040. plan gone slightly wrong

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"All right. Exit's in 3 miles." Sam states.

"I still say this is a bad idea." Dean says.

"Dean, it was your idea, and it was the best one any of us had." Sam says.

"I said it as a joke." Dean says.

"It was a bad joke -- good idea." Sam says.

"Yeah, only because we got no magic spell, no book, nothing on how to find a fuckin' righteous bone." Dean says.

"We can call Castiel again." Sam suggests.

"Dude, on my car, he showed up naked... covered in bees." Dean says.

"Yikes." Natalie winces.

"Yeah, I'm not really sorry I missed that." Sam says.

"Same." Jacob says.

"Ditto." Larissa nods.

Dean turns the radio on, the news playing, the people talking about Dick. Dean turns the radio off after a moment.

"Holed up at Sucrocorp, huh?" Dean asks.


"Well, I guess if we can't find a righteous bone in a fuckin' nunnery crypt." Dean says.

"All right. Here, listen to this. Sister Mary Benedict, uh, taught the learning impaired and died at age 23." Sam says.

"Eh, it's a little young. Find someone who's had time to cook." Dean says. Sam reads from the large book he's holding.

"Okay, well, there was, uh... here. Sister Mary Eunice. Uh, fed the poor, became Mother Superior at age 60."

"Sounds political. Power corrupts."

"Right. Um... listen to this -- Sister Mary Constant, 83 years of quiet, humble nun-like goodness. What do you think?"

"Wow. I want to be more righteous just reading this."


"All right, well, I lay odds on her. Here we go." Dean walks over to the plaque that reads Sister Mary Constant. "Well... let's bone this nun." The four make faces at Dean. "Sorry."


They're at the cabin and Dean tosses the match into the bowl, flames rising and then dying down. They look around, not finding Crowley.

"Is he trying to make a grand entrance or...?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam shrugs.

"Son of a bitch. He's standing us up." Dean says.

"Well, we summoned him. Doesn't he kind of have to--"

"He's the King of Hell." Larissa cuts her husband off.

"Yeah. If Crowley wants to screw you, he'll screw you." Dean says.

"Or... he can't come cause something went wrong." Sam says.

"Maybe." Dean says.

There's a knock on the door and Sam takes his gun out.

"Maybe it's good news." Dean says. Sam opens the door, Meg walking in.

"You deal with him. I can't anymore." Meg says.

"You might want to be more specific." Dean says.

"I was laying low halfway across the world when emo boy pops up out of nowhere and zaps me right back here." Meg says.

"Why?" Dean asks.

"Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first." Meg says.

~ ~ ~

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