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Neteyam's pov:

After Aonung's birthday party Seyza, Lo'ak, Tsireya and I decided to join my parents in their pod before we would head home, Rotxo was also there with Kiri and now that Kiri's eighteenth birthday was approaching my father was shooting daggers at Rotxo with his glare, worried that they might be mated as soon as she turned eighteen.
"I'm just saying I already have three grandchildren on the way and I don't want to see my daughter pregnant any time soon," my father said stern, "got that, Rotxo?"
"Ma'Jake!" My mother hissed at him, "stop making him uncomfortable."
"Rotxo is a sweet boy," Tsireya said as she squeezed his cheek and Rotxo growled at his friend.
"Thanks, Reya," he sighed as he wrapped an arm around Kiri who chuckled.
"None of that in-" my father began but suddenly the horns blew, alarming us all as Seyza jumped and fell back into my arms.
I frowned confused when Rotxo, Tsireya and Seyza all gasped and looked at each other, clearly they knew what this meant but my family and I did not.
"Are we under attack?" I asked Seyza confused.
"No, it means that.." Seyza started but got interrupted by Teungyi's abnormally loud voice.
"MO'IKI!" Teungyi shouted, startling us all again, "MIYARA'S IN LABOUR!"
Teungyi walked past our pod and stopped when she saw Tsireya.
"Your nephew's on his way, Reya," Teungyi said, "I have to get Mo'iki."
"Seriously? We leave for five minutes and the baby's coming?" Tsireya asked Lo'ak.
"I guess so," Lo'ak shrugged. I sighed as I watched Mo'iki follow after Teungyi with his daughters, it made me realise how much had changed, how adjusted I had gotten to living in Awa'atlu. This was our home now.
In a couple of years Tonowari and Ronal would step down and move to another village and then Aonung and Miyara will become the new Olo'eyktan and Tsahik and now the next Olo'eyktan after Aonung was already about to be born.
A flash of Miyara the first day I met her popped in my head, the innocent look in her eyes, the smile upon her face and the way Aonung glared at me for even looking in her direction, it felt strange to know that had already been two years ago, it felt strange to remember the feelings I had back in the day for her.. I couldn't picture myself with those feelings now, not as my pregnant wife layed her head down on my shoulder, the feelings I once had for Miyara were nowhere near the ones I have for Seyza. Her gray eyes shot up to me as I stayed quiet for too long, curiously eyeing me before placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. Lo'ak and Tsireya leaving since their nephew was about to be born.
"When do you think we should tell your family we're having a girl?" Seyza whispered to me and I chuckled.
"I think we should keep it our little secret," I said as I trailed my fingers through her curly hair, "they don't know that Norm already knew what we were having."
"Fine, we'll keep it a secret," she chuckled, "as long as our daughter doesn't fall for Aonung's son I'm good with any of it."
"I'm afraid we don't have much of a choice in that matter, should it happen," I chuckled as she rolled her eyes, "but I don't hope that either."


Aonung's pov:

"Mother, we need your help," I called as I carried Miyara to my family's pod, "the baby's coming."
"Oh great mother, finally," my mother sighed as she handed Yukrì to my father and gathered her Tsahik supplies, "let's go to the birthing place, now!"
"The day's finally here that I'm going to be a pop-pop," I heard my father say prpiudly but I was too busy with my wife to be even bothered by it.
"Lay her down in the water," my mother ordered me as Miyara was groaning in pain, I did as my mother told me and I layed her down in the water, pulling her up to my lap so she could rest against me as I held onto her arms.
My mother took off Miyara's loincloth and checked to see how far along she was.
"This will be over before you know it, Miyara," my mother told her.
"You could've told me it would hurt this bad," Miyara groaned as she squinted her eyes shut in pain.
"This too, shall pass," my mother said, "you're doing great, you'll be able to meet your son soon."
Miyara grabbed onto my arm for support as she puffed out some air, it pained me to see her in such agony but I knew that soon we would be able to meet our son.. our child.
I softly smiled and looked up at the night sky, our son would be born under a clear sky in which the stars were dancing, he would be born only a few hours after my own birthday.
"You're doing great, darling," I whispered in her ear as the elders appeared and started to do their blessings.
"Yeah, I'm so glad everyone's here to look up my coochie," she whispered and I had to hold my laughter, "this hurts so much."
"So, do you still want seven children?" I asked her and smirked, but she tightened her grip around my arm with a strength I didn't even know she had, actually bruising me.
"Shut up," she groaned and turned to my mother, "how much longer, Ronal?"
"You'll be able to start pushing soon," my mother said and she looked over her shoulder to see the elders slowly getting out of the water after they had blessed it for our child to be born, "the water has been blessed, you're almost ready."
"I can't take this anymore," she whined and she let her head fall back, I kissed her on top of her head and softly spoke to her.
"I've never told you this but on the day you were born there was a big storm and your mother couldn't go home with you because of it, so you stayed in our pod for hours and I was only three months old and I wouldn't stop crying so your brother layed you down next to me and as soon as you were placed besides me I stopped crying," I said and she looked up to me with curious eyes, "you stayed with me through the storm and I'm staying with you through this one. It's you and me, right? It always has been.. since day one."
"I never knew," she huffed and smiled, "I love you."
"I love you more," I whispered and leaned down for a quick kiss.
"You're ready to start pushing, Miyara," my mother said, "deep breaths."
Miyara nodded and groaned as she started pushing, she clutched herself onto my arms with all the strength in her body, which was a lot. The sea crashed into us as we layed in the water near the shore, my knees stuck in the sand as Miyara layed against me for support. My mother had reached down in order to guide the baby out as Miyara was grunting, puffing, sweating and pushing.
"I can see his head, you're doing great, Miyara, just a little more," my mother said and I tried to peek but couldn't see anything just yet. I sighed as I was desperate to meet our little boy now that he was almost here.
"How much longer?" Miyara grunted.
"Just a few more pushes," my mother said, "his head's out, just give me about three more pushes. Can you do that for me?"
"Y-Yeah," she groaned as I peeked again, now being able to see a few for his black babyhairs but nothing more.
After three more pushes our son was finally out and in my mothers arms, he immediatly started to cry as my mother cleaned him up in the sea water and dipped him under. My eyes widened as she held him up for me, I hesitated for a moment before getting my dagger and cutting off his navel cord. My jaw dropped as my mother placed our son into Miyara's arms, he was a little bundle of perfection and for a moment I couldn't believe he was real.
"He has your eyes," I told Miyara as soon as he had opened his eyes and looked at the both of us curiously. Miyara nodded and tried to blink away her tears but she couldn't contain them, I rubbed my fingers over his belly and before I knew it he grabbed onto my pinky finger. Miyara and I both gasped as he held onto my finger with his full fist, I was too busy falling on love with my son to even notice my mother crying.
Our boy was here and he was perfect, he had Miyara's bright, big colored eyes, but clearly he got my nose and hair.
"He's perfect," I whispered and Miyara nodded as she looked up to me with tears in her eyes, that being enough to make me cry as well.
"We did it," she said and I leaned down to kiss her, the kiss was wet from our tears and our son made happy noises, drawing our attention back to him.
I watched Miyara lean down to kiss our son, watching the both of them like this made me realise that I would never love anyone more than I love these two.. especially our son, for so long I believed that Miyara was the one I loved the most but here our son was.
My mother had cleaned Miyara up and put her loincloth back on in the meantime, Miyara sat up and turned to me, offering me our son. I quirked my eyebrows up before gladly taking our son from her arms into my own, I gasped as he eyed me curiously, laughing as he did so, like a pure bundle of joy. I had never felt such happiness until now.
"Can I know his name?" My mother asked and Miyara nodded as she placed her hand on our son's stomach, looking up to me and giving me the permission to tell my mother the name we had picked out for our son.
"Mother," I said as I handed her our son, "meet Araoukai."

Soooooo the baby is finally here... what are your thoughts? And what are your predictions for all the 'future' kids that are still on their way? What would you like to see happening?
Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, it's not a big chapter but it didn't need to be.

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