075. cas' army

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They get out of their cars outside of a building.

"This is the address?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods. They go to the door and go to knock on it when it opens, an angel standing there.

"If you'll follow me, the commander will see you now." Benjamin states.

"The commander?" Dean asks his family. Benjamin leads them through the command center, Libby marveling at the pretty office like space. She stares at everything they pass.

Libby doesn't even realize she stopped walking until an arm wraps around her waist and picks her up.

"Whoa." Libby mumbles.

"Just me." Sam says, carrying her to the office that the others go in.

"Sir." Benjamin calls to Cas who turns, seeing the group. Sam puts Libby down once they're inside.

Cas hugs Dean and then Ophelia. He hugs Sam before hugging going to hug Larissa.

"I'm good." Larissa takes a step back, her grip on Athena tightening slightly.

"Um... dismissed." Cas tells Benjamin who leaves. "He can be a little stuffy."

"So... commander?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, not my idea. They had no leader, and they insisted on following me." Cas says.

"Yeah. No, we get it. You're a rock star." Dean says.

"Bartholomew is dead. Malachi was murdered by Gadreel, and with Metatron as powerful as he is now, I needed to do something." Cas says.

"So this war between angels is really gonna happen, huh?" Sam asks.

"Not if I can find a diplomatic option for getting rid of Metatron." Cas says.

"Good luck with that." Dean says.

"Dean, this angel on angel violence -- it has to end. Someone has to say "enough."" Cas states.

"And that someone is you?" Sam asks.

"That brings me to why you're here. We have a prisoner. It's an angel from Metatron's inner circle. I need to know what they're planning, but so far, he's revealed nothing." Cas says.

"So, you're done with the rough stuff, and you want us to be your goons?" Dean asks.

"Well, you've had success at these situations before. If you don't want to do it, I understand." Cas says.

"Who says I don't want to do it?" Dean asks.


"It's unbelievable. I mean, he was fine when we left him." Sam says. They're in Cas' office, somebody having killed the guy the brothers had to interrogate earlier.

"I barely touched the guy." Dean says.

"They are telling the truth." Ophelia states. "You know, in case you don't believe them."

"Still shackled, no weapon. It wasn't suicide." Sam says.

"No. This was an angel kill." Cas says.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna say it. Maybe your operation's been hacked. You know, Metatron's got somebody on the inside." Dean says.

"I was sure everyone here was loyal. Finally united by a common cause." Cas says.

"Well, that's the problem. See, you don't think anybody's lying. I think everybody's lying. It's a gift." Dean says.

"No, it's just the trust issues kicking in." Ophelia mutters, picking at her nail polish. Dean flicks her in the head. "Ow!"

"Let's do some nosin' around." Dean tells his brother and he walks out.

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