028. life and death

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Sam is in the back and trying to deal with the two injured ones with Jacob.

"Bobby, Lissy? Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on." Sam tells them.

"Sam, are they dead?" Dean asks.

"I'm checking." Sam feels their pulses.

"Are-- are they dead?" Natalie worriedly asks.

"Just drive, Nat!" Sam snaps.

"You gotta talk to us, Sam!" Dean yells.

"He-- he's not dead. I can... I can still feel him." Ophelia says, sniffling.

"All right, they're both breathing." Jacob informs. "They have pulses."

"Keep him upright. Stop the bleeding." Dean orders.

"I'm not an idiot, Dean! I know a first aid for fucking bullet wounds!" Sam shouts.

"I need the nearest trauma center." Dean says to whoever he called. "What's the address?!" He hangs up. "All right, Bobby, Rissa, hang in there. Go faster!"

"I am going as fast as I can!" Natalie shouts, ignoring the tears streaming down her face.


They get to the hospital and medics help Bobby and Larissa onto gurneys, wheeling them inside. Sam and Jacob follow where they take Larissa and Sam's holding Libby and Jacob is holding Justin.

The medical talks flies over Jacob's head as the nurses and doctors start to work on Larissa.

"You two need to leave." A nurse orders.

"Okay, but she-- she--" Jacob stutters.

"You have to stay back." The nurse orders, gently pushing them back.

Jacob walks over to where Natalie, Dean, and Ophelia are, Natalie holding Briar.

"Is he--" Jacob starts.

"I don't--" Natalie sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Her?" Jacob shrugs, huffing, and he glances back over to where Sam is still standing.

"Daddy." Libby heaves. "I can't-- I can't breathe." Sam looks at her.

"Whoa. Whoa, hey, hey, okay." Sam kneels down, sitting her on the floor. "Hey. Hey, it's okay."

"I don't--" She rapidly shakes her head, clawing at her chest.

"You're having a panic attack." Sam says. "You need to follow my breaths, okay?" Sam inhales and Libby attempts to copy him, but her lungs don't let an air in. She whimpers, shaking her head. "Hey, hey." He grabs one of her hands, putting it over his heart. "Hey. Try to match that."

"Fa-fast." Libby rasps out.

"Okay, don't match it. Just try to follow my lead." Sam says before slowly breathing in, holding it while Libby tries to copy him. She fails to do so again, her breaths coming out quick and sharp and Sam's worry increases as she starts to pale.

"Bessie? Hey. Bessie." He calls. "Bessie!" He yells as she passes out, starting to fall back, but he catches her. Sam keeps his hand under her head as he slowly lowers her to the floor. "Bessie? Baby, wake up."

A nurse rushes over and after about 30 seconds, Libby slowly wakes up. Sam lets out a heavy breath of relief.

"Hey, sweetie. Hi." The nurse kindly greets. "Okay, we're gonna take you to do some checkups, okay?"

"Daddy." Libby whines.

"It's all right. Your dad can stay with you the whole time." The nurse promises.

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