083. hibbing

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They get to Hibbing, Minnesota where Jody has a possible case while on a sheriff retreat. She told the brothers that she had it handled, but Dean gave Sam puppy dog eyes, tired of researching for anything about the Mark of Cain.

"I said I could handle it." Jody tells the brothers.

"Nice to see you, too." Dean remarks, hugging her.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hi." Jody hugs him. "Hi." She hugs Larissa who is holding Athena. "Hi, sweetheart." She rubs Athena's arm.

"Ody." Athena smiles.

"Yeah." Jody smiles. "Hey." She forces Billy into a hug.

"Hi." He mumbles.

Jody hugs Ophelia then Libby and then Daphne.

"I'm headed to the morgue, you want in?" Jody asks the adults.

"Uh, we just came from there." Sam states.

"And?" Jody asks.

"And flesh was eaten off the second vic, too." Sam informs.

"Anything missing?" Jody asks.

"His wallet. Why?" Dean asks.

"Because I think a belt was missing off the first kid." Jody says.

"A belt? So... what? We have monsters eating and then robbing people?" Sam asks.

"Jodio, you take sugar?" A woman's voice calls out.

"No. No sugar." Jody answers.

"Okeydokes." The woman says.

""Jodio"?" Dean questions.

"It's, uh... don't ask." Jody says.

"I kinda like it." Daphne shrugs. She sees their looks. "Or not."

"Wait a second. Isn't that, uh, uh, Donna?" Sam asks.

"Fat spa Donna." Dean realizes.

"Right." Sam nods.

"You guys know my stalker?" Jody asks.

"She nearly blew a case for us last time." Dean says.

"Yeah, I haven't been able to shake that ray of sunshine since I got here. She's actually been pretty helpful, but, you know, it's just tough keeping her out of this nightmare stuff, you know?" Jody says.

"Right. You mind distracting her while we poke around?" Sam asks.

"You show up, and now I'm a babysitter?" Jody asks.

"Look, she hasn't gotten mixed up with this crap yet. Let's just try to keep it that way." Dean says.

"Fine. But if she tries to show me her sticker collection, I'm out." Jody states.

"Sticker collection?" Daphne perks up.

"Well, guess we know who will get along." Dean mutters.

"Agent Frehley? Agent Criss?" Donna asks, walking over.

"Hey. Sheriff Hanscum." Sam politely smiles.

"I thought that was you! Well, ain't this a kick in the pants? What dragged you in?" Donna asks.

"Uh, well, uh... we can't talk about it." Dean says.

"Oh. Yeah. I hear ya. Anything I can help with?" Donna asks.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. Uh, nothing." Sam denies.

"Who are these young ones?" Donna looks between the five kids.

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