071. scream

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"I scrubbed for hours. I'll have to rip up the carpet. My daughter, Casey... she picked out the color herself." Mrs. Miles says.

"We're... very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Miles. You mentioned Casey had no known enemies. What about at home? Anything unusual you may have noticed? Uh... electricity acting up or lights... flickering. TV on the fritz?" Sam asks.

"No, no fritzing. No cold spots either." Mrs. Miles says.

"Sorry. Out of curiosity, uh... why do you mention cold spots?" Dean asks.

"I'm sorry. That must sound strange, but... it's been three days since... and the police have found nothing. I'd h-- I'd have to sell my house to afford a private investigator, so when the Supernaturalists called--"

"Whoa, uh, sorry, the... um... supernaturalists?" Dean asks.

"I know to the FBI it's not exactly orthodox. But these men had answers that no one else had, and I-- I owe it to Casey... to listen." Mrs. Miles says.

"Now, they-- they brought up cold spots in relation to...?" Natalie asks.

"Signs of the paranormal, I suppose. They're coming by today to take a look." Mrs. Miles says.

"And did these Supernaturalists give you a name?" Dean asks.


They get out of their cars and walk up to the Ghostfacers van.

"Son of a bitch." Dean says.

"They're not dead yet? Bro, come on." Natalie says.

"I-- why do we want them dead?" Daphne asks.

"Well, maybe not dead, but retired, at least." Natalie says.

"You know, I've heard of these guys. Don't they, like, know a crapload of supernatural-y stuff?" Daphne asks.

"No." The five hunters deny, Dean's voice annoyed.

"Okay." Daphne mumbles as he walks off.

"He-- he's not mad at you." Sam assures the oldest girl. Daphne nods, playing with her rings.

They go inside and go to the booth that the Ghostfacers are sitting in.

Sam and Dean slide into the booth, Larissa squeezing next to Sam and putting Athena on her lap. Natalie manages to sit next to Dean with Justin on her lap, Jacob standing next to her and holding Briar. The four other kids stand to the side.

"Ah, the Winchesters. Yay." Harry quips.

"Says nobody." Ed says.

"Ever." Harry ends.

"Whoa. You guys, like... you quadrupled." Ed says, looking between all of them. "She's actually kind of cute." He motions to Daphne.

"She's 14." Billy glares.

"Nope." Ed looks away.

"All right, shut up and listen." Dean cuts in. "This is how it's gonna go. You two clowns are gonna get into that mystery machine outside, and you're gonna leave town or I'm gonna put holes in your knees. And Larissa's gonna put holes in your dicks."

"Damn straight." Larissa nods once, slapping her hand on the table. Athena whines. "Sorry." She whispers, kissing her daughter on the head.

"Ooh, you guys should totally get, like, your own Mystery Machine. You probably wouldn't need two cars then." Daphne says.

"We're not replacing my baby." Dean declares.

"Your baby?" The two Burtons question.

"Shouldn't she be your baby?" Billy points to Ophelia.

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