078. broken family

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"We've tried fucking everything." Jacob says, running his hand through his hair. "No demons will take a deal, no-- there's no spell, we don't know any witches, no faith healers, Cas can't resurrect people since the fall and even if he could, he's already weak. She's gone."

"Jacob, I'm sorry." Larissa frowns. She couldn't imagine what she'd be like if she lost Sam again. She hasn't lost him once since they've been together and it was already hard enough losing him when she repressed her romantic feelings for him.

Larissa hugs him, resting her head on top of his, trying to comfort the blonde who has always been there for her since childhood.

"I'm gonna go build a pyre." Jacob gets up and quickly leaves the bunker. Larissa quietly sighs, looking at Sam.

"Sammy?" She gently calls. "You okay?"

"If I can't help her, I need to help Dean." Sam says.

"You can't drive yourself crazy, Sam." Larissa says.

"No, I-- I need--" Sam huffs, running his hands through his hair.

"Sammy, you don't have to push everything down. Don't turn all of it into anger. Come on, she-- she's your sister. She was your twin."

"Larissa, shut up!" Sam snaps. Larissa backs down, quietly sighing.

"I'll go check on Athena." She quietly says, starting to walk out. Sam winces.

"Wait, no. No, baby. Baby." He gets up and grabs her arm, gently pulling her back to him. "Baby, baby. Babe." He puts his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just--" He sighs as he feels his eyes sting. "I can't lose both of them. I can't." He cries.

Larissa pulls him into her arms, Sam hiding his face in her shoulder as he starts to cry.

"I can't do it." Sam sobs.

"I know. I know, baby." Larissa whispers. "I got you. I'm right here."

~ ~ ~

After building a pyre for Natalie, Sam and Jacob put her wrapped body on it. Larissa is holding Athena and has one arm around Libby. Ophelia stands next to the them and the twins are standing by her. Billy and Daphne stand nearby, but still keep their distance, feeling awkward around the grieving family.

Jacob and Sam walk back and Jacob picks Justin up when he holds his arms out. Briar attaches herself to his leg, Jacob's hand resting on her head.

Sam lights the box of matches and stares at it for a moment. He tosses the matches onto the pyre, it soon being engulfed by flames.

Jacob's grip tightens on Justin and he strokes Briar's hair, feeling his eyes sting. Libby quietly sobs, turning to her dad who wraps his arms around her. He strokes her hair and pushes his own tears back. He looks over at the young blonde.

"Oph." Sam quietly calls, reaching one arm out. Ophelia considers before walking over and crashing into his side, Sam's arm tightly wrapping around her. Larissa leans her head against Sam's arm, attempting to comfort him.


Ophelia walks into the library, putting a sandwich next to Sam's laptop. It's been six weeks since Dean and Natalie's death and two weeks since they gave Natalie a hunter's funeral.

Sam has continued his restless search for Dean and Crowley, barely sleeping or eating. His right arm is now in a sling, having hurt it when dealing with a demon.

Libby's shut down, as usual. She rarely talks or eats or even comes out of her room. Ophelia has attempted to get her to take a walk outside or even through the bunker, but the young girl refuses to do anything.

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