005. vampires

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"Kristin's a good kid. A little naïve, sure. You try to be a good parents. Girls are hard." Kristin's father says.

"Right. Well, we'd just like to find your daughter." Sam says.

"Last door on the left." He informs.

"Thanks." Dean says, he, Sam, and Larissa going upstairs. Natalie and Jacob stayed back with the kids.

"What do you think he was talking about?" Dean asks.

"Drugs?" Sam suggests.

They go into Kristin's room, Dean turning the light on. They're greeted by red walls and vampire posters all over the place. Vampire and goth accessories are all of the place, vampire pillows on the bed.

"Oh, it is so much worse." Dean says.

"Vampires?" Sam snorts.

"Ah, these aren't vampires, man, these... these are douchebags." Dean says. Sam shuts the door, Larissa jumping at a cardboard cutout next to her. Sam chuckles at her reaction and she glares at him.

"Shut up." She grumbles, hitting him in the arm.

"Wow." Dean says, looking around. Sam looks around, finding a laptop under one of the pillows on the bed.

"All right." Sam sits at the desk. "Let's see what we can see. All right." He opens the laptop, turning it on. A screaming noise and picture of a fake vampire with an intense gaze pops up making the three hunters flinch.

"Th-that's just... uncomfortable." Sam says.

"What's he so bummed out about?" Dean asks.

Sam hits a few keys, but needs a password. Dean picks up a book that's on the desk.

"Look at this." Dean shows them the cover. A vampire stands in the corner of a girl's room, watching her sleep. "He's watching her sleep. How is that not rape-y?"

"It very much so is." Larissa says.

"Exactly." Dean says.

"I got to concentrate here, guys." Sam says. He types Dracula in, but it doesn't work, the screaming noise sounding again.

""He could hear the blood rushing inside her, almost taste it. He tried desperately to control himself..."" Dean reads. ""Romero knew their love was impossible." Romero? Really?" Dean asks.

"Dean. Shut up." Sam says.

"This is a national bestseller. How is that possible?" Dean asks, tossing the book on the bed. "Hey, try, uh-- Lautner." Sam types the name in.

"Wait-- he's a werewolf. How do you even know who that is?" Sam asks.

"Are you kidding me? That kid's everywhere. It's a fucking nightmare." Dean says.

Lautner is not the correct password.

"Hey, how many T's are in Pattins-- That's it. We're in." Sam says as he starts to look through the laptop.

"Well?" Dean asks, walking back over.

"Well, her inbox is full, from some guy claiming to be a vampire." Sam says.

"A real vampire?" Dean asks.

"Well, uh... "I can only meet you at night... I don't trust myself with you... the call of your blood is too strong..." Vampires fishing for victims?" Sam asks.

"Probably just a human mouthbreather, right?" Dean asks.

"On the other hand -- talk about easy prey."

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