037. charlie bradbury

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"So, Nora didn't see any pattern to the dig sites either." Sam says after hanging his phone up.

"Yeah, cause they got nothing in common." Dean says.

"And I got nothing from local lore 50 miles in evert direction of all of them. I mean, it's like they're just... old dirt. What's Dick looking for?" Dean asks.

The lights flicker, the five adults standing up and taking their guns out, Sam moving closer to Libby.

"Hey, hey, go easy, you idjits." They look at Bobby. "Sorry for the jump scare."

"So how does this work, huh? I leave the cap off and you just genie your way out?" Dean asks.

"I wish it were that easy. The thing--" Bobby flickers and vanishes.

"Bobby?" Sam calls and he reappears.

"Damn it. It's hard to stay focused. I'm still kind of worn out." Bobby says.

"You've been pretty busy for a dead guy." Dean says.

"All right. Listen, I-I don't know how long before my next ghost nap, so let's just skip to the skinny -- those numbers I gave you." Bobby says.

"The empty lot in Cheeseville?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, well, it ain't gonna be empty for long." Bobby says. "I got a gander at Dick's big plan right before he Lincolned me. They're breaking ground. What month is this?"

"April." Larissa answers.

"Ground's broke." Bobby sighs. "They're building as we're yammering. Check it out yourself. It's all right. I mean, you guys missed it because you've been kind of busy killing ghosts the past few days. But Dick is about to get into the Soylent Green business."

"That site'll show you they're building a biotech lab, right?" Bobby asks. "Biotech my ass. That sucker is a state of the art slaughterhouse. And we're the beef."

"Don't you think that's a little bold, even for Dick?" Dean asks.

"I bet you no one will even notice cause first, he's gonna dumb us all down with Turducken style munchies. Make us docile." Bobby says.

"Yeah, we haven't been to Biggerson's since that whole fiasco." Dean says.

"Biggerson's? He's bought a list of joints 10 pages long." Bobby says. "Next, he's gonna cure us."

"Cure us of what?" Sam asks.

"All the biggies. Cancer, AIDS, heart disease. Let's just say they got an affinity for stem cell research." Bobby says.

"The, uh, leviathan real estate mooks building that cancer center." Dean recalls.

"They're not hunting anymore. They're engineering the perfect herd." Bobby says. "Now, we've gone up against plenty liked to eat a few folk in the woods. This ain't that. This is about knocking us off the top of the food chain. This is about them levis living here forever, one percenter style, while we march our dopey, fat asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner."

Sam's laptop dings and he goes over to it.

"It's an email." Sam says, opening it. "From Frank."

"Frank's alive?" Dean asks.

"That jackass always stealing my thunder." Bobby grumbles.

""Sam, Natalie, and Dean, if you're reading this, I'm dead... or worse. This email was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it's you, you got trouble."" Sam reads.

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