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Miyara's pov:

This chapter contains mature scenes, you have been warned

I finally had a day off, which allowed me to spend time with my friends instead of just Ronal and Aonung, I could finally relax for a bit after a while but I ended up helping Neteyam with teaching archery to Seyza since Awa'atlu's best dancer wasn't getting it.. not that she took it all that seriously.
"Don't worry Sey, I started like that too," I chuckled as Neteyam was teaching her archery, watching as his eyes widen at my comment and his gaze lingering on me, making me frown confused.
Once I felt such an attraction to him, I would fold whenever he'd look at me with those yellow orbs of his but somehow all those feelings vanished from my heart like they were never there, making me wonder if they were ever real to begin with. Neteyam and I both moved on from each other quickly, quicker than I expected and I wondered if maybe we felt those attraction to each other because I was supposed to save him from a terrible faith. Did Eywa draw us together so that he would be safe from harm?
But now that he was looking at me like that I wondered if he lied about moving on for my sake, because he could tell that I had moved on from him.  Neteyam was much more closed off compared to Aonung and I always had a hard time reading Neteyam. But I could read every emotion that would be written onto Aonung's face.
"Yeah, well, I'm a dancer and that's all I'll be for the rest of my life so I don't understand why I am a part of these archery lessons," Seyza sighed as she shot a glare at Neteyam who simply grinned at the girl he had grown fond of.
"It's important you learn to protect yourself," Neteyam said and smiled at Seyza as she missed once more, groaning annoyed.
"You'll miss a thousand times before it finally works out," I chuckled at Seyza who was shooting daggers at Neteyam with her glare, who was laughing out loud as her arrow didn't even come near her target.
"So, you pregnant yet?" I overhead Teungyi ask Tsireya, but loud enough for the three of us to hear.
"No, we're not even trying to get pregnant," Tsireya answered awkwardly, "we don't want to be parents just yet. I just turned sixteen and Lo'ak is about to turn seventeen, we don't want children just yet."
"You waiting for Miyara to get knocked up so you can be pregnant besties?" Teungyi asked as I watched Lo'ak's eyes widen at Teungyi's forwardness.
"No," Tsireya said but it was clear that she was lying and sighed, "that would be fun though."
"Yeah, you'll have to wait for a little while longer," I said seeing as it was about eight more months until Aonung and I would mate, "I'm not planning on getting knocked up anytime soon."
"Can't the both of you just wait so we can all be pregnant together? I mean I just turned sixteen, like Reya and I have to wait for another two years," Teungyi said followed by a confused frown from Yrritsyo.
"You want babies?" He asked his girlfriend confused as he was holding out the rope for Tsireya who was weaving a top, Lo'ak and Teungyi sharpening their blades.
"Yes, I want babies.. why does that confuse you?" Teungyi asked her boyfriend confused.
"I just didn't expect you wanted kids since you wanted to lead your own war party and be the village's best warrior, you wanted to be in command of the other warriors," Yrritsyo responded as Teungyi scoffed at his comment.
"Warriors can have children," Teungyi rolled her eyes, "and I'm a woman so I am designed to do both."
"Well spoken, Teung," I chuckled as I turned my attention back to Seyza who missed once more, making me chuckle as the girl got more frustrated.
"Why are you laughing, Dimples? You weren't that good either," Neteyam said as he called me by my nickname after a long time, which confused me even more, "show me what you got."
"As you command," I grinned as I lifted up the bow he made for me, drawing an arrow and allowing it to fly into the tree on which we were practicing. The arrow landed on the target as I quickly drew another arrow and sliced the other arrow with it, getting an impressed nod from Neteyam.
"Looks like I am that good," I smirked as Neteyam smiled at me before looking at something behind me.
"Oh, great, Leykuzi," Seyza said as she rolled her eyes. I don't think anyone here liked that girl.
I turned around and saw the girl walking besides Aonung as she was trying to touch him and he kept shrugging her off, but Leykuzi was persistent, making my blood boil and it showed. I could hear Teungyi chuckle at the sight of me. I already saw Leykuzi glaring at me when I was announced as the next Tsahik, almost like she had expected the title would go to her, I've been betrothed to Aonung since I was six, obviously it would go to me before it would go to her. But apparently this delusional bitch didn't understand that.
Leykuzi continued to talk to Aonung, touching his arm and trying to get closer to him as he kindly tried to get her off him making me grunt.. Aonung, my boyfriend, who was always a dick to everyone around him now had trouble turning down a girl he kissed once when we were broken up. He never had issues with insulting people but turning down that girl was too much for him. I was getting seriously frustrated.
"Someone's jealouuuuuus," Teungyi hummed softly as all eyes were on me, I didn't even hide the angered look on my face as I aimed my arrow near Leykuzi's head with my bow.
"Miya, don't!" Neteyam shouted, trying to get my bow out of my hands to stop me but I let the arrow fly before he could.

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