074. vampiric stockholm syndrome

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They pull up to a police station, parking next to Jody's police cruiser.

"Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, she's a cop?" Billy asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"You do realize we're technically missing, right?" Billy asks, motioning between him and Daphne.

"Well, Sam and I are wanted criminals. Don't worry, she's not gonna ship you guys off." Dean assures.

"Yeah, dead wanted criminals." Billy says.

"Got a point." Larissa says.

"You're both gonna be fine. She's our friend." Dean says, everybody but the two siblings getting out of the Impala.

"You guys are a sight." Jody smiles, hugging Natalie and then Jacob.

"Come on." Daphne opens the door, sliding out. "Billy. It's rude." She says, her puppy dog eyes showing.

"Whatever." Billy rolls his eyes, following her out of the car.

"Oh, are these the two new kids?" Jody asks.

"Yes. Um, Jody, this is Daphne and Billy. Guys, this is Sheriff Jody Mills." Sam introduces.

"Hi." Daphne waves and smiles while Billy gives her a nod in greeting.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Jody kindly smiles at them.

"So, what you got for us?" Dean asks.

Jody looks around before opening the trunk of her car to reveal a dead vampire with its head resting next to it.

"Oh, my God!" Daphne yells. Sam's eyes widen, slapping his hand over her mouth, though his large hand covers half of her face. Jody lowers the lid of the trunk a bit, making sure nobody comes outside.

"Hey, hey, shh." Sam gently tells Daphne. "Face that way." Sam grabs her shoulders and turns her so she's facing away from the police cruiser. He gently ushers her a few steps forward to create some distance.

"I'm gonna be sick." Daphne mutters.

"Well, guess we know she isn't cut out for this lifestyle." Dean mumbles.

Billy walks over to Daphne and stands in front of her, noticing the freaked out look in her eyes and she has her hand over her mouth as if to prevent any vomit from escaping.

Billy holds both of his hands out with his palms facing the ground. Daphne looks up at him questioningly.

"C'mon. I'm gonna prove you still can't beat me." Billy cockily grins.

"It's only because your hands are bigger. Gives you an unfair advantage." Daphne mumbles as she places her hands under his with her palms facing up.

"Right... or it's just because you suck." Billy counters.

Daphne rolls her eyes and quickly tries to slap the back of Billy's hands, but he dodges her hit. She pouts as he laughs.

Jody opens the trunk again and Sam looks around, making sure nobody's there. He leans down and presses his finger to the gum, a fang extracting.

"Yeah, uh, that's a vamp, all right." Sam says.

"I don't know, Sammy. Looks like Jody might not need our help anymore." Dean says.

"Oh, they grow up too fast." Sam says.

"Don't they?" Dean asks.

"So bittersweet." Natalie puts her hand over her heart.

"Yeah, joke all you want. There's more where this came from." Jody says.

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