067. spa treatment

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"Hey." Ophelia turns at her dad's voice, finding him in the doorway. "We're going on a case. You and the little ones are staying back."

"Yep." Ophelia mumbles, focusing on painting her nails.

"You okay with that?" Dean asks.

"Would it matter?" Ophelia asks. "Been doing it since I was 5."

"Right." Dean mutters. "Look, O, I--"

"Just go kill the monster. I'm fine." Ophelia says.

"Okay." Dean quietly says. He hesitates but does leave.


The five adults are at the police station in town for a case that Dean found.

"Thanks for your patience, agents. Coroner's report finally came in." Sheriff Donna Hanscum walks up to them.

"All right, thank you." Sam says, taking the file. "All right, let's see. Did Wayne McNut really weigh 300 pounds just moments before time of death?"

"316 to be exact." Donna says.

"And the official cause of death?" Sam asks.

"Cardiac arrest. But between you and me, that's just a guess. The vic suffered massive organ damage." Donna says. "Here you go, Jenny." She hands a woman at a desk a file. "Ruptured spleen, pierced liver, collapsed lung. Looked like everything was just sucked right out of him."

"Like he'd been hoovered?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, you know, I got to be honest, fellas, miss." Donna takes a powdered donut and offers them one. Dean, Jacob, and Larissa both walk over. "We're stumped. This type of thing just doesn't happen in Stillwater."

Donna takes a big bite out of her donut, getting powder on her mouth and tie.

"Now, did Wayne have any enemies?" Sam asks.

"Hmm. More like an unfriendly rivalry." Donna says. Larissa takes a bite out of her donut, white powder getting on her mouth and the tip of her nose. Dean eats his donut, powder covering his face and mouth as well, the same happening to Jacob when he takes a bite of his donut.

"A guy named "Slim Jim" Morgan. Like Wayne, he was pretty well known in the competitive eatin' circuit." Donna says.

Sam looks up, noticing the powder on Dean, Jacob, and Larissa's faces. He tries to subtly motion for them to wipe their faces. Dean wipes the side of his mouth, not getting any of the powder off. Jacob licks his lips, but doesn't get any of the powder off his face.

Larissa isn't even paying attention to her husband, taking another bite of her donut, only getting more powder on her face. Sam isn't sure whether he wants to grimace or smile at her.

"Competitive eating circuit?" Sam returns his attention to the case. "Is that a big thing out here?"

"Oh, yeah. You betcha. Folks take it real seriously -- train for months. Eat all sorts of wackadoo stuff, you know, like, uh... baked beans, buff wings, butter."

"Butter?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Sometimes deep fried." Donna says and Dean hums, taking another bite of his donut, getting more powder on him.

"This year alone, Wayne won the Butter Bowl, the Wing Ding, and Shrimptasia. Anyhoo, point being, Wayne McNut was the only one Slim Jim couldn't beat in the whole Great Lakes region." Donna explains.

"So is he a suspect?" Dean asks.

"We checked him out, but Slim Jim was in the Hot Doggery at the time of Wayne's death, and we got 15 witnesses to prove it." Donna says.

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