080. finish this game

246 15 7

Sam walks into the library where Larissa and the girls are. Athena is sitting on Larissa's lap.

"How is he?" Libby asks.

"Demon-y." Sam answers.

"That, uh... I'm gonna take that as not good." Libby says. "You want food?"

"No. No, baby, I'm good." Sam tells her. Libby looks at Ophelia who shakes her head. Libby looks at Larissa.

"No, thanks, sweetie." Larissa softly smiles.

"Suit yourselves." Libby mutters, going to the kitchen.

"How are you doing?" Sam asks, scratching his niece's forehead.

"My father's a demon. Take a guess." Ophelia says, a fake smile on her face.

"Hey, he'll... he'll get better." Sam assures.

"Yeah... if it doesn't kill him." Ophelia remarks. "There's no way that isn't a risk. Or it doesn't work and he stays a demon so... we have to kill him."

"Right." Sam mutters. "Just... don't go down there, okay? You don't... you don't need to see him like that."

"Trust me, seeing him is the last thing I wanna do." Ophelia says, walking out of the room.

Sam heavily sighs, sitting down next to his wife.

"Hey." Larissa calls. "We'll figure it out."

"Yeah." Sam mumbles.

"Dada." They both look down at the one year old. "Dada." She reaches out to him.

Sam softly laughs, looking at Larissa who has wide eyes.

"Yeah. Hi, baby." Sam says, taking her from Larissa. "Hi." He sits her on the table in front of him.

"Dada." She touches his nose.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm dada." Sam blows a raspberry on her cheek making her giggle as Larissa softly smiles at them. She can feel herself relax a little, it being the first time she's seen Sam smile since Natalie and Dean died.


Larissa, Jacob, and the kids are all at the map table, Larissa insisting they all play a game. Sam races in, sighing in relief at all of them okay.

"What, doing your daily run inside today?" Ophelia asks before feeling his fear and worry. "What happened?"

"He's out." Sam states.

"What?" Larissa asks.

"Dean. He escaped. I want you guys to hide and do not come out until I say so." He tells the kids. "One of us will come find you after we get Dean, but until then, hide and stay where you hide." Sam orders.

"Wait, wh--"

"Go!" Sam orders, cutting Ophelia off, rushing out.

"Wh-- come on." Larissa picks Athena up.

"No. No, follow Sam. I'll hide with them." Jacob says.

"Are-- are you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah." He takes Athena from her. "Go."

"Okay." Larissa races out in the direction Sam went.

Libby looks at Ophelia with a scared look in her eyes, her dad's panic freaking her out.

"Would he hurt us as a demon?" Libby asks.

"I wouldn't put it past him." Ophelia mutters.

"Come on, guys. Go." Jacob quietly urges. He leads them all to an empty bedroom and hides the three little ones in the closet.

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