002. sam's return

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Lisa dragged Ophelia to a movie with her and Ben, telling the girl that Dean was busy on some work and said to go have fun without them. Ophelia could obviously sense her lie but refrained from saying anything knowing Dean doesn't like her using her powers.

They get home, walking in through the back door, Dean in the kitchen.

"Where the hell have you been?" Dean asks.

"We-- we were at the movies. You knew that." Lisa says as Dean pulls the three into a hug.

"I'm not really liking the random emotional stuff." Ophelia comments.

"Dean, ow." Lisa says as he hugs them too tightly.

"What happened?" Ben asks as Dean pulls away.

"Go upstairs and pack a bag." Dean orders the two kids.

"Where are we going?" Lisa asks.

"I'm taking us to a friend's house." Dean says. Ben looks at his mom.

"Go. It's okay. I'll be there in a sec." She tells him.


"Go, Ophelia." Dean orders her.

She huffs, starting to leave, but freezing at the familiar face that walks into the kitchen.

"Holy, shit." She mutters.

"Ophelia." Dean chides, turning to her, but stopping when he realizes she sees Sam. "Lisa, Ben, I don't know if you remember--"

"Sam." Lisa says.

"Uncle Sammy?" Ophelia asks.

"Hey, sweetie." Sam politely smiles. Her eyebrows furrow when she doesn't feel any of his emotions.

"I'll, um... I'll go pack." Ophelia mumbles, beelining past her uncle and going upstairs.

"Well, not the reaction I was expecting from her." Sam comments.

"She'll warm up. Guys, you gotta hurry, cause we gotta go check on Natalie and them." Dean says.

"Why?" Lisa asks.

"I'll explain later. I promise. We just gotta go." Dean says.


Dean pounds on the front door until Natalie opens it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks.

"Are you guys okay?" Dean asks, looking her over for injuries. "All of you?"

"Wh-- yeah, we're fine. We're eating dinner." Natalie says.

"None of you are hurt? Hallucinating? No Djinn have been by?" Dean asks.

"No. Dean, what are you--" Natalie freezes when Sam steps into the house.

"Hi." Sam awkwardly smiles.

"W-- you-- he-- wh-- what in the fucking hell?" Natalie questions.

"Um, yeah... he's back. Has been for a while." Dean says, glaring at Sam.

"A while?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah, a whole fucking year." Dean states.

"What?!" Natalie exclaims, glaring up at her twin.

"I-- I can explain." Sam reasons.

"Yeah, you fucking better. You've been back a whole year and you've just been letting Libby think you were dead? What the fuck is wrong with you?" She reaches up, slapping him over the head.

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