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Miyara's pov:

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat down besides Avaroa and gently placed my hand on her growing belly.
"I'm actually feeling quite allright today," she said as she sat up a bit, "how have you been Miya? Now that you didn't have to take care of Zuaia all the time?"
"I don't mind helping you with Zuaia, it's the least I can do," I said and I meant that, I enjoyed taking care of my niece. The only problem was that sometimes people that didn't know me that well or even realised I was the girl betrothed to Aonung thought she was my daughter because the village hardly ever saw Zuaia.
"I know you don't mind, but you're still sixteen," Avaroa said softly, "it's not your job yet to take care of children."
"I love children," I said, "I want a big family later."
"I know you do," Avaroa chuckled, "but you should be hanging out with friends instead of taking care of your niece."
"Ava, it's not a problem, I like taking care of her," I said, "besides I still have a hangover from hanging out with my friends yesterday."
"Girls night, hm?" She chuckled and I nodded, "did you have fun?"
"Yeah, we did, we invited Kiri as well," I said, "I saw how she kind of felt alone everytime we were with the entire group so we all agreed that perhaps she should bond with us now that's she's one of us."
"That's sweet, I don't get where you and your brother got that kindness," she chuckled.
"Not our parents, that's for sure," I chuckled along with her. It was no lie that my parents were awful people, my father used to beat Mo'iki up when he disobeyed his wishes and my mother never said anything about it. But as awful as they were, they were still my parents.
"What do you think? A boy or a girl?" Avaroa asked me as she placed a hand on her belly.
"I think it'll be a girl," I chuckled, "I can see you and Mo'iki as the parents of just girls."
"So I'll have to deal with only boyfriends later?" Mo'iki said as he was helping Zuaia with her lunch, "Zua, promise me you won't get a boyfriend."
"I can't promise that," Zuaia simply said, making Avaroa laugh.
"Don't make that promise, Zua," Avaroa said followed by an annoyed glare from her mate, "you should be with who you want to be, okay?"
"Okay, mommy," Zuaia said as she stuck out her tongue to her father.
"We wanted to ask you something, Miya," Avaroa said with a more serious look on her face, "we want you to name our baby."
"What? No, I can't do that," I stuttered as I looked back at Mo'iki.
"Yes, you can," he said, "we want you to name the baby, you've meant so much for us these past few months and with this we want to show you how much you mean to us, sis."
"But what if you don't like the names?" I asked as I looked back and forth from both of them.
"We'll love whatever you pick out," Mo'iki said followed by a nod from Avaroa. I sighed as I placed my hand on Avaroa's belly once more, looking at her.
"For a girl I've always liked Re'ylä," I said, "and a boy.. Weyounì."
"I love them," Mo'iki said as he turned to his mate, "what do you think, love?"
"I agree they are beautiful names," Avaroa said, "we'll see which one it'll be in another two months."
"I can't wait," I said as I got up and picked Zuaia up, "ready for your swimming lessons?"
"Hell yeah I am!" She said excited.
"Where'd you learn that word?" I asked her confused. I had never even heard of the word 'hell' until the Sully's arrived.
"Tuk," she simply said and I chuckled as I said goodbye to Mo'iki and Avaroa.


Aonung's pov:

I saw her standing in the water up until her waist as she was introducing Zuaia to a small Ilu, I smiled at the sight of how good she was with that little girl. She actually looked like a mother teaching her child, I couldn't help the thought of her being like that with our child one day, I saw a vivid scene of what we'd be like as parents play in my head.
"Hey," she said with a big smile on her face when she saw me get into the water. Zuaia eyed me curiously since the girl had only seen me a few times. Miyara swam over to me, placed her hands on my chest and kissed me passionately.
"The Ilu lessons I see," I said and she nodded as Zuaia swam over to us with a suspecious look on her face.
"Zuaia, this is Aonung," Miyara said as she took the girls hand and pulled her to us, "he's the chief's son, remember?"
"I remember," Zuaia said as she curiously looked at me, "why did you kiss him?"
"Because Aonung is my boyfriend," she explained and I couldn't help myself from smiling. I loved the way she told people I was her boyfriend, I had waited to be her boyfriend for such a long time it sometimes still seemed unreal that I really was her boyfriend right now.
"Like mommy and daddy?" She asked Miyara as she made Miyara pull her up, I looked at the way Miyara held the little girl to her body and I just knew I made the right choice to choose her when we were little. She looked perfect.
"No not like your mommy and daddy," she said softly, "but we will be one day."
She smiled when she said that, making my heart beat faster in my chest knowing that she wasn't repulsed by the idea of mating with me, she actually seemed to look forward to it. I think she was actually falling hard for me.
"When?" Zuaia asked her curiously.
"When I turn eighteen," she said, "there'll be a big ceremony, Aonung will be our new Olo'eyktan you know."
"That's cool!" She said excited as she looked at me, "will you help Miyara and me with the Ilu?"
"Sure, I'd like that," I said as I looked at Miyara who had a longing look in her eyes as she looked at me, "why don't you show me what Miyara has already taught you with the Ilu."
"Okay, follow me," Zuaia said as she jumped from Miyara's arm and grasped my hand, forcing me to follow her. I looked over my shoulder to Miyara who was looking at the both of us warmheartidly.
"Look, I sit here," Zuaia said as she got on the Ilu, "and I hold this and then I go."
"I think you're forgetting something," I said and she frowned as she looked at Miyara confused.
"Listen to him, Zua," she said in a slightly stern way, sounding very much like a mother.
"What did I forget?" Zuaia asked me.
"You have to make the bond," I explained and she looked at me like it all made sense now, "feel his strength, his breath, his emotions and then you lie flat on it's back and tell it what to do."
"Okay," Zuaia said as she followed my instructions, "go!"
The Ilu swam off and dove under water, both me and Miyara crouched down to look at how Zuaia did under water and she managed to stay on top of it.
"She's doing a better job than Lo'ak did," Miyara chuckled, I looked over my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her, placing my hand on her waist and pulling her to my side. She smiled widely as she placed her hand on my back and watched her niece ride the Ilu like a natural,
"You're doing really good with her," I said, "you seem like you're ready to be a mother."
"I look forward to it, I must admit," she said as she looked up to me, "what about you?"
"I look forward to being parents with you," I admitted, "how many kids do you want?"
"Would it be weird if I said seven?" Miyara said and my jaw dropped.
"Miya, do you want to start your own clan or something? Seven kids?" I asked her and she chuckled.
"Maybe seven's a little much," she chuckled, "but I do want a big family. How many do you want then?"
"Three," I said and she sighed, "that's my limit."
"Fine, we'll have three," she said followed by a breathy chuckle from me, making her look up to me with a questioning look on her face.
"You're only making me fall harder for you, when you talk of us having a family together one day," I said and she smiled as she rested her head on my bicep and I softly pulled her closer to me as we watched Zuaia wave at us from the Ilu.
"I think I might be falling more for you each day as well," she whispered and my eyes slightly widened as she calmly rested her head against my arm, I smiled warmly and enjoyed this moment with her.

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