034. dog killer

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"Okay, Libby, I-- I need to ask you something. And if you're not okay with it, you can tell me." Sam says as the two sit in the motel room.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as Ophi. She's a very violent sleeper." Libby states.

"I-- o-okay. That... that's not what I was gonna ask you at all." Sam says, frowning. "Violent sleeper?"

"She always kicks me and whacks me in the face. But she hits a lot harder when she's asleep." Libby pouts.

"Noted." Sam mumbles. "Uh... so, um... you, uh... you remember how I mentioned me marrying Lissy?"

"Yeah." Libby nods.

"Well, uh... I-- I did ask her. To marry me." Sam informs. He tries to gauge Libby's reaction, but she just blankly stares at him, waiting for him to continue. "I just... how do you feel about that?"

"Does it matter how I feel?" Libby asks.

"It always matters how you feel, honey." Sam says. "Would you be okay if we got married? I know you-- you have these really complicated emotions with the whole mom/step mom thing, but... but we can work on those. And Larissa would never try to overstep any boundaries. She-- it's not like she's gonna make you call her 'mom' or anything. Nothing would really change."

"Right." Libby mumbles. "Can I just think about it?"

"I-- yeah. Yeah, sure." Sam nods.

Libby gets up and walks out, leaving Sam alone. Libby goes into the other motel room where everybody else is, having been informed of Sam wanting to be alone to talk to Libby.

"Hey, Beth." Larissa greets.

"Hi." She mumbles, not paying her much attention. "I need you." She grabs Ophelia's hand, dragging her out of the room.

"Oh. I-- my milkshake." Ophelia pouts, but lets her cousin drag her out, shutting the door on the way out.

"Must've gone super well." Jacob quietly quips. Natalie smacks him in the arm.

~ ~ ~

Libby and Ophelia are sitting on the swings at a park that's down the block from the motel.

"What's the big deal if Uncle Sammy and Larissa get married?" Ophelia asks. "It's like he said. Not much would change. They'd just call each other husband and wife instead of girlfriend and boyfriend. They might wear rings. I mean, she's already been responsible for you plenty, given soulless and demon blood years. Really nothing would change."

"But what about my mommy?" Libby asks.

"She's not here." Ophelia says. "Besides, I... I think she'd want Sam to be happy. And if Larissa makes him happy, I'm sure your mom's okay with this."

"Are you positive you can't speak to dead people?" Libby asks.

"Not one of my powers." Ophelia states.

"But what if they get married and have their own kids and just forget about me?" Libby frowns.

"They can't forget about you. You're practically glued to your dad's leg. It'd be hard to get rid of you." Ophelia scoffs. She quietly sighs when Libby doesn't take the joke, the younger girl's emotions all over the place making Ophelia frown.

"Look..." Ophelia gets up and sits in front of Libby's swing, looking up at the nine year old. "Uncle Sammy and Larissa would never forget about you. They both love you a lot. Trust me. I can feel it. Your dad especially loves you more than anything. And if or when they do have more kids and give you little annoying half-sibling babies... that I'll have to babysit." She grimaces. "Shit." She mutters.

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