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This chapter contains mature scenes, you have been warned

A few months later:

Aonung's pov:

"Look at him go," Rotxo chuckled as Araoukai was starting to swim by himself, "man, I want one of those."
"Have you and Kiri talked about it?" I asked him as Seyza slapped me on my arm once more for allowing Araoukai to swim too far, "Seyza!"
"He's only five months old, Aonung, you can't let him swim too far, that's dangerous!" Seyza said as she swam after my son and took him into her arms.
"He was fine, babe," Neteyam told Seyza as she shot him a glare, "nevermind, you're right, it was waaay too dangerous."
"Skxawng," Seyza said as Neteyam's ears lowered.
"So, did you and Kiri talk about baby's?" I asked Rotxo once more and he sighed.
"Well, I almost turn eighteen and she already is.. I'm kind of worried she doesn't even want to mate," Rotxo said as he scratched the back of his head.
"So, just ask her what she wants," I shrugged as Rotxo's eyes widened in shock.
"I suppose I could do that," he stammered, "yeah, I'll ask her what she wants."
Rotxo nodded and without saying anything he walked out of the water, I turned around to Seyza who was still holding my son in her arms as Neteyam placed his hand over her own baby bump.
"Can I have my son back?" I asked Seyza as she curiously eyed me.
"Maybe I'll just take this cutie patootie home with me, where he can't drown," Seyza said as she quirked a brow at me and I extended my arms out, Seyza sighed as she handed me my son back and allowed Neteyam to wrap his arms around her.
"Have you picked out a name yet for your daughter?" I asked the couple as they shot each other knowing looks.
"We have, actually," Seyza answered as a smile grew upon her face, "but we're not going to tell you."
"As your future chief I demand you to tell me," I said stern as Neteyam snorted at me.
"Not gonna happen, bro," he said as he leaned in and pecked a kiss on Seyza's cheek, "I'm leaving now, promised Lo'ak I'd help him with hunting today."
"Sure, be safe, hun," Seyza said as she turned around to kiss her mate before he left, leaving Seyza alone with me and my son.
"Do you ever think of what your daughter will look like?" I asked her as Araoukai leaped forward from my hold and fell into the water, his head immediatly popping above the surface. I chuckled as he simply started to swim around like nothing had happened but it got Seyza, and her overprotective mother heart, startled.
"All the time actually," Seyza answered honestly as Araoukai swam over to her, making her smile, "Neteyam and I have such a difference in built, skincolor and eyecolor that I can't help but wonder what our little girl would look like."
"I hope she doesn't get his baby tail then," I said as Seyza glared at me and suddenly diverted her gaze from me.
"Me too, actually," she said softly, making me laugh, "the other day Neteyam wanted to play chase underwater and even pregnant I still caught him quickly, you know. I don't want my daughter to be that slow in the water, don't tell him though."
"I won't tell him," I chuckled, "but-"
"Aonung! It's your sister!" Asena suddenly shouted as she ran onto the shore, followed by her boyfriend Kiojah, "she's just gone into labour! Do you know where Miyara is? Your mother needs her help with birthing the twins!"
"She's with Kiri in the woods gathering herbs, I'll get her," I said as I saw Araoukai already in Seyza's arms, "can you-"
"I know, I'll watch him," Seyza calmly said, "go get Miyara!"
I nodded as I ran into the forest calling out my wife's name loudly, hoping she'd hear and be close, also wondering where Rotxo had run off to since he was looking for Kiri.
"Aonung?" She questioned as she appeared behind me with a basket in her arms, her eyes widening in fear, "where's Araoukai?!"
"He's in good hands, Seyza has him, I need you to come with me," I said, "Reya's gone into labour, my mother needs you to assist."
"Finally, I get to be an aunt," Kiri said as she pulled the basket from Miyara's arm, "you go ahead and help my sister-in-law with pooping out her spawns of evil and I'll inform the rest of my family."
"Okay, yeah, let's go," Miyara said as she ran ahead of me and I escorted her to the birthing place, somewhere I was not allowed. Before Miyara left to help my mother she quickly pecked a kiss on my lips and warmly smiled at me. I sighed as I decided to get my son back from Seyza, not that she minded watching him, she actually liked my son a lot.
"Have you seen Seyza?" I asked Raì as I passed him and his one year old daughter.
"She went to your pod with your son," Raì said and smiled, "congratulations on nearly becoming an uncle, by the way."
"Thanks, Raì," I said as I turned around and left for my pod, as soon as I opened the entrance of my pod I was startled by the sight of everybody being inside.
"Hello people who do not live here," I said in shock as everyone looked up to me, "shouldn't you be waiting in Lo'ak and Tsireya's pod?"
"I already informed your mother that we would be in your pod," my father answered as he casually raided the bowl of berries my wife had plucked this morning for our son. It made sense that they all wanted to wait here, our pod was much bigger compared to Lo'ak and Tsireya's pod, however having my father, Jake, Neytiri, Tuk, Kiri, Neteyam, Teungyi, Yrritsyo, Asena, Rotxo, Spider and Fninrey over was quite a lot.
"Where's Araoukai and Seyza?" I asked as I didn't spot them amongst the crowd.
"She's putting him and Yukrì down for a nap in your bedroom," Neteyam answered, "since we might be here for a while."
I nodded as I walked into Miyara and mine's bedroom, watching Seyza sing the two children to sleep, Araoukai already asleep as he rolled over to Yukrì.
Yukrì was now nearly two years old and has started to find everything intresting, so instead of sleeping he curiously eyed Seyza, I could tell by the look in his eyes that he thought she was pretty, baby's tended to stare at people that were attractive.
"I knew you could dance," I said as I crossed my arms, startling Seyza and realised how easily she scared, "but I never knew you could sing."
"That's because you never payed attention, Miyara always caught your attention," she chuckled as she looked up to me.
"Can you blame me? Have you seen my wife?" I said and she snickered, rolling her eyes at me.
"She's always been an eye catcher, your wife, even my own husband was attracted to her once," Seyza sighed as Yukrì tugged at a shell string that was attached to her loincloth, "but I can sing."
"You're going to be a great mom, you know," I told her as she smiled at me, "no matter what tail she has."
"Stop, if Neteyam finds out it'll hurt his ego," Seyza snorted as she looked back down at Yukrì.
"Hm, I didn't even know he had one," I sighed, "go to your husband, Seyza, I can take care of my brother and my son."
"Oh, but I don't mind," Seyza said quickly.
"I know, but you see enough children with grabby hands on one day, just go to your husband with grabby hands," I said and she rolled her eyes at me, "no, really, just go. I can watch them."
"Fine, if you insist," Seyza said as she got up, but quickly leaning back down to kiss Araoukai and Yukrì on the top of their heads and leaving right after.
I sighed as I layed down flat on my back, taking Araoukai onto my chest as he snuggled into my embrace.
"Nungie!" Yukrì whined, making the grabby hands I was referring to, signaling that he should join as well. I chuckled as I pulled my baby brother into the embrace as well, now having my son and brother onto my chest, I wrapped my arms around them both and before I knew it I was starting to feel a bit drowsy, not even realising that I had fallen asleep with my son and brother until eclipse.
"Ma'Nung," I heard Miyara's soft voice, "wake up, your niece and nephew are here to meet you."
"Hm, my what?" I mumbled with a hoarse voice as I opened my eyes, my gaze meeting with Miyara's soft gaze, "they're born? Are they healthy?"
"They are healthy and strong," Miyara said, "why don't you give me Araoukai and Yukrì and you can go meet your niece and nephew."
"I can't believe I got promoted to older brother, father and uncle in the spawn of like a year and a half," I groaned as Miyara pulled Araoukai into her chest, Yukrì waking up from the nap and I realised that he had been drooling all over my chest. Yukrì was unbothered as he smiled at the sight of Miyara, which he always did when he saw her and jumped off me, running out of our bedroom.
I took a deep breath and sat upright as Miyara reached for a cloth and cleaned the drool off my chest, making me smirk as she did so.
"Come on," she said as she got up and we walked out together. My eyes immediatly landed on Lo'ak, who was holding his daughter in his arms, looking at her like she was surreal. Tsireya was proudly showing their son off to everyone.
"MaJake, are you crying?" Neytiri asked her mate as he wiped away tears.
"No, it's just dusty in here," he lied, "Miyara should clean more often."
"I cleaned this morning, Jake," Miyara said as Araoukai rested on her chest, followed by a snort from Kiri when Jake realised he got caught crying, "but over where you are I left the dust so that might just be what's getting in your eyes."
Neytiri smirked at Miyara before looking back at her mate who was desperately trying to find another excuse.
"Can you just admit that you are crying, dad? Your bad excuses are embarrassing me," Tuk said as she rolled her eyes, leaving Jake stunned at his daughter's forwardness.
"Brother," Tsireya suddenly spoke, holding her son in her arms, "meet Emra'o."
"That's a nice name," I said as she handed me my nephew, the boy opening his eyes and I realised one of his eyes was blue, like Reya's, but the other one was a yellow shade, like Lo'ak. Emra'o had a deeper shade of skin than his mother, but not as dark as his father, he had a Metkayina tail but arms and legs like an Omatikaya.
"I'm so happy for you two," I said as I smiled proudly at my nephew, who was clearly a lot calmer than his sister.
"She kicked me!" Lo'ak said I'm disbelief, making Neteyam snort at him, "she's been here for like ten minutes and she's already kicking me!"
"She's a baby, Lo'ak," Neytiri said in disbelief as she took her granddaughter into her arms, "of course she will kick."
"She's been stuck with her brother in a womb for nine months, what'd you expect?" Kiri questioned. After a little while I got my niece handed to me, she was petite, her build was exactly like an Omatikaya, thin arms and a thin tail, her eyes were yellow, like Lo'ak's eyes and her skin was a light blue shade, like the afternoon sky.
"Her name?" I asked Lo'ak curiously.
"Naeyi," he answered, "but with the way she's squirming I might change it to Devil."
"She just takes after you," Miyara answered as Araoukai was curiously looking at his cousin in my arms, "you want to meet Naeyi, don't you?"
Araoukai curiously turned to his mother, not understanding a word of what she had said, before turning his gaze back to Naeyi. I chuckled as I sat down on the floor, taking Naeyi onto my lap as Miyara placed Araoukai onto my other leg. The two baby's looking at each other like they didn't even understand what was going on.
Tsireya quickly saw what was going on and took Emra'o from our father's grasp and placed the boy onto my lap as well, Lo'ak snorted as he suddenly took out a flashing device and flashed at me, making all three babies cry.
"Yukrì wanted to join as well," my mother said in disbelief, her youngest son in her arms.
"Come on then," Tsireya said as she took Yukrì and also placed him onto my lap, my arms wrapping around the four of them so they wouldn't fall over as Lo'ak flashed again.
"Okay, you had that thing at our mating ceremony as well and I've seen you with that thing several times now," Miyara said, "what is that?"
"It's a camera," Lo'ak answered like we were supposed to understand that, "it saves memories, freezes them and you can look back on them, it's a sky people device."
"Why does it blind us?" I asked him as I tried to see again, "is it used in battle to blind the enemy?"
"No?" Lo'ak questioned stunned as he turned to look at his father.
"I still don't understand but thanks for making all the baby's cry," I sighed, all four of them crying at the top of their lungs.
"Come to mommy," Miyara said as she pulled Araoukai up into her arms, the boy's crying immediately stopping as he clutched himself to his mother's top. Araoukai always stopped crying when Miyara picked him up.
"He's a mommy's boy," Teungyi laughed as she saw how Araoukai held onto Miyara.
"So was Aonung," my mother suddenly said, making everyone laugh and I lowered my ears.
"Guess Araoukai got that from his dad then,"  Yrritsyo snorted.
"Yeah, it's hilarious," I sighed as my mother got Yukrì from my lap and Tsireya and Lo'ak got Naeyi and Emra'o from my lap, allowing me to get back up to my feet.
"We should probably head into the village, I'm getting hungry," Seyza said.
We all nodded in agreement as we left our pod to go to the village and eat dinner.

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