041. purgatory

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Ophelia doesn't know how long they've been in Purgatory, but it's definitely longer than any of them would like.

They still haven't been able to find Cas and spend most of their time looking for him, next to fighting and killing monsters they come across.

They're currently chasing a vampire. They came to a halt, listening for anything. They hear rustling, their heads shooting in the direction it came from.

Dean takes off in that direction, Ophelia and Jacob following him. Jacob stays last that way nothing can sneak up on Ophelia.

Ophelia stands a few feet back as Dean stands behind the vampire. The vamp turns and Dean attacks him, the two fighting. Dean pins the vamp against a tree with the machete to his throat. The vamp bares his fangs.

"Take a breath. Calm down." Dean says. The vamp pants, out of breath from running, his fangs disappearing. "Where's the angel?"

"You're him." The vamp smirks. "The human. And the other humans." He manages to glance over at Ophelia and Jacob.

"Where's the angel?" Dean harshly repeats his question.

"I don't know." The vamp states. Dean hums, a smirk gracing his face. He loses the smirk, stabbing the blade into the vamp's arm making him scream and snarl.

Dean picks up his handmade weapon and beheads the vamp. Suddenly, Dean is attacked and thrown to the ground, a vampire holding him down.

"Shit!" Jacob exclaims.

Ophelia throws her hands out, sending the vamp flying a few feet away. Before she can focus enough to kill him, a weapon slams down, beheading him.

Ophelia's eyes widen at the man who is staring down at the dead vamp. Dean gets his weapon and stands up, walking so he's standing in front of Ophelia as Jacob yanks Ophelia towards him, wrapping his arm around her. The vamp who killed the other one bares his fangs for a moment before they descend back into his gums.

"What? No thanks for helping y'all out?" The vamp asks.

"Sure. I won't shove this up your ass." Dean says, holding his weapon.

"Awful strange way to punch your meal ticket, friend." The vamp says. Him and Dean circle each other while Jacob holds Ophelia back. "I got something you guys need."

"Yeah, what's that?" Dean asks.

"A way out." The vamp says making Dean chuckle.

"Even a dental apocalypse like you knows there's no such thing." Dean says.

"There is if you're human." The vamp says. "God has made it so. At least, that's the rumor."

"Bullshit." Dean says.

"Suit yourself. Maybe you've gone native. Maybe you like being man meat for every Tom, Dick, and Harry." He chuckles as they stop walking, still standing across from each other. "Bet you don't like it for your little girl, though."

"Prove it." Dean says.

"Nah. You're either in or you're out."

"So you just want to guide me, him, and my daughter out of Purgatory out of the goodness of your undead heart?"

"More or less."

"What's in it for you?"

"I'm hopping a ride."


"It's a human portal, jackass. Only humans can pass through. I show you the door, you hump my soul to the other side."

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