054. sam's sick

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Libby follows Larissa into the kitchen.

"Is daddy still asleep?" Libby asks.

"Yep." Larissa nods. Libby huffs, pouting. "What's up?"

"I wanted him to French braid my hair." She pouts.

"I can do it." Larissa offers.

"Uh... I'll pass." Libby gives her a small smile.

"Why? What's wrong with me?" Larissa asks.

"Nothing, really. It-- daddy's just, uh... gentler. You like to yank." Libby says.

"I do not yank." Larissa argues.

"Of course not." Libby plasters on a smile. "I'll just do something myself." She rushes out.

"Wh--" Larissa frowns. "I do not yank."

~ ~ ~

Libby quietly walks into Sam and Larissa's room. She creeps over to the bed, looking at Sam still deep asleep, his hair all over the place.

Libby puts her second favorite stuffed animal -- a dog that Natalie got her when she was born -- and puts it next to Sam. She gently pats his head and kisses him on the cheek.

"Love you." Libby whispers before quietly leaving.


Dean and Ophelia get back from the store and greet the others as they put groceries down. Dean puts two six pack of beers down and grabs one, opening it.

Libby frowns when she feels a small hand on her shoulder and she looks over, Athena leaning over from her mom's lap and touching Libby's arm.

"It's touching me." Libby grimaces.

"Libby, she just wants some love." Larissa says.

"Ugh." Libby scoots her chair away, ignoring Athena's babbles. Larissa quietly sighs, not sure whether she should actually be amused or not.

"She just senses that you're actually a good person. The more you ignore her, the harder she'll probably try to get your attention." Natalie says.

"Sure you don't wanna hold her?" Larissa asks.

"I'd rather vomit." Libby says, focusing on her coloring book.

They look over and see Sam walking in, his hair a mess and he looks groggy despite sleeping for so long.

"Y-- man, I'm telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers, and..." Dean says.

Athena lets out a loud noise, smiling when she recognizes her father.

"Oh, shut up." Sam tells his brother. "Uh, what time did I lay down?"

"You took a siesta around noon. Yesterday." Dean says. He grabs a beer and tosses it to Sam, but the younger one fails to catch it, the bottle crashing to the floor.

"I'm sorry. I, uh..." Sam says.

"That's why we don't have nice things, Sam." Dean says as Sam stumbles.

"You okay?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah, I'm-- I'm fine. I just--" Sam leans against the table. "Uh, you know what, I'm gonna get dressed. We should go find Kevin."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Easy, Sleeping Beauty. Look, man, I've hacked into every security camera around Garth's houseboat, Kevin's hometown, where Ms. Tran lived..."


"Well, nothing so far."

"Dean, we have to find him."

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