066. hunter werewolf

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"Afternoon." Sam greets the receptionist, showing his badge. "We're looking for a John Doe that was admitted here a few days ago. He's a, uh... skinny... Ichabod Crane looking kind of guy."

"I know just who you mean. Room 113, agents." The receptionist says.

"Thank you." Larissa politely smiles.

"Sure is a popular fella." She comments to herself. The four share confused looks before going to Garth's room.

When they get in, they find Dean there. Natalie quietly groans, rolling her eyes.

"Saw Garth's John Doe on the police wire." Sam says after a little bit. "You?" He asks Dean.

"Yeah. Where you bunch comin' from?" Dean asks.

"New Mexico." Sam says.

"Well, that's a haul. Especially considering that I got this, uh... pretty much covered, so if you want to..." Dean clicks his tongue and motions to the door.

"You spoken to him yet?" Sam asks.

"No. Assload of painkillers. He's been out since I got here." Dean says.

"What's he being charged with?" Sam asks, noticing the handcuff on Garth's wrist.

"Killing a cow." Dean informs.

"Why?" Sam asks.

"I was about to see if I could find out. Lock the door." Dean says. Jacob looks confused, but being the closest, he locks the door. The four watch Dean pull a large syringe out.

"Whoa. Hey. What is that? Adrenaline?" Sam asks.

"Yes, sir." Dean says.

"Are you fucking insane?" Larissa asks. "That could kill him."

"I want some answers. He walked out on Kevin. He walked out on us. So if you guys got a better idea..." Dean says.

"You're not gonna get answers if you murder the dude, Dean." Natalie states.

Sam sighs. He slaps Garth in the face making him shoot awake, screaming.

"Dude!" Larissa yells.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Dean? Nat? Rissa? Sam? Jacob?" Garth stops screaming. "What is this? A hospital. Wait. Am I in Heaven?"

"Not unless a super good memory for you takes place in a hospital." Larissa says.

"All right, take it easy, Garth. You're in Wisconsin." Dean says.

"You were hit by a car. Do you remember anything?" Sam asks.

"I, uh... vaguely." He goes to move his hand, but can't and notices the handcuffs. "What's with the hardware?"

"You tell us." Dean says as Sam frees Garth. "And while you're at it, why don't you give us the lowdown on why you went AWOL for the past six months? Only way we tracked you down is that you offed a cow."

"Offed a... what? I-I-- I was on a hunt." Garth says.

"Hunt for what?" Sam asks.

"I-- oh, no. Oh, get back. Ohh. Oh, God." He quickly rips all the wires and IV off, jumping out of bed and racing to the bathroom. Larissa shuts her eyes to prevent herself from seeing anything.

"Oh!" Natalie turns her back, shutting her eyes. "I didn't need to see him like that." She feels a hand gently pat her head and the person kisses her temple, the woman recognizing her husband.

They can hear Garth start to puke.

"Good thing I didn't give him the adrenaline." Dean says making Larissa roll her eyes.

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