068. kevin's ghost

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"Sam! Nat!" Everybody wakes up to Dean shouting.

"Dean?" Sam rushes out of his bedroom. Larissa runs out of her room with her gun and goes to Athena's room. The toddler is sitting in her bed and whining.

"Hey. Hey, baby, I got you." Larissa rushes over. She picks Athena up, holding her on her hip. "I got you, baby." She goes to leave the room, jumping when Sam runs in with Libby, almost crashing into her.

"Oh, good. You have her. We're all good." Sam sighs in relief.

"Yeah. Yeah, she's fine." Larissa says. "Why are the lights flickering?"

"Take an educated guess." Sam says, leaving the room.

"Okay, but, this is, like, a super old building. Also isn't it, like, ultra protected? Against, you know, demons, witches, blah, blah, but, you know, ghosts." Larissa says.

"Dean?" Sam calls. They get into the main room and see a chair spinning by itself. Athena reaches out to the chair, bouncing excitedly in her mom's arms.

"Yeah, I don't think so, honey." Larissa says, tightening her hold on her daughter. Athena whines, wanting to spin around. Sam grabs an iron sword and stands in front of his family.

They turn at the sound of a gunshot and see Dean there, his shotgun smoking.

"So..." Sam says.

"Yep. Bunker's haunted." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

"How is this possible? I thought you said this was the safest place on the planet." Dean says.

"Look, I know nothing got in. I mean, the bunker is warded and sigiled from top to bottom. There's no way something came in from the outside." Sam says.

"Okay, so whoever's haunting us died here." Dean says.

"What, dead man of letters?" Sam asks.

"No, that doesn't track. I mean, we're the first people to occupy this place in 50 years. Why would a ghost wait so long to get its spook on?"

"Must have been a more recent death."


"How can you be so sure?"

"Because Rissa and I burned his body ourselves, okay? It's not him."

"Haven't we learned that that doesn't exactly always work." Larissa comments, bouncing Athena to get her back to sleep.

"Yeah, we cremated Bobby too, and he came back." Sam says.

"Sam, I'm telling you -- this ghost, it's not Kevin." Dean says.

The coffeemaker starts going crazy, lights flashing on and off as the clock speeds through the numbers.

"Kevin?" Sam asks.

A coffee mug explodes.

~ ~ ~

"Anything?" Dean asks.

"Eh, a couple of dings. A little EMF activity, but mostly... silence." Sam says.

"So, he's back in the veil." Dean says.

"I guess so. Fumbling to break through. I mean, you got to figure it took Bobby months to make contact." Sam says.

"Kevin's only... he's new at this." Dean says.

"Right. All right, you're up." Sam says, getting up to leave. "Lissy?" He turns to her asleep with her head on an empty plate that she had made toast on. "Okay." He mumbles.

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