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Aonung's pov:

I could hear my father talking to my mother in the distance but I wasn't listening, I didn't even know if they were talking to me and to be very honest, I didn't care either. All I could think about was Miyara, the girl I had chased for years, finally allowing herself to feel something for me the way I have been feeling for her for as long as I can remember her. I always imagined what it would be like to have her with me but now that I was this close I realised that it was so much better than I ever could've imagined. She was all I ever wanted.
I know that I'm not a good person, I bully people and I fight. I'm arrogant and self-obsorbed but when I'm with her I feel like I'm so much more than that, I want to please her, I want to make her feel safe and loved, I want to be a better person because of her and now that I was allowing myself to show her the good inside of me, she was finally starting to fall for me, all those years of bullying others and teasing her never worked even if the younger version of me believed that it would. Not only was I starting to like her more than I already did, I was starting to like the person I was becoming because of her.
"Hey bro," Tsireya said snapping me back to reality as she sat down next to me. She never called me bro before, seems like the four-fingered freak, I mean Lo'ak, was starting to rub off on her already. They had been spending a lot of time together everyday.
"So, you're letting that alien rub off on you hm?" I grinned as I lied down on my back and placed my hands behind my head.
"I suppose I am," she said and she raised her brows, "but nothing's happened though, not like you and Miyara."
My eyes widened as I stared at my little sister, wondering how she knew and afterwards hating myself for making it so obvious when she said it.
"Rotxo told you, didn't he?" I grunted as I decided to sit upright again and just a little closer to Tsireya so our parents wouldn't hear.
"He did," she simply shrugged and grinned, resembling myself very much as she did so, "but even if he didn't I would've found out. Maybe next time you should go somewhere a little more private when you're having a hot make-out session with my best friend."
"You saw us?" I asked as my heart skipped a beat. To be honest, I didn't mind she found out because the only reason I didn't tell her was because I knew Miyara was still struggling with admitting to herself she liked me. She didn't tell me that but I knew her long enough to know she'd tell people when she was ready and I simply wanted to respect her.
"Yeah, so did Rotxo, Lo'ak, Kiri and Neteyam," she said.
Neteyam. I couldn't help but smirk when she said he had seen me kiss Miyara, because from the moment he arrived I could tell he liked her. I saw the way his baby tail perked up at the sight of her, the nudge and the smirk and the way she became nervous because of it. I knew Neteyam had a thing for her, it wasn't that hard to tell, but seeing as he was the perfect son compared to Lo'ak I knew the chances if him making a move on her were slim.
But now he knew. Neteyam now knew that Miyara was mine and mine only, I felt satisfied with myself because of it.
"Are you seriously smirking because an entire group saw you two? Gross," Tsireya said as she hit me on my head.
"That's not why," I groaned, "I smirked because you said Neteyam saw."
"Yeah, so?" She questioned, clearly not catching up to the things I had noticed.
"I think he has a thing for her," I simply said, "now he knows that she's mine."
"Is she though?" Tsireya asked me again with a small smile on her face, "are you together-together now?"
"I - uh- I don't know," I stuttered as I suddenly felt anxious, she wasn't mine yet really. So that meant others could make a move on her, of course all the other Metkayina's weren't stupid enough to try it anymore but a certain freak would be that stupid. I had to make sure she was mine.
"I hope you do get together," Tsireya said and smiled, "she brings out the good in you. A side of you we hardly ever see because of all your arrogance."
For some reason having my sister tell me that made me feel more confident about the situation but still I needed to talk to Miyara because I needed to know what we were and if she would want to become more.
"I should ask her," I said as I was about to get up before Tsireya grasped my arm and pulled me back down.
"She's with Zuaia and Tuk now," Tsireya said softly, "at dinner you can ask her."
I grunted annoyed as I sat grumpily besides my sister waiting for another hour of two before I could finally ask her to be my girlfriend. I was already imagining how great it would be to be able to refer to her as my girlfriend. Not only I would be happy if she was but the whole clan would be happy for us seeing as they were all curious about what the two of us would bring to the clan as it's future leaders. Usually it is custom for the future Tsahik and the future Olo'eyktan to become mates but seeing as my sister would be the next Tsahik my parents had to find me a girl. For Tsireya it was much simpler, her future mate wouldn't rule the clan like me and Miyara would so she could choose whoever she liked for as far as I knew and I was willing to bet she already had her heart set on Lo'ak.
I still remembered how all the fathers in the village brought their daughters for me to chose from when I was six, I already knew Miyara, I had met her before and the reason I picked her was because of her spirit. I could tell that she was the perfect child, compared to her older brother Mo'iki, but despite always doing what she was told to do I could tell there was something more. I had just turned six when I met her, she was still five, she's three months younger than me. I had snuck out of the pod to ride an Ilu, I wanted to see what was beyond the reef because I wasn't allowed to go there but since my father was allowed to go there I decided for myself that I would be allowed as well. I never made it beyond the reef because stuck in between the roots was this girl who had the exact same thought as me;

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