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Miyara's pov:

"I've missed you!" Tsireya said as she ran towards me once I finally was allowed to go back out of my pod again after two long weeks of constantly being scolded by my father.
"Not as much as me," Aonung said as he pushed his sister out of the way before she could hug me and looked at me with a smug face.
"Ow! Skxawng!" Tsireya grunted at her brother who was now hugging me.
"Go off to your boyfriend," he waved her off, "he needs a hug."
"He's not my boyfriend!" She hissed at her brother, but I pushed Aonung out of the way before he could kiss me so I could hug my best friend. He shot me an offended look and I grinned at him.
"You should've waited your turn," I smirked and I saw him walking back up to me once I had let go of Tsireya but Teungyi, who usually hates hugs, was faster and wrapped her arms around me just to spite him. I could see him get annoyed with her.
"What?" Teungyi shrugged and smirked at Aonung, "she was my bitch before she became your bitch."
"She said bitch," I heard Tuk whisper to Neteyam.
"You heard that right, bitch," Lo'ak whispered to Tuk, followed by a slap from Neteyam and Kiri.
Rotxo, wanting to take this oppertunity to annoy Aonung as well followed after Teungyi to hug me and I could see Aonung's teal skincolor turn red with anger as everybody caught onto it. It ended with Neteyam, who hesitated for a moment before hugging me. There was something so comforting and relieving about hugging him, I felt so at ease with him and for some reason I couldn't explain it.
His eyes looked back into mine once he let go of me and for a moment I forgot others could see the way we were looking at each other, I didn't even know how we were looking at each other, I didn't know what you called this. It was strange and different.
After that Aonung stood there, pouting like a little kid with his arms crossed and waiting to be finally able to hug me.
"Can I?" He groaned and I nodded, with a soft sigh he walked towards me but Teungyi jumped infront of him to hug me again but Aonung was so annoyed he harshly pushed her aside which caused her to fall down in the sand and picked me up in his arms.
"Aonung!" I shrieked, "put me down."
"Nah, you're mine," he said with a smirk upon his face, "I'm not letting you back down."
"You have to because I have an important announcement to make," I said and he quirked a brow allowing me to slide back to the ground but keeping his hand on my back, rubbing it with his thumb, "my parents went easy on me.."
"Easy?" Neteyam asked in disbelief, a hint of rage in his voice, "I don't call that easy, you got punished for something you didn't even do!"
"Yeah, bro," Lo'ak added, "he hurt you for it as well, that's not easy!"
"What'd he do, Kiri?" Tuk asked her sister since she wasn't there when it happened.
"Believe me, I've seen what happened to Mo'iki," I explained not quite understanding why they made such a fuss about it, "this was easy."
"I agree with them, Miya," Aonung said stern, "what your father did to you was awful and he shouldn't have done it."
"It's not that bad, many people have it worse than me," I sighed, "but can I make my announcement?"
"You're pregnant," Teungyi grinned, I frowned as Aonung, who's mind worked a little slower at times, came to me with a shocked look in his eyes.
"You are?" He asked me in worry.
"Are you stupid, skxawng!?" I asked him in disbelief as I flicked his forehead, "we never mated or fucked!"
"Right," he let out a breathy chuckle as Lo'ak bursted out into a loud laughter, which angered Aonung.
"My parents are leaving for a date weekend," I explained, "they just really wanted to get time away from me but anyway, that means I can host a party at my marui pod and you're all invited and you can sleep at my place."
"Deal!" Lo'ak said as he got up and fistbumped me, "when?"
"Tonight, they're leaving in an hour," I chuckled and I looked at Teungyi, "Yrritsyo is welcome too."
"Great! I'll ask him," she said with a beaming smile on her face. Aonung's smile faded as he nudged his head towards mine.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked with an insecure tone in his voice, he was probably still worried about Yrritsyo having feelings for me but he had nothing to worry about because Yrritsyo had fallen in love with Teungyi.
"I am, are you?" I whispered back.
He clenched his jaw before lifting his hands up in defeat and stepping backwards.
"I was thinking that instead of dinner in the village, I could cook something and we'd eat at my place," I said as I scanned the crowd, my eyes for some reason lingering on Neteyam who was looking at me with an unreadable expression.
"I like that," Tsireya said as she jumped to my side and wrapped her arm around mine, "I'll help."
"Thanks, that'd be great," I chuckled, "so, I'll see you all tonight?"
"I'll bring the juice!" Teungyi exclaimed, "I can't cook but I can prepare a fine drink!"
"Can I come too?" Tuk asked Kiri, who with wide eyes looked at Neteyam for back up.
"This party's going to be different from the ones your used to Tuk," Neteyam explained, "when you're older you can come, but mom and dad wouldn't want you to."
I felt sad for the little girl because I really liked her, but Neteyam was right, this wasn't a party for a little girl like her.
"Do you have enough to cook?" Aonung asked as he gently grasped onto my arm, looking concerned, "should I do some hunting for you?"
"I can hunt for myself," I grinned and he frowned, a smug smirk appearing on his face.
"You can't even hold a crosbow right, darling," he whispered to me.
"I'll be fine," I said shooting him down with a stern look, "don't worry about my hunting."
"Well, guys, looks like were not having dinner tonight," Aonung snickered, not believing that I could pull it off as I shot him an offended look.
"I think she might just surprise you," Neteyam said smirking slightly at Aonung, silencing everyone who laughed from Aonung's joke. I shot Neteyam a worried look since it was a secret about him teaching me and even if I wasn't good at it yet I still appreciated that he believed in me, since my own boyfriend clearly didn't.
"Why would she?" Aonung asked as he crossed his arms and glared at Neteyam waiting for his response.
"The questions not 'why would she' it's 'why shouldn't she'," Neteyam said staring hatefully at Aonung a tension growing between the two boys.
"Do explain yourself, Sully," Aonung scowled and I sighed.
"I don't have to," Neteyam said calmly, "you should have more faith in your girlfriend."
"Oh, I do," Aonung said, "but why do you have that amount of faith in my girlfriend."
"No need to put an extra accentuation on 'my' I'm well aware she's your girlfriend," Neteyam said, "but that's not what I was focussing on."
"You're right, you were focussing on her non-existing hunting skills," Aonung said.
"Hey!" I said offended as Aonung brielfly looked me in my eyes before returning to Neteyam, I felt like they could jump each other any second now.
"Oh Eywa!" Teungyi groaned before turning to the boys, "I've been teaching Miyara to hunt!"
Everyone, including myself, looked at Teungyi with a questioning look on our faces. I quickly took this oppertunity to see if Neteyam had anything to do with this fake story from Teungyi, but he shrugged at me signaling he had no idea what she was talking about.
"What?" Aonung asked Teungyi before turning to me, but I ignored his questioning gaze.
"She wanted to impress you once she got the hang of it, I mean come on, her dad's convinced that women shouldn't hunt which is why she can't," Teungyi explained to Aonung, leaving me speechless, "but she's still gonna be the mate of the future Olo'eyktan, aka you, so she should learn to hunt... so I offered to teach her."
I had no clue how Teungyi just sucked that story out of her thumb but I was grateful that she did because Aonung's jealousy slowly vanished and he calmed down, I knew he could be very jealous and even if Neteyam and I are only friends I still wouldn't want him to feel like I didn't want him anymore. Because I did, I adored him. Aonung held a special place in my heart.
Aonung sighed, shot Neteyam a side eye and then turned to me taking me a few feet away from the group and leaning closer to me, I already knew he wanted to talk about what Teungyi had just revealed.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me softly.
"I'm sorry," I said, my ears lowering in response, "I didn't want to burden you with it."
"Burden me? You could never burden me," he said, "I would've helped you, I want to help you."
"I've been learning archery, with a bow and arrows," I answered, "that's not your expertise either, I still want you to teach me with the crosbow because that you are good at and with the spearhunting too."
"Allright, I can understand that," he sighed, placing his hand on my waist, "but I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me with these things, okay?"
"I was just scared I would hurt you," I said, which wasn't a total lie. Nothing I said was a lie besides the fact that it wasn't Teungyi who taught me, it was Neteyam. I was glad Teungyi took the fall before everything would escalate between the boys but still I wondered why she did.
"Hurt me?" He asked me slightly confused.
"I was afraid you'd be hurt if you heard someone else was teaching me archery," I explained, "I didn't want to upset you or make you think less of yourself."
"I'm not upset, I'm glad you want to learn," Aonung sighed, "but I want you to know that we are in this together now and you can tell me anything."
"I will, I'm sorry," I said and he pulled me in for a bear hug.
"Don't apologize," he said softly and after the hug he cupped my face and kissed me passionately as I held onto his wrists, I could feel his radiant smile against my lips as Teungyi was shouting at us for being disgusting.
"You're the best," I whispered and he chuckled.
"I know," he said cocky.
"Cocky much?" I asked him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked back together to the group.
"Very much," he grinned and I rolled my eyes.

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