe to Rotxo and moved her arms back to my neck, arching her back as we continued to dance dirty with each other before she moved around to face me, doing the exact same but from the front, my knee in between her legs as she purposely moved down for my knee to reach her wetness, I gasped as I felt she was just as turned on as me, a smirk forming on her lips. Usually it was me who was the dominant one in our sexual interactions and Miyara the shy one but Miyara had entirely taken control over me tonight and I enjoyed this side of her. I placed my hands on her waist as I moved her down to my knee, which wasn't that much below her wetness to begin with since she's much shorter than me, as I started to move my knee and thigh against her, a soft moan escaping from her lips only for me to hear, making my ears perk up at the sound of it. Fuck I loved the way she moaned.
Feeling so lost in the moment I excitedly picked her up in my arms, Miyara yelped as she moved her hair out of her face and wrapped her legs around my waist as I held her up with my arms, looking up at my beautiful girlfriend.
"I see you, Ma'Miya," I said softly as I watched the bonfire twinkle in her eyes, a warmhearted smile curled on her lips as she placed her hands on my shoulders.
"I see you, Ma'Nung," she whispered as she leaned down to kiss me.
"Get a room!" We heard Teungyi shout as she suddenly began to sing a song I didn't know, ".. yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy.. bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy.."
Miyara pulled away from kissing me as we looked at each other with a confused look on our faces before I allowed Miyara to slide back down to the ground, both looking at Teungyi confused who was grinding against Yrritsyo and it was clear that he was turned on too.
"What are you singing?" Miyara asked her friend confused as I was wondering that too.
"Dunno," Teungyi shrugged, "some sky people song that Lo'ak keeps singing."
"You are weird," Miyara said.
"And you're forgetting that I can still expose you to your boyfriend," Teungyi smirked as Miyara's ears lowered.
"Please, do," I said as I saw Miyara glare at me.
"So, she told you about the way she wants you to gently choke her a bit?" Teungyi asked and Miyara gasped but Teungyi as so loud that some of our friends turned around and looked at Miyara, who was now blushing so hard even her ears turned bright red as she covered her face with her hands and placed her forehead against my chest, groaning shamefully as I let out a loud laughter. I enjoyed the fact that Miyara was so open about what things turned her on, even if it was to one of her best friends, she was clearly still too self conscious to tell me.
"I need a drink," Miyara said as she walked away.
"I think you had enough," I called after her but Miyara was now clearly upset.
"I NEED A DRINK!" She shouted as she filled up her horn again and started to tug the alcohol down once more, I already knew she'd be throwing it back up in a couple of hours.

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