042. normal year

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The three get back to Rufus' cabin, Libby rushing out of the room.

"Aunt Natty, Uncle Jacob, the twins are asleep." Libby informs. She frowns at the absence of half of her family. "Where's Uncle Jacob? Where's Ophi and Dean?"

"Uh..." Sam starts.

"Gone." Natalie coldly states, going into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Wh-what?" Libby looks at Sam and Larissa, confused.

"Why don't we talk outside, baby? Give Aunt Natty some alone time." Sam says, holding his hand out. Libby frowns, but goes outside, Sam and Larissa following.

"Where are they?" Libby asks.

"They, um... well, we-- we killed Dick Roman." Sam informs. Libby nods. "But... but I guess if-- if you're too close to him, then... then you die, too."

"What?" Libby's eyes widen.

"They-- I am so sorry, baby." Sam whispers, even though it's not his fault. "They-- I'm not really sure what happened, but... but Uncle Jacob, Uncle Dean, Cas, and Ophi are gone." He sadly informs.

"No." Libby shakes her head. "No, they can't die. Opi can't die."

"I'm sorry, honey." Larissa frowns, looking at the girl with sad eyes. Libby continues to shake her head as she breaks down into sobs.

"No." She cries as Sam pulls her into a hug.

"I know, baby. I know." Sam mumbles, stroking her hair.


It's been about a week and nobody is doing too well. Libby is back to barely talking, not eating, and rarely leaving the bed or the couch. Sam and Larissa try to make sure she eats at least once a day, even though they wish she'd eat 3 times a day, but they know they can't physically force feed her.

Natalie has become dead set on trying to figure out what happened to the others, coming up with whatever research she can. The twins continue to ask for their dad, beyond confused by his absence, but all Natalie can tell them is that he'll be home soon, refusing to believe there isn't a way she can't bring him back. Briar has to cry herself to sleep, wailing for her dad, not understanding why he's not home.

Sam has been distracting himself by fixing up the Impala. Larissa tries her best to take care of all of them, not even making any retorts when Natalie snaps at her. Sam does manage to notice when Larissa stops taking care of herself too long and he makes sure to comfort her the moment he notices.

He knows losing Jacob has taken a toll on Larissa, the blonde practically her brother. He knows she hides it like the rest of them do sometimes, but luckily she's not always as stubborn when it comes to him asking her to talk or providing her comfort.

It's late at night and Natalie fell asleep in one of the arm chairs. Libby is asleep in one of the beds and the twins are asleep in one of the other beds.

"Thanks." Sam sighs when Larissa hands him a water bottle.

"Yep." She sits down next to him. "So... you figure out what you wanna do?"

"What do you want to do?" Sam asks.

"Be wherever you and Libby are." Larissa says. 


"I'm serious. I don't care if we're hunting or not hunting. As long as I got you two, I think I'll be okay." Larissa says.

"Think?" Sam asks.

"You know what I mean." Larissa says.

"Am I a piece of shit for not looking? Not doing what Nat's doing?" Sam looks over at the wall covered in research.

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