073. trapping gadreel

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"Yeah. All right. Thanks, Carlos. Listen, you, uh, if you catch wind of any other demon activity, give me a holler, all right? Appreciate it." Sam hangs his phone up. "Hey." He greets as Dean walks in.

"Anything?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. A dozen demon related cases, people without souls acting out, but..."

"But no sign of Abaddon." Dean says.

"Right. Looks like she's vanished." Sam says.

"Well, we just got to keep digging." Dean says.

"Right." Sam says. He notices Dean rubbing the mark. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's get to work." Dean says.

"All right." Sam says.


"Gadreel? Gadreel is working for Metatron? For how long?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Cas says.

"So, Metatron made Gadreel kill Kevin?" Dean asks.

"It would explain a lot, and there have been no new prophets, which Metatron could have fixed to his advantage." Cas says.

"And Gadreel said that angels are returning to Heaven? How? I  thought that the spell was irreversible." Dean says.

"That's what Crowley said. Look, let's just find Gadreel and... and beat some answers out of him." Sam says.

"Yeah, here's something to start with that. Uh... hold on, I'm, uh... sending you a photo of the symbol that drew all the angels in." Cas says.

Sam gets on his laptop.

"Okay. Got it." He says.

"It's acting as some kind of angel siren. I  think it's a spell. The ingredients used to create it were very odd. Griffin feathers, bones of a fairy. I've never seen it before." Cas says.

"Yeah. Me neither.. All right. Let me see what I can find." Sam says.

""Honor bar." What's honorable about a miniature bar in a motel room?" Cas questions.

"Everything." Dean says.

"How are you, Dean?" Cas asks.

"I'm fine, Cas. How 'bout you?" Dean asks.

"I miss my wings. Life on the road... smells." Cas says.

"Ha!" Larissa lets out. "Try doing it with three dudes. And three babies."

"You're married to one of those dudes." Sam says.

"Yeah. Doesn't mean you don't make me wanna lose my sense of smell sometimes." Larissa says.

"Listen, I got a match, and it's not from the lore, it's from police records." Sam says. "Looks like that symbol you found was spotted at a handful of crime scenes the last couple days, all multiple homicides."

"And where were these crime scenes?" Cas asks.

"Uh, Utah... Baker, Hill Valley." Sam says.

"And I'm in Bishop's Falls, Utah." Cas says.

"Also looks like most of the crime scenes were in industrial areas." Sam says.

"Looks like Gadreel is heading north." Cas says.

"What's the next big town?" Dean asks.

"There are two. It could be Auburn or Ogden." Cas says.

"All right, you take Auburn, we'll take Ogden... meet in the middle." Dean says and they hang up. "Didn't we work a case in Ogden?"

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