076. little sisters

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Larissa and Sam are asleep in bed. Larissa cuddled into Sam's side, one of his arms around her.

Loud rock music blares making both of them jump awake and Sam pulls a gun out from underneath his pillow, aiming it at the intruder.

Larissa groans when she finds Dean.

"Ugh! I'm gonna fucking kill you." Larissa groans.

"Nice reflexes. Better hair." Dean comments, ignoring Larissa's complaint.

"What's wrong with you? I could have shot you." Sam says, checking his watch. "Why aren't you sleeping? We got in, like, two hours ago."

"Not tired." Dean says.

"Psycho." Larissa mumbles.

"And we got work to do, so put on your dancing shoes, and let's boogie." Dean says, walking out.

"I ain't doing shit unless I get to kill that motherfucker." Larissa mutters, already falling back asleep.

Sam groans, wanting to go back to sleep, but knows Dean will just come back in and bug him again. He kisses Larissa on the head, wrapping his arm around her.

"Your brother's a psycho." Larissa mumbles.

"I know." Sam sighs, gently kissing her head and face multiple times. He starts to pull away.

"Noooo." Larissa whines.

"Mm. I have to. He's just gonna come back in and if I don't." Sam says, huffing.

"I hate him." Larissa mumbles.

"I know." Sam kisses her on the head before reluctantly getting out of bed.

~ ~ ~

Natalie, Sam, and Jacob walk into the library.

"What do you want, jackass?" Natalie asks, still half asleep.

"All right. What's up?" Sam asks.

"I called Cas. He said there's something going down in Missouri." Dean says.

"What kind of something?" Sam asks.

"He said he couldn't talk about it over the phone." Dean says.

"Why?" Sam asks.

"Because he is a weird guy, okay? He's a weird, dorky, little guy." Dean says. "But he happens to have an army of angels behind him, and, even though I hate to say it, if we're gonna take a shot at Metatron, they might be useful."

Dean goes to put the first blade in his bag.

"Well, do you think we need the first blade?" Sam asks making Dean stop. "Why don't we just leave that here?"

"We talked about this, and we decided that--"

"No." Sam cuts his brother off. "In all fairness, we didn't decide. You did."

"Okay, I decided that a hockey stick that can kill anything might come in handy, so sue me." Dean says.

"How many times have we been around this block? Magic that powerful comes at a price, and right now we don't know what that price is." Sam says.

"I'm fine. I'm fan-fuckin'-tastic." Dean states.

"And I'm glad, honestly. I'm not saying we bury that thing. I'm saying we just save it for when we really need it. Crowley, Metatron, the big boss fights. You don't have to have it with you all the time, right? I mean, just leave it. Please."

Natalie glances between Dean and the blade. She goes to grab it, but Dean's hand grabs her wrist, yanking it away. Natalie tries to get her wrist out of his grip, but it only seems to tighten while he stares at the blade.

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