024. leviathan winchesters

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"The two men and one woman, who up until today were presumed dead, locked the doors and opened fire, leaving no survivors. Sam, Natalie, and Dean Winchester are now the subjects of a manhunt throughout the state of California." The news reporter says as footage shows the siblings shooting people in a vault.

Bobby turns the TV off.

"Busy morning, you three?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure, between snack time and nap time. Which thank God they're still napping." Natalie says, glancing back at one of the beds, seeing the twins still asleep.

"Those sons of bitches xeroxed us." Dean says.

"But I don't understand how." Sam says.

"I don't know. Maybe one of them touched you at the hospital." Bobby suggests.

"It was the hair!" Chet shouts. "Not too hard to lift some DNA out of a motel shower drain, guys!"

"You can copy people like that?" Dean asks and Bobby shrugs. "Awesome. Well, what is their plan, exactly?"

"Squeeze us. Turn us into the most wanted people in America." Sam says.

"Again." Larissa quietly adds. Sam gives her a bitch face. "Hey, don't look at me, criminal." Sam rolls his eyes.

"All right. Well, that settles it. We find these ass monkeys, and we kill them ourselves." Dean says.

"Wait a sec. Every form of law enforcement in the country has seen your ugly mugs this morning." Bobby says.

"Exactly. So what's the point in trying to hide?" Dean asks.

"Better than sticking your fool neck out. These things are smarter than you." Bobby says.

"Geez, Bobby, don't sugarcoat it." Sam quips.

"Well, he's not wrong. I mean, Sammy, you're a nerd, but you're not monster smart, you know?" Larissa tells him.

"You don't have a clue how to kill 'em or slow 'em down and your plan is, what? Go right at 'em? Genius." Bobby remarks.

"They're wearing our faces, Bobby. This is personal." Dean says.

"Yeah, I'm with Dean here." Sam says.

"Agreed." Natalie says.

"Okay, well, you know what? They're gonna be the only ones with your faces after they fucking tear you guys apart." Jacob declares.

"Well, if you're gonna be stupid, you might as well be smart about it. You need to see a fella named Frank Devereaux." Bobby says.

"Who's he?" Sam asks.

"He's a jackass and a lunatic, but he owes me one from back in Port Huron." Bobby says. He gives Dean a piece of paper. "In the meantime, I'll keep working on Chatty Cathy here, see if I can figure out what makes him die."

"I'm going with you." Jacob states.

"Nope. No." Natalie denies.

"Oh, so what? Only you can put yourself in danger and at the risk of getting arrested?" Jacob asks.

"Exactly." Natalie nods. She pecks him on the lips. "I love you. I'll be fine." 


"What she said." Sam tells Larissa.

"Wha--" Sam kisses the corner of her mouth, rushing out of the cabin, his siblings following. "Did that giraffe just fucking bench me?"

"Welcome to the club." Jacob mutters.

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