059. health freak

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The girls walk into the main room of the bunker where Sam and Dean are sitting.

"I mean, you know, Cas is human now." Sam says. "It's gonna take him a lot longer to travel."

"I'm gonna get whiplash." Dean mutters.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Whiplash?" Ophelia frowns in confusion.

"Nothing." Dean says. He glances at Ophelia who is giving him a suspicious look. "Um, all right, so, I was thinking that if the angels are organizing, then that makes them a lot more dangerous than we thought." He says, changing the subject before Ophelia can catch onto anything.

"Why do you think they're organizing?" Sam asks.

"It makes sense." Dean says. "My point is, is that the more of them that are after Cas, the worse it is, so... we gotta find him."


The four Winchesters are walking out of a convenience store. Dean is carrying the bag of food and Sam is holding a container of pie.

"Look at these chemicals. Do you even read the label?" Sam asks and Dean snatches it from him.

"No. I read "pie." The rest is just blah, blah, blah." Dean says.

"Sammy, don't be a buzzkill." Ophelia groans.

"You are not getting any of that." Sam tells Libby.

"Wha-- but it's pie." She whines.

"Unhealthy. Disgusting." Sam says.

"It's my body. If I'm allowed to control who touches it, I should be allowed to control what goes in it." Libby states.

"She's got a point." Larissa says.

"She's ten. Deciding what she eats isn't entirely up to her. If we did that method with Athena, she'd be eating rocks every day." Sam says. "And all Libby would eat is pie, chocolate milk, soda, and spaghetti."

"I don't see any problems with that." Libby says.

"Your body will." Sam says.

"Alright, alright, alright. Argue with the child later, health freak." Dean says. "Listen, when we hit Detroit, we start with the homeless shelters." Dean says.

"Right, then go to the encampments, soup kitchens." Sam says.

"Check out places that he might have gone looking for work." Dean says.

"Yeah, and I can-- I can check for vagrancy arrests." Sam says, grabbing Libby's hand.

"Yeah, and, you know..." Dean mimes a head exploding. "Odd deaths."

They round a corner, quickly hiding. The brothers make the girls stay back as Sam and Dean go back to the person that was following them. Larissa stays back with the girls. The brothers pin him to the wall, holding an angel blade and the demon killing knife against the guy's throat.

"Who are you?!" Sam questions.

"Why are you trailing us?" Dean asks.


They interrogated the reaper and then killed him. It's daytime now and Dean pulls into a parking lot. Ophelia, Libby, and Athena are all asleep.

"What's up?" Sam asks.

"We've been chasing our tails all night. No Cas. "What's up?" I'm fried. I think it's time for plan B." Dean says.

"I'm not following." Sam says.

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