022. cake and pie

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They managed to save Dean and Sam from the leviathan infested hospital. Sam wakes up as Bobby is still driving the ambulance.

"Lissy?" Sam mumbles, seeing her next to him.

"Hey. Hey, hey." She lets out a small laugh of relief.

Sam feels a hand going through his hair and sees Libby.

"Hi, daddy." Libby smiles.

"You're not... neither of you are dead." He says.

"Alive and kicking." Larissa smiles. Sam sits up, Larissa keeping her hands out in case he falls back. He glances around, seeing his whole family, all alive. Sam runs his hand over Libby's hair, cupping his face, and he lets out a small laugh.

"You're okay. You're okay." He mumbles, pulling her into a tight hug. He wraps his other arm around Larissa, pulling her into the hug.

"You're both real." Sam mumbles.

"I'm real." She whispers, smiling. She wraps her arms around his shoulders. "And I am so sorry. If I had been better, I-- I shouldn't have fallen asleep. I am never falling asleep again, I swear."

She pulls away from him, but keeps her arm around his shoulders and Sam cups her face in one of his hands.

"No, no, you need sleep. I'm not letting you become a walking zombie." Sam quietly tells her.

"I'm sorry." She tells him.

"It's okay. I'm okay now. It's not your fault." Sam assures.


"Don't listen to whatever Dean said. It's not your fault. I promise." He lightly pecks her on the lips. "Don't blame yourself, please."

Larissa manages to smile a little and she nods, even though she knows she isn't listening to his words. Sam knows she isn't, but knows both of their emotions are too high, so he'll just try his best to get through to her later. He pulls her into a short kiss, holding Libby to his chest.


They get to Rufus' old cabin in Montana and Bobby tries to help Dean in, the Winchester being very stubborn and insisting he's fine. Larissa helps Sam to one of the beds and in the back and makes him lay down.

"You should get some sleep." Larissa tells him.

"No, no, stay. I wanna talk." Sam grabs her wrist as he sits up.

"Wanna talk?" Larissa asks. "That's never good."

"Not that kind of talk." Sam says. "Just... just talk."

"Okay." Larissa sits on the bed, facing him.

"How'd you guys get out? Did you get hurt?" Sam asks.

"No, no, we're all okay. I was... I was in the kitchen and heard a noise. I snuck out and Bobby, Nat, and Jacob got to me before that leviathan could. We ran up and got the kids out and got out in time." Larissa explains. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better. Look, I'm sorry I've been trying to push you away. It's, uh... kind of force of habit." Sam sheepishly chuckles. "You were just worried and trying to help, I didn't mean to block you out."

"No, I'm sorry. I-I get too worried and I tend to get pushy and not leave you alone. I just-- I wanna help and maybe I don't always know the best way to go about it or I go too overboard with it, I don't know. I just wanna make sure you're okay or-or I wanna help you be okay again. And I just--"

"Baby, baby." Sam cuts her off, grabbing her hands in his, preventing her from waving them around anymore. "It's okay. You don't-- you aren't overstepping or being annoying or anything. You just don't hide your emotions like the rest of us, which is okay."

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