058. lie or leave

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Larissa walks into Sam's hospital room, hitting the end button on her phone.

"Kevin and Ophelia still aren't answering." Larissa says.

"You guys should go." Dean quietly says after a few moments.

"What?" Larissa asks, sharing confused looks with Natalie and Jacob.

"You guys should go. Go-- go to the bunker. Make sure the kids and Kevin are okay. Make sure they're alive." Dean says.

"You realize one of those kids is yours, right?" Larissa asks. "Besides we can't just leave him." Larissa motions to Sam. "I can't just... I can't just leave him here without knowing if he's gonna-- if he's gonna di-- I can't." She says, tears welling in her eyes.

"He isn't gonna die." Dean assures. "I won't let him. I'll figure something out. You three go make sure the kids and Kev are okay."

"At least one of us can stay." Natalie argues.

"Your kids need you right now." Dean states, looking between the three. "They're little, they might be confused. Especially if something bad happened."

"But--" Larissa starts.

"I will call you guys with any updates. I promise." Dean says.

Larissa stares at Sam's unconscious form. She sighs and walks over to Sam. She gently kisses his cheek, brushing some hair behind his ear.

"Just come back to me, please." Larissa whispers. She wipes her eyes and looks at Dean. "You'll call me? For any sort of change -- good or bad?"

Dean nods.

Larissa walks out.

"Nat?" Jacob asks.

The brunette sighs, looking at Dean who motions for her to go.

"I'll be fine." Dean says. "I'll figure something out and I'll call you."

Natalie purses her lips as she decides. She huffs, getting up, and walking out, Jacob quickly following.

"Natty?" He calls.

"I'm fine." She mutters. "I don't want to talk about it."

Jacob doesn't push her, just deciding to reach for her hand and intertwine their fingers, gently squeezing.


The three get to the bunker and Larissa opens the door, walking in. The trio stop when an arrow flies and gets stuck in the railing of the stairs.

"What the fuck?" Larissa asks.

Kevin stands up from behind the barricade of books and a flipped over table he made and he's holding a crossbow. All five kids are behind the table with him and Ophelia and Libby stand up.

"Mommy! Daddy!" The twins cheer.

"Rissa? Nat? Jacob? You're alive! Oh, thank God. I thought I was gonna have to raise kids." Kevin heaves in relief.

"Oh, please. I'd have to raise them before you would." Ophelia retorts.

"Yeah, well, you're a shitty shot, Katniss." Larissa remarks, pulling the arrow out of the handrail. She jogs down the stairs.

The twins race to their parents who greet them. Natalie puts on her mom face, not showing any of her sadness or fear to the children.

"Hi, baby." Natalie picks Justin up. "Hi." She kisses him on the cheek.

"Hey, baby girl." Jacob picks Briar up, the girl immediately hugging him.

"Hey." Larissa hugs Libby. "You guys okay?"

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