070. winchester meet burton

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It's now November and the siblings have been on their own ever since. They didn't see anybody after their parents' death, and Billy saw a missing report for them on the news last month.

Neither of the numbers their mom had worked when they tried to call them so Billy has been trying to find the two contacts some other way. Supposedly Dean Winchester, along with his siblings, have been dead for two years -- and also six years. Plus, Dean has been dead since 2006.

"How does somebody die three times? I mean, what the hell is this guy, Michael Myers?" Billy questions as the two sit in the car, Billy trying to find a way to track the man like he has been the whole week.

"People fake deaths, Billy." Daphne shrugs.

"Three times, though?" Billy asks. "Or twice, at least."

"Anything on the Bobby dude?" Daphne asks, pulling her sleeves down to cover her hands.

"Nope." Billy answers. They sit in silence for a few minutes. "Oh, shit!"

"What?" Daphne looks over at him.

"I got it. I have his location. Well, supposedly." Billy says.

"Really? Where?" Daphne asks, turning to sit facing him.

"Uh... here." Billy's eyebrows furrow.

"Here?" Daphne questions, looking around.

"Yeah, uh..." Billy looks around. He spots a group getting out of a black Impala, two of the faces identical to the ones on the laptop. "There." He points, Daphne following his gaze. "Nice car." He hums.

"I wasn't thinking we'd be intruding on a whole family." Daphne says. "Is that his sister?" She asks, noticing Natalie get out of another car that's parked next to the Impala.

"Yep." Billy nods, glancing between the brunette and her photo on the laptop.

"So do we, like... just go up to them, or-- or do we need to make some sort of appointment or something?" Daphne asks.

"They're not therapists, Daph." Billy says.

"They could be." Daphne shrugs. "Besides, there are, like, nine kids."

"There's five kids. Relax." Billy says. "Let's just... let's just go."

"Do we tell them we know their names?" Daphne asks as they get out of the car. She nervously fiddles with the end of her sleeve.

"That would make us stalkers." Billy quietly says.

"Well, aren't we basically stalkers at this point? I mean, you've been trying to track him for a week, I think that kinda makes you a stalker. Or a psycho, at least." Daphne comments.

"Come on." Billy grabs her arm, dragging her after him. "Hey." He calls, the group turning around. "Are, uh... are you Dean Winchester?" He asks Dean.

"Wow." Daphne comments, craning her neck to have to look at Sam. "What, are you, 9 feet?"

Sam stammers, glancing between the unknown girl and his wife, not sure what to do. Larissa tries not to laugh.

"Who's asking?" Dean asks.

"Look, my mom said to call you or some dude named Bobby Singer. Neither numbers worked." Billy explains.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean demands, stepping forward defensively, Sam also straightening up.

"Whoa, hey, hey. They're children." Natalie pushes her brother back.

"Who the hell are you two? Why does your mother know about us?" Dean asks.

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