045. the tooth fairy

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They still haven't found Kevin, but they did find out about Benny who Dean, Jacob, and Ophelia were with in Purgatory. It's the day after they find out and Sam, Larissa, and Libby are getting the family their food. Natalie and Jacob are leaning against their car which is parked next to the Impala. The twins and Ophelia are playing and Dean is leaning against the Impala.

"Heads up." Sam hands Dean his drink. Larissa gives Jacob and Natalie their stuff and the twins' stuff.

"I caught wind of a case on this police scanner. Sounds like our kind of thing." Dean informs.

"We weren't even gone ten minutes." Sam says.

"Okay. That matters why?" Dean asks.

"I don't know, Dean. How about because you haven't said a word to me since Prentiss Island? And now, what? You want me to shut up and ride shotgun and act like nothing happened?" Sam asks.

"You want to talk about Benny? Fine. Let's talk." Dean says.

"Ugh." Ophelia quietly groans, not in the mood for more fighting.

"Okay. How about he's a vampire?" Sam quietly questions.

"He's also the reason Jacob, Oph, and I are topside and not roasting on a spit in Purgatory. Anything else?" Dean asks.

"Don't pretend I don't get it. I know you had to do what you had to down there." Sam says.

"I highly doubt you get anything about Purgatory." Dean says.

"Okay, how about we don't weaponize each other's trauma?" Larissa suggests.

"But you're out now, and Benny's still breathing. Why?" Sam asks.

"He's my friend, Sam." Dean says.

"And what about my friend, Amy? She was what?" Sam asks. "Cause you sure as hell didn't have a problem ganking her."

"Well, I guess people change, don't they?" Dean asks. "We let that werewolf Kate go, didn't we?"

"She was different. She-- you think Benny's different? He tell you he's not drinking live blood or something? And you believe him. Wow. Okay. You know, you're right. People do change."

"Yeah. I got a vampire buddy, and you turn your phone off for a year."

"Don't turn this on me."

"Look, Benny slips up and some other hunter turns his lights out, so be it."

"But it's not gonna be you, right?"

"You coming or not?" Dean asks, getting in the car.

"This should be fun." Libby mumbles, taking a sip of her soda.


Jacob is driving and Natalie is in the passenger seat, the twins in the back. They both finished eating and the twins are both asleep.

"Look, I-- I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Benny." Jacob says. "I know that befriending monsters isn't always exactly the way to go, but-- I'm just sorry I didn't tell you. I-- since I don't talk about my time... there, he never really came up, you know? I mean, I-- I haven't been keeping in touch with him like Dean has either. I haven't talked to him since we got back."

"I'm not mad." Natalie says.

"You're not?" Jacob asks.

"No." Natalie shakes her head. "I know your time there wasn't easy and befriending a monster is the least of our worries. I mean, as long as your monster friend isn't manipulating you and ends up killing you, then it's cool. And you haven't talked about it, I haven't pushed. I know a thing or two about not wanting to talk about being somewhere scary for a while."

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