044. brunette thor

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"Are you kidding me? You serious?" Dean asks after hearing Kevin's request.

"What? Is it too much to ask if we can swing by and check on my mom?" Kevin asks.

"Swing by? It's a day's drive in the opposite direction. You know that, right?" Dean asks.

"Yes. I understand we're in a hurry." Kevin says.

"Okay, well, then, what's the problem?" Dean asks.

"Channing's broken neck is my problem!" Kevin exclaims. He looks around to make sure nobody heard. "I'd rather not see my mom twisted into a corkscrew."

"Kid's got a point, Dean." Sam says, Larissa nodding in agreement.

"I side with the geek." Natalie states as Jacob nods in agreement.

"Stay out of this." Dean tells them. "Kevin, your mom is fine."

"How can you possibly know that?" Kevin asks.

"Because Crowley needs her to be, okay? In fact, he's probably got the place stacked with bodyguards right now, protecting her so that when you do show up, they'll pounce on you both."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"She's bait, man, plain and simple. And you want to swim right up and bite the hook? Look, we have Crowley by the short and curlies, okay? All we need to do is find the tablet, whip up the spell, and -- boom! -- sunshine and sandy beaches."

"Dean, my mom's all alone. She's surrounded by demons. Can you really not understand why I want to make sure she's okay?"

Dean looks at the other four adults who don't disagree.

"I think you should listen to Kevin." Libby says.

"You're not even a teenager. You don't get an opinion." Dean says.

"Dude." Sam gives him a look as Libby pouts.

"Son of a bitch." Dean grumbles, dropping his burger. "Fine. Let's go."

"No, no, no." Larissa stops him. "You guys--" She points between Dean, Ophelia, Libby, and Jacob. "--are finishing your food before we go anywhere. Or at least what you can finish."

"But--" Kevin starts.

"Kevin, I wanna ease your anxiety and help you and your mom, but we're no help passed out from starvation." Larissa says.

"What? Why?" Dean asks.

"You're reluctant to finish one of your two favorite foods? Really? And because you three probably barely ate, or even ate at all, for a whole fucking year." Larissa says.

"I'm okay with it." Ophelia says, eating what's left of her food.

"Yeah." Jacob sticks a few fries in his mouth.

"Okay, you realize I'm not your kid, right?" Dean asks.

"Dean... eat." Larissa demands.

"Okay, okay, fine. Jeez, mom." Dean mutters, picking the burger back up.

"You think you're done?" Sam quietly asks Libby, looking at her half finished plate. She shrugs, nibbling on one of the fries. "Don't overdo it." He reminds, kissing her on the head.


They're sitting in the Impala across the street from the Tran household. Sam is looking through binoculars.

"Tiger mom, 9:00." Kevin snatches the binoculars.

"Where?" He asks.

"Left window." Sam answers.

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