094. major daddy issues

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"Okay. So, uh, Billy and Daphne are staying here. Lissy is staying back for Athena. Libby, I think you should stay here." Sam says.

"No!" Libby protests. "No. Don't make me."


"Noo." She whines. "No, I want to leave. I don't want to stay here. I'll sleep on the concrete. I don't wanna be here." Tears sting her eyes, Sam's heart breaking.

"Okay. Okay, hey, hey, it's okay." Sam soothes, rubbing her back. "You can come with us. Okay." Libby wraps her arms around him, tightly holding onto him. He hugs her back, stroking her hair.


Billy walks into Daphne's room with a bottle of water and a sandwich.

"Eat up." Billy tells her.

"Not hungry." Daphne mumbles.

"Daffy, you haven't eaten anything in two days. You need to eat." Billy states. Daphne just continues to play with the end of her sweater sleeve. Billy sighs, putting the two things on her nightstand.

Billy puts Hocus Pocus in and gets in Daphne's bed, settling in next to her.

"Didn't I ask to be alone earlier?" Daphne asks.

"Yeah, well, not happening. Alone is a very dangerous thing -- especially after something traumatic." Billy says.

"William, would you relax? It's not like I'm gonna kill myself." Daphne huffs.

Billy bites his lip, sadly looking at her. He leans over and kisses her on the head.

"You still shouldn't be alone. You'll drown in your thoughts. I'm gonna keep disrupting them." Billy says.

"How?" Daphne asks.

"Commentary. You already know all the lines to this movie, so it's not like you're gonna miss anything. I'll be talking the whole time." Billy states.

"Billy." She groans.

"Not getting out of it." He states.


They get to the basement and Sam has his gun aimed at Rowena who sits at the table and is drinking tea.

"Hello, boys, girls. Just in time for tea... u-unless something on your mind?" Rowena asks.

"Five things, actually. Hollow tips filled with witch killing brew." Sam says, motioning to the gun.

"How exciting for you. Your NRA will be beside themselves with pride." Rowena remarks.

"No more games, Rowena. Do the spell now." Sam orders.

"Or what exactly?" Rowena asks and Sam looks at his gun. "Come on, Samuel! You and I both know that's nothing but a bluff. Charlie may have cracked the codex, but who's going to read it if I'm gone? Not to mention handling the ingredients, getting the measurements just right -- unless, of course, either of you have spent years of your life studying with the greats, mastering the intricacies of witchcraft?"

"But forgive me. Maybe you have. I know you're upset. We all are. Poor Dean. Let's just have a nice wee cup of tea... and negotiate."

"What do you want?" Sam asks, uncocking the gun.

"Oh, well, we know what I wanted. Soiled the sheets on that one, didn't we? Let's talk about what I'll take -- my freedom guaranteed and the codex." Rowena states.

"Sam, you can't be--"

"Do you know which spell?" Sam asks her, cutting Cas off.

"I do." She answers.

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