018. superman

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Sam, Natalie, Jacob, Larissa, and Bobby are in the older man's living room and have a demon tied to a chair under the devil's trap that's on the ceiling. The twins and Libby are upstairs and Ophelia is outside.

Ophelia keeps whatever distance she can from Libby and practically everybody else. Even with Natalie and Sam trying to get through her walls, she still continues to block them out. She can feel they're worried about her which makes her feel even guiltier. Jacob, Larissa, and Bobby are also concerned but keep their distance, though Jacob makes sure to still take care of her in small ways like getting her food, even if she doesn't eat, and putting lavender oil in a humidifier to help her fall asleep.

She attempted to open up to Dean, but she can feel his anxiousness whenever she brings her exploding the vampire up. The avoidance seems to go a two way street with them.

Libby avoids Ophelia as much as possible, basically ignoring her older cousin's existence. Sam tried to explain to Libby that Ophelia would never hurt any of them and that she didn't even know she would be able to explode anything. Though Libby is too traumatized from the whole situation in general to listen to anything.

"I got to tell you, Redd... for a filthy, lower than snake spit Hellspawn, you seem to have turned yourself into a damn fine hunter. I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you." Bobby says.

"Oh, please, kill me." Redd says. "If anybody's gonna kiss me, let it be one of the hot chicks." Larissa and Natalie both roll their eyes.

"That was you that dug out that nest of vamps back in Swan Valley, wasn't it?" Bobby asks.

"That was nice work." Sam says.

"Eight of 'em in one go, roped and tied." Redd says.

"And then you brought them to Crowley, right?" Bobby asks.

"Read the papers, redneck. The king is dead." Redd says. Bobby chuckles and splashes holy water onto Redd who groans in pain.

"Crowley's alive. You prove it just by being, you poor, dumb jackass. Crowley's alive. His nets are still out. Except now he's using you schmucks to hunt his monsters." Bobby says.

"Up yours." Redd says.

Bobby turns to Sam with his hand out. Sam gives Bobby Ruby's knife. Dean walks in and nods to Sam, the two going into the kitchen.

"Redd... where's Crowley?" Bobby asks, but Redd doesn't answer. "No? Nothing? Oh, okay, then. Here, hang on to this for a bit." Bobby stabs Redd in the leg with the knife making him scream in pain. The others go into the kitchen.

"What's the hubbub?" Bobby asks.

"I saw Cas. He popped in on me about two hours back." Dean informs.

"What'd you tell him?" Bobby asks.

"Nothing, all right? Told him we were on some shitty monster hunt. He doesn't know that we're getting close to Crowley. You know, he's our friend... and we are lying to him through our teeth." Dean says.

"Dean--" Sam tries.

"So he burned the wrong bones. So Crowley tricked him." Dean reasons.

"He's an angel." Bobby says.

"He is the Balki Bartokomous of Heaven. He can make a mistake." Dean says.

"Nobody's saying nothing yet." Bobby says.

"You think that Cas is with Crowley. Crowley?" Dean asks.

"Look, I'm just saying I don't know. Now, look, I hate myself for even thinking it. But I don't know." Bobby says.

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